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Batteries & Maintenance - E-Pill Med-Time XL User Instructions

Automatic pill reminder and dispensing system


Battery Replacement: When the batteries get low, the LOWBATT indicator is
displayed. Replace the batteries as soon as possible. Four (4) Alkaline AA batteries are
needed. Please note that you must use Alkaline Batteries.
We recommend that you exchange the batteries at least once a year.
Cleaning: Wipe Med-Time XL with a damp cloth. Wash the medication tray by hand
Transporting: If for any reason your dispenser is going to be shipped or mailed, it is
important that you remove all batteries from the dispenser prior to shipping.
There are some pills that should not be exposed to the air and, therefore, should not be
used in the dispenser. If you are not certain about your medications, please check with your
pharmacist. The manufacturer or distributor will accept no responsibility for faults or any
other consequences arising from misuse e.g. dropping, water damage, insertion of foreign
objects, or forced opening of the dispenser.
Warranty Claims: If your dispenser does not rotate and the alarm does not sound, remove
a battery, replace and test again. If your Med-Time XL Automatic Pill Dispenser should not
operate normally, please contact your distributor or the manufacturer. This device is
designed to help the user to remember to take his/her medication on time.
manufacturer, distributor or reseller assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any
inconvenience or non-compliance to medications in the event the device fails to function.
e-pill®, Med-Time XL are trademarks owned by American Medical Alert Corporation or by e-pill, LLC
Medication Reminders
Order your e-pill Med-Time XL on-line:
This device is protected by copyrights.
©Copyright e-pill, LLC, 2007
American Medical Alert Corporation
e-pill, LLC 70 Walnut Street, Wellesley,
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Manufactured in Sweden for
Exclusive Distributor:
MA 02481, USA
Phone +1.781.239.8255
Fax +1.781.235.3252
Toll-Free 1-800-549-0095

