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Basic Settings - E-Pill Med-Time XL User Instructions

Automatic pill reminder and dispensing system


Set Current Time, # of Daily Doses, and Alarm Times (Mode-A)
As easy as 1-2-3. You must at a minimum set the Basic Settings in order for the e-pill Med-
Time XL to function correctly. This should only take 10 minutes of your time. When you first
remove the battery strip, the Med-Time XL display reads
12:00 am and is automatically in Mode-A.
1. Set Current Time (CLOCK)
1. Tap Button 1 repeatedly until you reach CLOCK. When
the display reads CLOCK, wait a few seconds.
2. The clock is displayed and begins to pulsate indicating
that you can set the current time. Set the current time
by tapping Button 2 Reverse or Button 3 Forward.
1. Hold down the button to speed through the time faster.
3. After you set the correct time, press Button 1 to store the current time.
2. Set Number Alarms (# of Doses) Per Day (DOSE)
1. Tap Button 1 until you reach DOSES. When the display
reads DOSES, wait a few seconds.
2. The # of doses per day will flash (01, 02, 03 ... up to 28)
3. Press Button 3 to add doses, or Button 2 to decrease
2. The typical patient takes pills from one (1) to four (4) times daily. Med-Time XL has
the flexibility to be programmed to dispense pills from 1 to 28 doses per day to
accommodate the most complex regimens.
4. After you select the # of doses per day, press Button 1 to store the number of doses
per day.
3. Set Alarm Times (ALARMS).
Set the time for each Daily Medication Alarm.
1. When the display reads ALARMS, wait a few seconds. To the
left of the display you see the Dose # (1-28) and the alarm time.
2. Set the alarm time using Buttons 2 Reverse or 3 Forward.
Time can be set in 5-minute increments. Make sure you select
the right time and please pay attention to AM and PM on the right side of the display.
3. Press Button 1 to advance to the second dose, and set the alarm time. Repeat this
procedure until you set all alarms to the desired times.
3. You can set alarms only for as many doses as you have selected.
Complete Basic Settings (Mode-A)
1. Press and hold Button 1 for five seconds, to store your settings and to return to
normal operating mode. The current time is displayed. Proceed to ADDITIONAL


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Figure 4: Clock/Buttons
Figure 5: Doses
Figure 6: Alarms

