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Special Button - Vicovation VICO-MF3 Installation Manual


Special Button

Hot Key for Parking Mode
Make sure your car has a battery discharge prevention device
such as the VicoVation Vico-Power PLUS installed. After parking,
hold "Parking Mode Hot Key", the button in the middle on the right,
for 3 seconds. The device will switch from Normal Recording Mode
to Parking Mode immediately. Loop recording will be stopped and
recording will only be activated when a motion is detected by
motion detection.
Special Notice:
Rebooting the device under Parking Mode would reset the device
back into Normal Recording Mode. Vico-Power PLUS has a built in
ACC Restore Reboot feature. Every time the engine starts, Power
PLUS would reboot the device to avoid the dashcam from
crashing. The device will automatically start recording once
Please be aware that if you are using a battery discharge
prevention device from other brands with no ACC Restore Reboot
feature, you will have to manually switch back to Normal Recording
Mode from Parking Mode with the hot key.
Reset Button
When unable to shutdown the device or encountering
malfunctioning, you may shut down the device forcefully with
the Reset Button.

