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LG dlhx4072 series How To Use Manual page 24

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Information presented to the meeting and all discussion of candidates and results
is strictly confidential to the meeting and to those officers of the University who
have good reason to be provided with such information.
Examiners and those attending the Meeting are required to disclose to the
Meeting any conflict of interest. It should be noted that the University does not
permit any member of staff who is in an intimate relationship with a student to
be directly professionally involved in assessing or examining that student.
Provisions relating to such cases are included in the University Examination and
Assessment Procedures Handbook, Section 5.
The meeting is required to appoint a Special Cases Sub-Committee to consider
evidence submitted in respect of candidates' special circumstances. The Special
Cases Sub-Committee shall act in accordance with the 'Policy on and procedures
relating to extenuating circumstances', which is available on the Examinations Office
A list of recommended results will normally be circulated in advance to those
with a right to attend the meeting. Internal Examiners should have available at
the meeting such information as may be relevant to their recommendations,
including the Minutes of the Programme Examiners' Meeting, information
relating to special circumstances, and a record of candidates for whom marking
recommendations had been taken into account.
The meeting should be advised of any changes to procedures, any major
circumstances affecting a specific assessment for a module or programme, and
any other generic issue relevant to the consideration of results.
The meeting should consider the Examiners' recommendations, and should give
very particular attention to those candidates who are recommended to be deemed
not to have sat, who are recommended to fail, who are recommended for the
award of an aegrotat, and, in the case of decisions relating to progression, those
candidates whose marks imply failure or failure to qualify.
The meeting will not forward to the Senate any recommendation in respect of a
candidate who has an outstanding tuition debt to the University of £50 or more.
The Faculty Examiners' decisions should be recorded and Minutes of the meeting
The meeting should make decisions on the award of any prizes for which it is
The results list should be signed by the Chair of the meeting.
The Meeting should agree any subsequent action which may be required, and,
where appropriate, authorise the Chair to take action in respect of outstanding
The Senate is responsible for approving all results of failure and all results which
lead to an award.

