Introduction; What Does The Stabilizer Plus Do; Requirements Of The Stabilizer Plus; Transmitter - Lemon RX Instructions Manual

Stabilizer plus 7-channel receiver
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Lemon RX Stabilizer PLUS Receiver – Essential Instructions


Building on the success of its basic 7-channel Stabilized Receiver, Lemon RX has developed the Stabilizer
PLUS with additional features and capabilities:
Autolevel mode for docile flying (or emergency recovery)
Gyro mode for normal rate stabilization
Seven fully usable channels (using Always-ON feature)
Flexible installation, including inverted and on-edge mounting
Level Reset feature to compensate for any out of level effects
Trim Reset feature to correct for trim and subtrim offsets
Hardware Reset capability
Dual aileron, elevon and V-tail capability
Usable with simple DSMX/DSM2 transmitters such as DX5e, as well as fully programmable ones
Available with either single antenna or dual diversity antennas
Diversity antenna receiver available in top-pin or end-pin versions
These Essential Instructions cover the information that most people will need to get the Lemon Stabilizer
PLUS up and flying in a conventional plane with either normal wing configuration (single servo or two servos
on a Y-cable) or dual aileron servos on separate channels.
The separately available Complete Guide not only provides more information on the functioning of the
Stabilizer PLUS, but also covers such advanced topics as programming a transmitter and using Delta Wing
(elevons), Flaperons and V-tail mixes.
These instructions are prepared by jj604 (John) and Daedalus66 (Nigel). We have worked closely with the
people at Lemon RX but are not paid by, or associated with, the manufacturer.

What does the Stabilizer PLUS do?

When activated, this stabilizer has three modes, controlled by channel 5 (Gear):
1. OFF: The unit functions as a six channel DSMX-compatible receiver (channel 5 is not usable).
2. Gyro: The unit provides rate stabilization to counteract turbulence for smoother flight.
3. Autolevel: The unit limits pitch and bank and returns the model to level if the sticks are released.

Requirements of the Stabilizer PLUS


The Lemon Stabilizer PLUS requires a Spektrum® or other DSM2® or DSMX® transmitter using Spektrum
technology. Examples include DXe, DX4e, DX5e, DX6, DX6i, DX7s, DX8, DX9, and JR 9303.
A three-position switch controlling channel 5 (Gear) is required if all three stabilization modes (OFF, Gyro,
Autolevel) are to be available in flight. The more recent DX4e and DX5e transmitters provide such a switch,
while more advanced transmitters can generally be programmed to output the necessary 100%/0%/-100%
The Lemon Stabilizer PLUS may not work properly with the Spektrum® DM8 and DM9 modules or with certain non-
Spektrum DSMX/DSM2-compatible equipment, including some OrangeRX® transmitter modules.
Lemon Stab Plus Essential Instructions 2017 v.1a.doc
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