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Serial Communication Protocol - ElecMaster JY-61 Series User Manual

High precision gyroscope module

module, the TX of JY-61 connect to RX of MCU , so that MCU can receive data from the JY-61
module, and output debugging information. MCU is unable to send the serial command to the
JY-61 module, but the configuration of the module can be saved when set it, then you can use it.
4.6 PC program monitoring module and MCU communication。
PC program and MCU can get the data from JY-61 module at the same time

5 Serial communication protocol

Level: TTL level (non RS232 level, if the module is wrong to the RS232 level may cause damage
to the module)
Baud rate: 115200/9600, stop bit 1 and parity bit 0
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