Setting Failsafe (Bind Plug In Channel 7) - Lemon RX Instructions Manual

Stabilizer plus 7-channel receiver
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Lemon RX Stabilizer PLUS Receiver – Essential Instructions
3. With the throttle at LOW position, turn ON the transmitter in Bind Mode (check instructions for your
transmitter). The transmitter will usually bind at fairly close range but may sometimes need to be
separated from the receiver by 1-2m (3-6 feet) or more.
4. Wait until the transmitter indicates "bind complete" or the rapid Red/Green flashing stops. If your bind
process involves holding a button or switch, hold for a couple of seconds more, then release.
5. Wait 20 seconds or so for the initialization process to complete. Check that the transmitter has control
of the servos.
6. Power down the receiver and transmitter. Don't forget to remove the bind plug.
To test the bind, turn on the transmitter and then the receiver. Wait for the receiver to initialize, as indicated
by: Indicator 1 (Green/Blue) lights no longer flashing, Indicator 2 (Red/Green) lights signaling the stabilizer
mode (see below), and the transmitter acquiring control of the servos. Be sure to wait long enough.
Verify control of stabilization by placing the channel 5 (Gear) switch in each of its positions. A three-position
switch should display the following:
Position 0: OFF – Red/Green solid (or flickering very slightly); no servo movement when model is rotated.
Position 1: Gyro – Green ON solid, Red OFF; servos move briefly when model is rotated.
Position 2: Autolevel – Red and Green lights flashing alternately; aileron and elevator servos stay
deflected when model is not level, rudder servo moves briefly when model is rotated.
With a two-position switch, only OFF and Autolevel mode will normally be available. This can be changed to
OFF and Gyro, as explained under Changing Mode Order (see page 9).

Setting Failsafe (Bind Plug in channel 7)

If Pre-set Failsafe is not set/enabled as explained below, the receiver will, on loss of signal, stop sending
pulses to the servos and ESC. This will cause the ESC to cut power to the motor within a second or two (to
be sure, test this with the prop removed), while the servos stay where last commanded. This type of failsafe
is adequate for electric models but unsuitable for IC (fuel) powered aircraft.
If Pre-set Failsafe is enabled, the receiver will, on loss of signal, go to the chosen pre-set positions on all
channels. The most important safety requirement is that this cause the motor to shut off.
To enable Pre-set Failsafe:
1. With receiver and transmitter powered down, insert a bind plug in the bind/channel 7 slot (A2/B).
2. Power up the receiver. Indicator 2 lights should be flashing rapidly to signal Bind Mode.
3. Power up the transmitter in Bind Mode (see instructions for your transmitter).
4. Allow bind to complete, until Indicator 1 lights (Green/Blue) have stopped flashing and Indicator 2 lights
are signaling the current stabilization mode. This may take up to 20 seconds or more.
5. Move the relevant transmitter sticks and switches to the desired failsafe positions.
6. Press the receiver button briefly (<1s) and release. Indicator 1 Green light ON shows failsafe is set.
7. Remove the bind plug and power cycle the unit.
The failsafe settings will be retained even when the receiver is powered off.
To cancel the failsafe setting, repeat the above procedure and again press the button briefly.
If this rapid flashing of Indicator 2 does not happen, there is no possibility of binding. Low power supply voltage,
reversed plugs or a defective bind plug are among the possibilities to check.
If the BLUE light comes on, you have held the button too long and selected Always-ON. Press the button again for
more than 1 second to cancel this, then to set failsafe, press briefly (<1s) while holding the desired control inputs.
Lemon Stab Plus Essential Instructions 2017 v.1a.doc
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