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Ubee UBH1706-AA00 Quick Installation Manual page 5

Dual band wireless lan repeater ieee 802.11a / b / g / n / ac


The system will begin
verifying the wireless
key. Results will be
displayed within 20
seconds. If you are
notified that the key
is incorrect, go back,
confirm the correct
key and re-enter it. If
the key is correct,
c l i c k
N e x t
t o
When the key is correct, you have the option of setting up
another radio band (for example if you just set up the 2.4GHz
band you can then
s e t u p t h e 5 G H z
band). If you wish to
s e t u p a n o t h e r
wireless radio band,
click the Yes button
and repeat from step
#5. If you do not wish
to set up another
radio band, click No.
W h e n
y o u
a r e
finished setting up
either a single band
or both bands, you
will be notified that
t h e
s e t u p
w a s
s u c c e s s f u l . P r e s s
Following successful setup, detail about the configuration is
displayed as in the example below. Click APPLY to end the
setup process, or click Back to return to the setup pages.
After clicking APPLY, the UBH1706 will reboot. This process
may take several minutes.
Congratulations! When the reboot is complete, you are ready
to use the wireless network. With your wireless device
(computer, smartphone, tablet), connect to the wireless access
point using the SSID displayed in the configuration details.
NOTE: If you wish to repeat the setup process, or if you experienced
trouble logging into the web user interface, reset the UBH1706 to factory
default settings. To do this, press and hold the WPS button on the device
for 10 seconds until the power LED is blinking.
UBH1706-AA00 Quick Installation Guide

