Configuration Options; Configuring Terminal Parameters - Digi PortServer CM User Manual

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Configuration Options

After assigning an IP address with the Discover utility, users can configure their PortServer CM in two
ways. The simplest way to configure most of the PortServer CM settings is to use a browser based utility
called the Web Management Interface. Chapter 7 contains information on how to access and use the Web
Management Interface. The other way to configure the PortServer CM is by modifying the configuration
files as explained below.

Configuring Terminal Parameters

Connect a personal computer or terminal to the PortServer CM using the console cable. If you are using a
personal computer, HyperTerminal can be used in the Windows operating system or Kermit in the UNIX
operating system. The terminal parameters should be set as follows:
Serial Speed: 9600 bps
Data Length: 8 bits
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1 stop bit
Flow Control: Hardware flow control or none
Ansi emulation
(Note: If your terminal does not have ansi emulation, select vt100; then, on the CM, log in as root and
switch to vt100 by typing "TERM=vt100;export TERM")
When the PortServer CM boots properly, you will see a series of messages displayed as the unit loads each
operating system component followed by a login banner. Log in as root and dbps as the password. The
PortServer CM runs Linux. A description of the Linux file system and basic commands is given in the
chapter on Linus Basics.

Configuration Options


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