2 | Connecting the receiver - MAG
Place the receiver close to your TV and connect it to your Internet connection with a network cable.
If you want to connect the receiver wirelessly, you need a USB WiFi adapter which can be purchased
separately. See how you connect the receiver on page 3.
Network Cable (ARJ45)
You can connect the receiver to your TV using two different methods:
If your TV is an older model, and doesn't have a HDMI input, you can connect the receiver with a
RCA cable (Red, white and yellow) which is compatible with most TVs. If your TV doesn't have an
RCA input, you can buy a RCA-to-scart-adapter.
RCA cable
If your TV is a newer version, your can connect with a HDMI cable.
HDMI cable
When the receiver is connected to the TV, switch the power on, and the system starts up automatically.
Remember to be on the right input (HDMI 1, 2, 3, 4 ...) on your TV. Otherwise you won't get a picture on
the screen.
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