Water Hardness; Detergent Use - Jenn-Air DW980B-CAN Use & Care Manual

Table of Contents


increased. The phosphate content is shown on
the side of the box.
Place the proper amount of detergent in the
A basic guideline is one teaspoon of detergent
Prewash cup only. Close the lid. The detergent
for each grain of water hardness (gpg). Use a
will be dispensed immediately.
minimum of three teaspoons (one tablespoon)
Rinse & Hold
in soft water. Refer to the chart below.
Do NOT use detergent with this cycle.
NOTE: When using Ultra dishwasher deter-
Rinse Aid
gents, follow the package recommen-
dations on the amount to use.
Your Jenn-Air dishwasher features an automatic
rinse aid dispenser, located near the detergent
dispenser on the door interior. Using a rinse
Soft (0-4 grains)
1-2 Tbs.
aid improves drying results and reduces
(fill cup to first line)
and filming.
Medium (5-8 grains)
2-3 Tbs.
To fill, turn dispenser cap counterclockwise to
(fill cup to second line)
open. Remove cap and pour liquid rinse aid
Hard (9-12 grains)
3-4 Tbs.
into the opening. Replace cap and turn
(fill cup to third line)
*Yourlocalwater utility cantell you the exactdegreeof
The clear indicator in the center of the cap
hardness o f your watersupply.In ruralareas, y our state
changes from dark to light when the reservoir
university extensionservice cantell you howto testyour
is nearly empty. This indicates that it is time to
water hardness,
refill the dispenser.
For water hardness over 12 grains, add
additional detergent (1 teaspoon for each
grain over 12) at the beginning of the main
wash portion of the cycle. (Open door, add
detergent to bottom of tub, close door and
dishwasher will continue through cycle.)
If water is 15 grains or harder, it will be
virtually impossible to get good results with
any dishwasher. The only solution is a
mechanical water softener to improve water
Adding Detergent
_i_ . ......
Add Detergent to Dispenser Cup Just Before You
Select the Cycle and Options.
J .
Normal or Heavy
***_ _-_ _
Place the proper amount of detergent in both
the Prewash and Main Wash cups. Close the
lid. Detergent will be released automatically
into the prewash and main wash.
Place the proper amount of detergent in the
Main Wash cup only. Close the lid. The deter-
gent will be released automatically into the
main wash.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents