Software Reset; Watchdog Reset; Automatic User Switch Configuration Loading - Focal 922-MES User Manual

Managed ethernet switch
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8.4.4 Software Reset

The MES card supports soft resets to the diagnostics microcontroller (uC DIAG) and to the MES switch core for
a full system reset. These soft resets can be applied to the card via Telnet commands.
A uC DIAG soft reset will re-initialize the diagnostics microcontroller interface and peripherals.
An MES switch core soft reset will reset the MES switch. This system reset will re-initialize the MES operating
system and switch fabric and will also re-load the last saved EEPROM configuration. The system reset will cause
an Ethernet link disconnection on all ports of the MES and start a standard boot up sequence that lasts about
1.5 min.
1. Any software changes made to the MES not saved in EEPROM will revert back to the last saved state.
2. In the current diagnostics firmware version, an MES switch core reset (Telnet command: bp reboot)
must be followed by a uC DIAG soft reset (Telnet command: reset) 5 sec. (min.) to 10 sec. (max.)
later. Missing this time window will require a power cycle to the card to re-connect to diagnostics.

8.4.5 Watchdog Reset

The card has a built in watchdog timers which are used to trigger a uC DIAG watchdog reset in case of a
diagnostics lock up or to trigger a watchdog reset in case of an MES switch core operating system lock up.
Note: The exact timing parameters of the watchdog reset are beyond the scope of this document.

8.4.6 Automatic User Switch Configuration Loading

The card automatically loads its configuration from EEPROM. The EEPROM is configured at the factory for full
switching functionality. The user can modify most of the factory pre-defined values to accommodate specific
requirements and network topologies.
The initial user configuration of the card can be done via the Telnet interface or via the sample GUI, and changes
can be saved into the EEPROM such that on power up the MES switch core can load its configuration as defined
by the user.
Note that the user has to make sure that they save a valid switch configuration in the EEPROM. Failure
to do so may result in loss of connectivity to the card.
MES cards with uC DIAG firmware 922-1008-00 version ≥ 0xA3
Cards with diagnostics firmware version ≥0xA3 support saving card configuration changes to EEPROM via the
Telnet interface and also via Modbus. EEPROM changes made via Modbus require user confirmation after a
power cycle to take permanent effect, without user confirmation the card will return to the previous state after a
second power cycle. This behavior allows the user a second chance to confirm the full switch functionality of the
card before making them permanent and also allows the user to go back to a previous switch configuration state.
Extended User Switch Configuration
In cases where additional switch settings are needed, the diagnostics microcontroller (uC DIAG) allows the
end-user to automatically load extended switch and system configuration options from EEPROM. This
functionality can be enabled or disabled through the Telnet interface by sending a "scfg on" or "scfg off"
command. If this feature is enabled, then on power-up and after the uC DIAG is running and after the basic
switch configuration is loaded, the card will load the extended switch configuration from the EEPROM after ~40
seconds. By default this option is disabled.
Focal Technologies Corporation
A Moog Inc. Company
Model 922-MES – User Manual
Document No. 922-0662-00, Rev 1.0
Page 8-6


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