Microphone Connector - Cobra 18WXST II How To Use Manual

Mobile, with dual watch
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18 WX ST.NEW LAYOUT(4279)2a
Turning on
Tu rning on
Your Radio
Tu rn volume co nt rol cloc kwise to turn power on
and set the desired listening vo l u m e.
CB Antenna
CB Ante n n a
Only a pro pe rly matched antenna sys tem will
No te
a l l ow maximum power output.
Co b ra loaded-ty pe ante n n a
In mobile installations (ca r s, t ru c k s, bo at s, e tc. ) ,
m odels HGA 1000,HGA 1500,
an antenna sys tem that is non-dire ctional should
and HGA 2000 are highly re c-
be used.
ommended for most installa-
t i o n s. Consult your Co b ra deal-
When installed in a bo at, the tra n s ce i ver will not
er for further details (or see
o pe rate at maximum efficiency without a gro u n d
o rder form at the back of
p l ate unless the vessel has a steel hull. Be fo re
this boo k ) .
installing the tra n s ce i ver in a bo at, consult yo u r
3 - Way Combination An te n n a s
dealer for info rm ation re g a rding an adequate
a re available which allow ope r-
g rounding sys te m .
ation of all three bands (AM-FM
& CB), using a single ante n n a .
Howeve r,use of this ty pe of
a n tenna usually results in less
than normal transmit and
re ce i ve range when co m p a re d
to a standard - ty pe "Si n g l e
Band" antenna designed for
CB only.
4:25 PM
Page 4
Mi c rophone Co n n e ctor
Al l ows for co nve n i e nt re m oval of the micro p h o n e
plug when sto rage is re q u i re d. The micro p h o n e
MUST be co n n e cted to the unit at all times when in
u s e, for pro per ope rat i o n .
Sq u e l c h
This co nt rol is used to cut off or eliminate re ce i ve r
b a c kg round noise in the absence of an inco m i n g
s i g n a l . Adjust until the re ce i ver noise disappe a r s.
This will re q u i re the incoming signal to be slight l y
s t ronger than ave rage re ce i ver noise. Fu rther cloc k-
wise ro t ation will increase the threshold leve l
which a signal must ove rcome in order to be heard.
Only strong signals will be heard at a maximum
c l oc kwise setting.
O p e r a t i o n


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