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Patient Instructions - E-Pill Med-Time XL User Instructions

Automatic pill reminder and dispensing system



For the patient the e-pill Med-Time XL Automatic Pill Dispenser is very simple to use;
When the alarm sounds, simply walk over to the e-pill dispenser, pick it up, and turn it
over. The right medications, in the right dosage, will come out at the right time.
Turning the device upside-down, automatically turns off the alarm.
How to Dispense Medications
1. Med-Time XL sounds the alarm at the same time(s) every day.
2. Dispense medications by turning Med-Time XL upside down holding it with one hand.
3. The right medications will fall out of the opening in to your other open hand.
4. Turning the device upside down turns off the alarm. Return the dispenser to the right
side up position.
Please note that if the patient has missed a dose...
It will be rotated away when the next medication time occurs.
This may prevent double dosing.
A missed dose can only be retrieved by unlocking the Automatic Pill Dispenser.
Early Dose Feature (BEFORE)
It is possible to take pills before the scheduled alarm time by activating the BEFORE function.
If this feature is active and you would like to dispense the pills prior to the scheduled alarm
time, follow the instructions below.
Please see Mode-B section on how to turn on this useful feature.
How to Early Dose ("turn twice then dispense")
1. Turn Med-Time XL over as if you were
removing the medications.
2. After you hear the beep, turn the device back
over to the normal resting position.
3. Repeat again. The tray rotates one step, and
the next dose becomes available.
4. Turn Med-Time XL over to dispense your
medications (as you normally would) and to
reset the alarm.
The Early Dose Feature works only within the time frame set using the BEFORE function (5
minutes - 30 minutes maximum).
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Figure 11: Early Dose

