CEMB N200 Use And Maintenance Instruction Manual

Vibrometer bearing analysis


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Vibration equipment division
se aNd maiNteNaNce iNstrUctioN maNUal
Via Risorgimento, 9
23826 MANDELLO del LARIO (Lc) Italy
*Translation of the original instructions


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for CEMB N200

  • Page 1 Vibration equipment division N200 ibrometer eariNg Nalysis se aNd maiNteNaNce iNstrUctioN maNUal CEMB S.p.A. www.cemb.com Via Risorgimento, 9 23826 MANDELLO del LARIO (Lc) Italy *Translation of the original instructions...
  • Page 3 5.2.2 of averageS ettinGS for SynchronouS meaSurementS only 5.3.1 ynchronouS filter width eaSurement reSultS 5.4.1 verall MeaSureMent 5.4.2 ynchronouS MeaSureMent dditional functionS 5.5.1 iSplaying MeaSureMentS froM the recordS acHometer mode eaSurement SettinGS otation velocity meaSurement N200 - V .1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Spectrum GraphS 8.13 n100 n300 ynchronouS viBration value meaSurement only for inStrumentS 8.14 n300 n600 alancinG data only for inStrumentS 8.15 eneration and printinG of certificateS reportS 8.16 eneratinG and printinG multiple meaSurement certificateS multi report N200 - V .1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 5 Appendix D nformation related to tHe creation of customised templates models for certificates Generated by cemb n-p ro software Appendix E ist of symbols used for tHe instrument Appendix F rrors indicated on tHe display N200 - V .1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 6 N200 - V .1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 7: G Eneral Description

    Vibration equipment division eneral description The N200 instrument and its accessories are supplied in a handy case. We recommend the instrument is returned to its case after every use to protect it from damage during transport. tandard accessories • N200 instrument complete with battery •...
  • Page 8: Onnections

    To extract the connector, press the terminal part (blue or yellow) and simultaneously pull the main body (grey), to release it. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— warninG! Void pullinG tHe connector witH force before releasinG it as described aboVe otHerwise tHere would be risk of damaGinG it ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 9: B Attery

    Vibration equipment division eset switcH In some special circumstances, CEMB customer service may advise you to reset the N200 instrument. To do this, press the button located on the lower part of the instrument using a small object with a rounded tip. It is purposely located in a difficult to access area to prevent it from being reset unintentionally. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— warninG! "e "...
  • Page 10: A Djustment And Calibration

    ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— djustment and calibration Before delivering the N200 instrument to the client, CEMB laboratories subject it to a complete adjustment, calibration and test procedure to guarantee it works correctly. eneral adVice Store and use the instrument away from sources of heat and considerably strong electromagnetic fields (high-power inver- ters and electric motors).
  • Page 11: G Eneral Layout

    The keyboard on the CEMB N200 instrument has a limited number of keys, enough to guarantee easy and intuitive use. ► ON / OFF button Press this button to switch the instrument on; hold it down for at least 3 seconds to switch it off , then release the button.
  • Page 12: S / S Top The Acquisition

    When selected, this function displays a table containing the amplitudes of the highest components of the signal, with the corresponding frequency listed beside each one. Up to five peak values are listed in descending order, irrespective of their frequency. If the signal measured is composed of a lower number of significant components, a lower number of peak values will be displayed. Press to exit this page and return to the vibrometer screen. N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 13 Selected by can be uSed to Scroll through the recordS quickly N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 14 > setting the instrument’s general operating parameters The data transfer function, identified by a relative screen, opens automatically when a USB cable is inserted into the port of the N200 instrument and that of a PC whilst the first screen is displayed. In this state the PC acts as master, while the N200 instrument acts as a simple slave, therefore pressing keys no longer has any effect. Once the data has been transferred to the PC (...
  • Page 15: Etup Mode

    • velocimeter • displacement two different sensitivity levels can be set, identified respectively by “1” and “2”. Therefore six different sensors can be defined: • ACC-1: accelerometer 1 (powered – IEPE type) • ACC-2: accelerometer 2 (powered – IEPE type) • VEL-1: velocimeter 1(not powered) • VEL-2: velocimeter 2(not powered) • DIS-1: displacement sensor 1 (not powered) • DIS-2: displacement sensor 2 (not powered) making it possible to use the same types of sensors but with different sensitivity levels. N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 16: Nits Of Measurement System

    To extend the duration of the battery before it needs recharging, the instrument turns off automatically after a preset amount of time (settable from 5 to 60 minutes) has passed since the last key was pressed. To use the instrument again, turn it on by pressing N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 17: V Ibrometer Mode

    DIS-1 : type 1 displacement sensor (not powered) • DIS-2 : type 2 displacement sensor (not powered) When required, the N200 instrument automatically supplies power to the sensors connected. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— warninG! o obtain a sufficiently accurate measurement must be correctly specified tHe sensor effectiVely connected ————————————————————————————————————————————————————...
  • Page 18: M Easurement

    2-200 Hz if the interest is limited to phenomena with relatively low frequencies • 5-500 Hz if the phenomenon also involves average frequencies • 10-1000 Hz to comply with the conditions set forth in the ISO 10816-1 standard (typical) N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 19: S Ettings For Synchronous Measurements Only

    If the two values are very similar, the vibration takes on an almost sinusoidal form. The measurement can be started and stopped by pressing N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 20: S Ynchronous Measurement

    (if they produce more than one impulse per acceptable value for the instrument turn they generate a false high speed) • if the velocity of the rotating body is effectively higher than the maximum acceptable value it must be reduced N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 21 Hand wHen positioninG tHe pHotocell it sHould be positioned in points in wHicH tHe is Visible witHout HaVinG to Get too close to tHe moVinG bodies ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 22: A Dditional Functions

    3. order K of the measured harmonic (compared to the rotation velocity) 4. synchronous filter width 5. amplitude of the vibration with units and measurements 6. vibration phase 7. frequency of the measured harmonic (equal to K times the rotation velocity). N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 23: T Achometer Mode

    • connect the photocell to the N200 instrument and position it at a distance of between 50 and 400 mm from the rotating body. Slowly turn the rotating body (if possible by hand, otherwise as slowly as possible) and check that the LED positio- ned on the back of the photocell only lights up once per turn, when the ray of light lights up the reference mark.
  • Page 24 (if they produce more than one impulse per acceptable value for the instrument turn they generate a false high speed) • if the velocity of the rotating body is effectively higher than the maximum acceptable value it must be reduced N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 25: Cba Cemb B Earing A Nalysis

    Any impact produce a signal at high frequency, connected to the natural bearing resonance. A correct way to measure bearing condition is the envelope of the acceleration signal acquired in a high frequency range. CEMB SpA develope this CBA function (CEMB BEARING ANALYSIS), measured in gE (acceleration g calculate with an envelope algorithm).
  • Page 26: Cemb N-P Ro Program ( Optional )

    • video resolution 1024x768 or better. nstallation of tHe software Installation of the CEMB N-Pro software must be carried out by launching the setup.exe program, contained in the CD-ROM, and then clicking on the key without changing any options. That way the software will be installed in the program directory.
  • Page 27: I Nstallation Of Drivers For

    Version 1.3.4 or earlier Do not connect the N instrument to the PC using the USB cable supplied until the CEMB N-Pro software has been correctly installed; after a few seconds the following message will appear: New hardware found USB <-> Serial in the Windows application bar (lower right hand corner).
  • Page 28: And Later Only

    When the program has been installed, the window “FTDIChip CDM Drivers” for USB driver installation is displayed. Click Extract: When done, the window “Welcome to the Device Driver Installation Wizard!” is automatically displayed. Click Next: If installation was successful, the following message is displayed: N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 29 This can be obtained by sending an e-mail to CEMB customer service Vibration Analysis division (www.cemb.com) specifying the subject: “CEMB N-Pro activation code” and specifying in the message your data and the serial number (S/N) as shown in the pop-up. CEMB customer service will reply by e-mail containing the corresponding activation code (AC).
  • Page 30: Se Of The Software

    The buttons on the function bar in the upper part of the page allow full access to all of the functions available in the CEMB N-Pro software. The data record contents are always visible on the left, subdivided into: • vibration measurements (overall, or synchronous) • balancing operations (only for N300 instrument) All of the remaining space is reserved for information related to the function enabled at that moment in time, as described in the following paragraphs.
  • Page 31: G Eneral Settings

    SecondS click on the drop down Menu again and Select efreSh the port that the inStruMent haS been connected to iS the one added to the liSt noted down previouSly ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 32: Eading Data From The Ata Records Imported From The

    After connecting the N instrument to the PC, checking and if necessary changing the USB port setting, the CEMB N-Pro software can be used to automatically read all of the measurements contained in the instrument’s records, by simply pres- sing .
  • Page 33: Eading Data From The

    The CEMB N-Pro software subdivides the data records on the PC into two sub-folders, one for vibration measurements (symbol ) and one for balancing data ( ), which the user is then free to manage as desired.
  • Page 34: Isplaying Data Present In The Records

    (zoom y) : the portion of the y axis to be enlarged can be selected by clicking on one point and moving the cursor vertically > (autoscale) : by clicking on the graph the extremes of the axes will automatically be set to the most suitable values, based on that displayed > (zoom in) : clicking in one point enlarges the zone around it > (zoom out) : clicking in one point displays a larger area around it. N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 35: S Ynchronous Vibration Value Measurement ( Only For N100 And N300 Instruments )

    1. amplitude of the synchronous vibration value 2. phase of the synchronous vibration value 3. frequency of the synchronous vibration value 4. measurement information and parameters 5. notes associated with the measurements N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 36: B Alancing Data ( Only For N300 And N600 Instruments )

    SoMe exaMple teMplateS that can be uSed aS a baSe to create cuStoMiSed reportS heSe ModelS are located in the Sub folder naMed eport eMplateS in the ro directory in which the prograM iS inStalled N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 37: G Enerating And Printing Multiple Measurement Certificates

    Meaning of codeS that can be uSed in Multi report teMplateS are Shown in d - i ppendix nforMation related to the creation of cuStoMiSed teMplateS ModelS for certificateS generated by ceMb n-p ro Software N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 38 4 V-PP • 60-18,000 RPM photocell Measurement specifications • A/D converter: 16 bit resolution • Number of averages: from 1 to 16 • Synchronous filter width: from 1% to 100% • Frequency range: up to 1kHz (60kRPM) max • Frequency range for CBA (acceleration envelope with CBA Technology) up to 10kHz • D ata storage capacity: max 10 vibration measurements • I nstrument’s limit of error: 5% N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 39 Vibration equipment division Appendix B Valuation criteria N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 40 An unbalance vibration often also intervenes Alternating forces Second and third harmonic present 2) f ≅ n with knocking Mechanical unbalance defect In asynchronous motors, the knocking is due to superimposed on irregular running magnetic field N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 41 Belt with defective elasticity is the belt frequency f = 2 f in one area = π D n / l (D = pulley diameter; l = belt length) Considerable axial vibrations, more than 10% of the transverse vibration, may be caused typically by: • misalignment (more than 40%) N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 42 The following are the spectra of typical vibrations, caused by the most common defects found in practical experience. CPM = shaft rotation speed in rpm UNBALANCE MISALIGNMENT MECHANICAL LOOSENESS/PLAY N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 43 Vibration equipment division BELT GEARS SLEEVE BEARINGS ROLLER BEARINGS N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 44 - rotating external ring (fixed internal ring)     ⋅ ⋅  Θ            BPFO ⋅ ⋅ − ⋅  Θ        N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 45 = 0.4 x S (a) or 0.6 x S (b) BPFO = 0.4 x N x S (a) or (b) BPFI = 0.6 x N x S (a) or (b) = 0.23 x N x S (N < 10) (a) or (b) = 0.18 x N x S (N ≥ 10) (a) or (b) N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 46 Number of lines in the spectrum #19# Note number 2 added to the measurement #20# Note number 3 added to the measurement #48# Model of apparatus used to take the measurement (N100, N300) #49# N100 or N300 apparatus firmware version N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 47 Synchronous vibration frequency - channel A #332# Synchronous vibration frequency - channel B #351# Units of measurement for vibration (g, mm/s, µm, …) #401# Vibration peak 1 frequency – channel A #402# Vibration peak 2 frequency – channel A #...# Vibration peak … frequency – channel A #405# Vibration peak 5 frequency – channel A #426# Vibration peak 1 value – channel A #427# Vibration peak 2 value – channel A #...# Vibration peak … value – channel A #430# Vibration peak 5 value – channel A #451# Vibration peak 1 frequency – channel B #452# Vibration peak 2 frequency – channel B N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 48 #610# Initial vibration phase on plane P2 (in degrees °) #611# Current (final) unbalance value on plane P2 (in U units) #612# Current (final) unbalance phase on plane P2 (in degrees °) #613# Balancing speed In the case of multi-reports (certificates produced by grouping together data from N different measurements) #x-y# format codes must be used, where: • x: numeric code listed in the previous table • y: sequential number of the measurement of which the multi-report is composed (1, 2, … N) For example: > #6-1# : name of measurement No. 1 of the multi-report > #11-2# : type of measurement No. 2 of the multi-report > … N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 49 The HTML model (template) used to create the certificates leaves clients free to customise the certificates distributed by CEMB together with the program, or to create new ones as desired. Clients with special requirements can insert logos or images and change the size and colour of the wording themselves. As these templates are HTML documents they should be created or edited using appropriate programs known as HTML edi- tors. They are used in a similar manner to normal word processing programs (Microsoft Word, Openoffice Writer, etc), with...
  • Page 50 1, or velocimeter type 1 (in the event that there are two different types) velocimeter 2, or velocimeter type 2 (in the event that there are two different types) current date current time N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 51 (RPM) frequency and velocity expressed in rotations per second (Hz) channel disabled (measurement not taken) vibration exceeds the instrument’s maximum measurement limit N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 52 3 of the records overall vibration value amplitude of the vibration’s highest component frequency of the vibration’s highest component unbalance of the rotating body initial unbalance of the rotating body (first calibration spin) and residual unbalance (end of balancing) perator messaGes press OK to start the measurement press OK to confirm data overwriting or any other key to quit press OK to confirm the previously selected operation or any other key to quit N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...
  • Page 53 Err 2/3/4 problem in the internal flash memory Err 5 problem USB communication with the PC Err 16/17 problems in the supply voltages of the electronic board Err 32 ÷ 63 malfunction of DSP N200 - V . 1.0 11/2016...

Table of Contents