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Technical Details - Bastl Instruments Tea Kick Instructions


reso. djust
Take it Carefully

technical details

� 5HP
� 35mm deep (skiff friendly)
� current +12: <15mA, -12 <15mA
� PTC fuse and diode protected 16 pin power connector
� bass drum generator
� Tune knob for adjusting pitch
� CV input with attenuator for Tune
� resonance knob
� resonance range switch (low range limits the
circuit from self oscillation)
� click tune knob – adjusts pitch of click added to
the drum body
� click output jack – when plugged in it puts the
click out of the main output
� buffered output
� square wave output
� trigger input
� wtf input (acts something like band pass filter
but not really:)
� trimmer to adjust the resonance range
� handmade in Brno, Czech republic
Before connecting the ribbon cable to this module
disconnect your system from power !
Double check the polarity of the ribbon cable and
that it is not shifted in any direction. the red cable
should match the -12V rail both on the module and
on the bus board !
please make sure of the following
� you have a standard pinout eurorack bus board
� you have +12V and -12V rails on that bus board
� the power rails are not overloaded by current
Although we put protection circuits in the device,
we do not take any responsibility for damages
caused by wrong power supply connection.
After you connected everything, double-checked
it and closed your system, so no power lines can
be touched by hand, turn on your system and test
the module.
Beyond the drum
Tea kick can be either used as predictable drum circuit,
or it can go totally nuts as an experimental oscillator.
There are several ways how to route inputs and outputs
to generate feedback loops, to generate a signal.
However, there are also several ways you can try to
modify and filter a signal from another VCO. We highly
recommend to route any oscillator into the trigger
input. There is a lot to explore in here.

