Using Sesto Senso With Third Party Softwares - PrimaLuceLab SESTO SENSO Manual

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P r i m a L u c e L a b i S r l
In the Stepper tab, the Backlash (steps) parameter indicates the number of
steps SENSO SENSO must use to compensate for the backlash of some focu-
sers, it's a very useful parameter, for example if you mount SENSO SENSO on
SchmidtCassegrain telescopes. Set Park Position parameter indicates the par-
king position of the focuser in steps, a parameter that should only be set if the
focuser has been manually moved, or if you want to restart the initial connec-
tion procedure. The value of the steps set in this parameter is communicated to
SESTO SENSO only if the Set button is pressed, otherwise the current position
remains the last active position. The Movement Locking parameter, if activated,
keeps the motor position locked even when the ASCOM driver is disconnected,
only the 12V power supply is active. This function is very useful if, for example,
in the observatory you park the telescope in a vertical position to avoid slippage.
NOTE: SESTO SENSO comes with both 32 and 64 bit version of ASCOM drivers. You have to choose the version based
on your Windows operative system and the third party software you want to use. For example, if you have Windows 64
bit we suggest 64 bit versions but some softwares, like MaximDL, request the use of 32 bit version ASCOM driver. If you
have problems connecting SESTO SENSO to your third party software, please install the other version of ASCOM driver.

Using SESTO SENSO with third party softwares

NOTE: before using SESTO SENSO with third party softwares, you have to
execute the configuration wizard in the SESTO SENSO software. Then please
disconnect SESTO SENSO from its software and start the third party software
you want to use. SESTO SENSO has not to be connected to its software.
SESTO SENSO can be used with third party softwares that supports ASCOM
drivers. Start the software you prefer and chose the focuser options, first select
the newly installed ASCOM driver: "ASCOM Driver for SestoSenso", and then
click on the proprieties button. If the driver is installed correctly, the SESTO
SENSO control box will open. By clicking on the last Communication tab, set the
communication port, in this case Port: COM4, the Speed of the port: 9600 and
the Timeout (sec) value: 3.
In Temperature tab you can find parante used to set automatic focus compensa-
tion based on temperature variations (this feature has to be supported by third
party software you use and the optional temperature probe is requested). Here
you can set these parameters, that you will set in order to fine tune the tempe-
rature compensation:
- Compensation parameter
- Hysteresis
- Reverse Movement
- Check interval
p a g e ! 1 5
S E S T O S E N S O u s e r m a n u a l


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