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Rigging Manual
AERO-20A / AERO-20.120A
El colgado del equipo sólo debe realizarse
utilizando los herrajes de colgado
recomendados y por personal cualificado.
No cuelgue la caja de las asas.
The appliance should be flown only from
the rigging points and by qualified
personnel. Do not suspend the box from
the handles.


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for D.A.S. Aero 2 Series

  • Page 1 Rigging Manual AERO-20A / AERO-20.120A El colgado del equipo sólo debe realizarse utilizando los herrajes de colgado recomendados y por personal cualificado. No cuelgue la caja de las asas. The appliance should be flown only from the rigging points and by qualified personnel.
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

  • Page 3: Rigging System: Warnings

    RIGGING SYSTEM It is common practice to apply 5:1 safety factors for enclosures and static elements. slings elements exposed to material fatigue due to friction and load variation the following ratios must be met; 5:1 for steel clable slings; Warning 4:1 for steel chain slings and 7:1 for polyester slings.
  • Page 4: Units Mounting On A Pl-20S

    4 UNITS MOUNTING ON A PL-20S The groups of 3 or 4 units are easy to transport by truck as we will see in this section. We will also see the preparation. If we look at the PL-20S, we will see the two security pins on the sides (see figure). These pins allow to hold the first enclosure to the platform.
  • Page 5 Lift the enclosure by the handles and sit it gently over the platform. Remove the security pins and hold the enclosure with them. Check that the four security pins are well positioned. Rear security pins: REAR LINK Front security pin Front security pin Final mounting of one enclosure on a PL-20S platform.
  • Page 6 Move the front folded rod Click ! Lets add another enclosure over the previous. We need to look at the side controls of the enclosure and act on them like in the figure. We push up the front rods (as seen in the figure), we will deploy them and we will lock them into position.
  • Page 7 Side handle Now we unlock the angle in the second box, before leaning it on the first (in this configuration the rear trigger is hidden). To do this we will move the handles on the sides of the box up to the end where you will hear a click.
  • Page 8 Once the second enclosure is supported by the first and the front safety pins are positioned, we will choose 7º (which is the maximum possible for this model), with the angle selector and we will put the rear safety pins on the first enclosure (two on each side of the enclosures): put pins in REAR LINK holes of second enclosure and others, in the holes corresponding to 7º...
  • Page 9 Now we should unlock the angle in the third enclosure to place it on the second (in this configuration the rear trigger is hidden, as seen on page 7). To do this we will move the handles on the sides of the enclosure up to the end where you will hear a click.
  • Page 10 Now we should unlock the angle in the fourth enclosure to place it on the third (in this configuration the rear trigger is hidden, as seen on page 7). To do this we will move the handles on the sides of the enclosure up to the end where you will hear a click.
  • Page 11: Array Mounting With Groups Of 4 Units On A Pl-20S

    ARRAY MOUNTING WITH GROUPS OF 4 UNITS ON A PL-20S The groups of 3 or 4 units are easy to Rods transport by truck. Lets see in this section how to mount an array with groups of four units. Firstly, we will mount the AX-AE20 onto the top enclosure of the first group of four units.
  • Page 12 With the help of the Ease Focus software we can determinate which point is the correct one to join the side pieces with the crossbar of the AX-AE20, called PICKUP-AX-AE20, and with the help of the security pins, as shown in figures. If we use two lift motors, we will use a second PICKUP-AX-AE20 which joins through the same way AX-AE20...
  • Page 13 Proceed to assign the angles to each enclosure. Note that the angle for the first enclosure is 0º (the security pin is positioned in the SELECT ANGLE hole for this angle). This is the right position for it. With the help of the Ease Focus software we will know the correct angle to each enclosure. This process is similar for all the enclosures.
  • Page 14 Now, we shall proceed to assign the angles between each pair of enclosures. Remember that the angle for the first enclosure is 0º (the security pin is positioned in the SELECT ANGLE hole for this angle). This is the right position for it. DETAIL Also remember that you have to do the same in the reciprocal sides of the same boxes (in the figures only one side is...
  • Page 15 Once that we have assigned the angle between the first pair of enclosures, acting on both sides of enclosures, we shall repeat the same process to select the angle between the second and third. And so on until the last. We shall reallocate the angles of the example so that they may be more usual angles, we are going to think of an array consisting of 8 enclosures.
  • Page 16 This figure shows the result when we lift the group. 0º 0,5º 1º 1,5º Manual de Colgado / aero series / Rigging Manual...
  • Page 17 Now, we shall proceed to assign the angles in the next group of 4 units, as before, with the same procedure we shall assign: Between fourth and fifth: 2º Between the fifth and sixth: 4º Between the sixth and seventh: 6º Between the seventh and eighth: 7º...
  • Page 18 Once the upper enclosure of the new group is joined, we will assign the angles of the other enclosures, following the instructions of the Ease Focus software. In this example: Between fourth and fifth: 2º Between fifth and sixth: 4º Between sixth and seventh: 6º...
  • Page 19 Here, the figures show final mounting for this example of a typical array with 8 units. 0º 0.5º 1º 1.5º 2º 4º 6º 7º Manual de Colgado / aero series / Rigging Manual...
  • Page 20: Array Disassembly In Groups Of 4 Units On A Pl-20S

    ARRAY DISASSEMBLY IN GROUPS OF 4 UNITS ON A PL-20S The groups of 4 units are easy to transport by truck as we shall see below. This section describes how to disassemble an array in groups of 4 units. First, we go down aligning the array with the platform PL-20S, as shown in the figures below. Manual de Colgado / aero series / Rigging Manual...
  • Page 21 Before supporting the array on the platform, it is important to unlock the angles of the corresponding boxes (see figure boxes No.2, No.3 and No.4, leaving the No.1 blocked), just as seen on page 7, so that the angles can fold, when we go down with the enclosures, onto the platform. Box No.4 Box No.4 Box No.3...
  • Page 22 Now, we shall give the two lateral pins of the platform a half turn as shown in the below figure (1). This will allow us to release the tray of the platform (2) and raise it. Align the front holes of the tray and the enclosure, and link them with two security pins (3).
  • Page 23 Now, we will continue going down the array, resting it on the platform. When the four lower boxes are resting, we shall proceed to remove the security pins, as shown in the following figures. 1.- We shall remove the security pins of the REAR LINK holes of the upper box.
  • Page 24: Combination With Aero-40A Array

    COMBINATION WITH AERO-40A ARRAY The AERO-20A and AERO-40A units can be combined to form an array. This type of mixed array requires an accessory, the AX-COMBO2040. In this section we will learn how to use it. AX-COMBO2040 WLL: 300 kg Place two pins on each side The AX-COMBO2040 should be mounted on the...
  • Page 25 As shown in the following figures, AERO-20A and AERO-40A enclosures joined by the AX-COMBO2040 accessory. Check that all security pins are located correctly because they will have to withstand the weight of all the enclosures. They are of different sizes and are placed in both sides of the accessory. PIN-8 PIN-8-C PIN-8...
  • Page 26 The result, when we lower the array of AERO- 40A onto an AERO-20A group and join them, we will have: The result is shown in the figure at the right. It will suffice with that we lift the array, remove the platform and secure the array to the correct height, complete...
  • Page 27: Stacking Systems

    STACKING SYSTEMS The PL-20S platform can help transport the units, but if used to stack systems, the array could be unstable, because the array’s angles can move the center of gravity. This is the reason why we don't recommend its use to stack systems. However, the PL-218CS doesn’t have this problem, so it is possible to use it for stacking systems and to transport them (maximum of 3 units of any version of LX-218CA).
  • Page 28 The AXS-AE20 accessory allows assigning angles to the enclosures easily, following the instructions (see the figures below). +3.5º -3.5º 0º The AXS-AE20 accessory in combination with the AXC-ZT accessory allows for system applications as shown in the lower figures. Warning: Don’t stack more units than recommended: MAX STACKED UNITS: 4 UNITS on AXS-AE20 Ÿ...
  • Page 29: Transporting

    TRANSPORTING This section describes aero unit transport recommendations We will start with two examples of configurations and we will recommend different ways of loading them inside a truck. Manual de Colgado / aero series / Rigging Manual...
  • Page 30 Manual de Colgado / aero series / Rigging Manual...
  • Page 31 Here is the second example: Manual de Colgado / aero series / Rigging Manual...
  • Page 32 Manual de Colgado / aero series / Rigging Manual...
  • Page 33: Annex I : Tools For Rigging Systems

    ANNEX I : Tools for rigging systems For best results when hanging aero series 2 systems, it is mandatory the use of Ease Focus 2 simulation software which can be downloaded for free from the support section of our website The download file contains the software and data files with gll files for acoustic systems.
  • Page 34: Annex Ii : Maximum Load Capacity For Ax-Ae20

    Maximum load capacity for AX-AE20 ANNEX II : AX-AE20 AX-AE20 modular flybar set is comprised of two side panels of steel and aluminum and a central crossbar (PICKUP-AX-AE20). The maximum load capacity is 20 units * (pick-up point dependent) with a 5:1 safety factor. For systems of 12 units or more, an additional bar should be added and the array will hang from two lift motors for greater security and control over the angle of the system at all times.
  • Page 35 For example, lets take a system of 16 AERO- 20A units. If we consult the panel lettering of the AX-AE20, we observe that 16 units can be flown when the vertical axis of the center of gravity is aligned with any of the 21 hanging positions.
  • Page 36: Annex Iii : Advice For Ease Focus 2 Use

    ANNEX III : Advice for EASE Focus 2 use It’s important to understand the signs of the system's total angles in the EASE Focus 2 software program. A cluster can be flown at different angles, depending on the number of cabinets, the angle between them and the pick-up point.
  • Page 37 Meaning of parameter DELTA EASE Focus 2: The delta parameter marks the angle NEEDED to reach the desired angle in our system (View [°]). This information is useful ONLY when the system is flown from a single POINT. Imagine a system of 8 units hanging 11 meters high. The desired angle is: View [°] -15°...
  • Page 38 DELTA parameter in EASE Focus 2 software and maximum angles: As seen before the DELTA parameter makes a difference (in excess or in lack of) between the desired angle and the obtained angle to hang the system from a single point. When we fly the system from TWO points, this parameter is very useful because we also determine the maximum angles with which we can install it.
  • Page 39 DAS Audio Group, S.L. DAS Audio of America, INC. DAS Audio Asia PTE. LTD. DAS do Brasil LTDA. C/. Islas Baleares, 24 6900 NW 52th Street 3 Temasek Avenue, Centennial Rua Dos Andradas, 382 SL 46988 Fuente del Jarro Miami, FL.

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