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The Cancer Answer
Learn more about the cells of your body and their
relationship to cancer. In addition, learn about the
immune system of the body and its defense against
cancer. By Al Carter.
Price: Soft Cover $9.95
Order #: 800-B002
Cardio Bounce Home Workout DVD
Cardio Bounce is a safe, fun, and energetic
workout that uses a rebounder. This program
utilizes the features of the rebounder to provide
great powerful muscle conditioning segments
mixed with high energy cardio while keeping
your joints safe.
Price: $24.95
Order#: 600-V008
Health Bounces
One of the reasons most people exercise is for the "health of it."
Your health is your wealth. If you have your health you can go after
your wealth. If you loose your health, you will spend your wealth to re-
gain your health.
The health bounces on the rebounder are very gentle bounces
because the feet don't leave the mat. It is called the health bounce be-
cause of the physiological effect it has on the lymphatic system and the
veins of the cardiovascular system of the body. The lymphatic system
(sometimes known as the internal vacuum cleaner) is not connected to
the heart.
Lymph fluid inside the lymphatic system depends upon the mil-
lions of one-way valves for circulation. The up and down activity of the
gentle health bounce stimulates the opening and closing of the one-way
valves increasing the lymph flow from five to fifteen fold. This creates
suction at the millions of lymphatic terminals throughout the entire body.
"Lymphatic circulation is an absolutely essential function, without which
you would die within 24 hours," Medical Physiology, Arthur C. Guyton.
The health bounce is great for warm-up and cool-down exercises. It is
also used in vision therapy, physical therapy, rehabilitative settings, pre-
liminary exercise regimes and rebound education.
W a r n i n g ! P L E A S E R E A D O W N E R ' S M A N U A L
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