Maintenance Of Front/Rear Shock Absorber - ZONGSHEN ZS250GY-3(EFI) Maintenance Manual

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[2]Check whether the left one has the same length as the
right one and check whether the spring surface of shock
absorber is damaged.Replace it if damaged.
When rubber components have abrasion or
aging,replace them.
4 The cause,trouble description and repair method of front/rear shock absorber
Table 4-8
front shock
rear shock
M ai nt en an ce o f Fr on t/ Re ar S ho ck A bs or be r
trouble description of
Front shock absorber
The front shock absorber
i s s o f t o r m a k e s
spring has poor elasticity
strange sound.
or breaks off.
Left pole and right pole
Front shock absorber
are not at the same
pole is distorted.
The surface of front
The oil seal of front shock
s h o c k a b s o r b e r i s
a bs or be r p ol e ha s
The chromeplating tier
The oil seal of front
of front shock absorber
shock absorber pole
is worn so that the
has leakage.
metal part appears.
The lower pipe of front
Front shock absorber
shock absorber is worn
has leakage.
or breaks off.
Piston lever is worn
Front shock absorber
or damaged.
is too soft.
Piston ring is worn or
Fr on t sh oc k ab -
sorber is too soft.
Oil seal has leakage.
The edge of oil seal is
Front shock absorber
worn or damaged.
is too soft.
The oil of front shock
Front shock absorber
absorber is not enough
becomes soft.
or bad.
The spring of rear shock
Rear shock absorber
absorber breaks off or
is too soft.
has poor elasticity.
Rear shock absorber
R e a r d a m p e r h a s
is too soft.
The piston lever of rear
Rear shock absorber
damper is distorted or
is distorted.
breaks off.
Rear shock ab-
The upper and lower
sorber is distorted
connecting rubber cover
or makes sound.
are worn or have aging.
trouble description of
The comfort,stability
and safety of riding
Motorcycle runs to-
wards one side and
comfort,stability and
safety are influenced.
The comfort,stability
and safety of riding
Motorcycle runs to-
wards one side and
comfort,stability and
safety are influenced.
Motorcycle runs to-
wards one side and
comfort,stability and
safety are influenced.
The comfort,stability
and safety of riding
The comfort,stability
and safety of riding
The comfort,stability
and safety of riding
The comfort,stability
and safety of riding
Motorcycle runs to-
wards one side and
comfort,stability and
safety are influenced.
The comfort,stability
and safety of riding
Motorcycle runs to-
wards one side and
comfort,stability and
safety are influenced.
The comfort,stability
and safety of riding
Rear shock
repair method
Replace front shock
absorber or spring.
Correct and replace
front shock absorber
and front shock ab-
sorber pole.
Replace front shock
absorber or its pole.
Replace front shock
absorber or its pole.
Replace front shock ab-
sorber or its lower pipe.
Replace front shock ab-
sorber or piston lever.
Replace front shock ab-
sorber or piston ring.
Replace oil seal of
front shock absorber.
Add or replace front
shock absorber oil ac-
cording to the stated.
Replace rear shock
Replace rear shock
Replace rear shock
Replace upper and
lo we r co nn ec ti ng
rubber cover.

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