Anchoring; Docking - PDQ Yachts 36 Capella Owner's Manual

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Engine Resonance
If the engines are running at speeds that are close to one another, you will hear a
resonant "beat" to the engine noise. Slowly adjust the speed of one engine upward or
downward until the speed match and the beat disappears.
Anchors are very much an item of individual preference. The bottom you normally
anchor over will profoundly sway your choice of anchor.
recommendations, not hard and fast rules.
One practical solution, offered as an option, consists of a 45-pound CQR anchor, with
50 feet of 10- mm chain and 250 feet of ? inch nylon rope.
All catamarans anchoring should use a bridle system. To use the bridle, pay out anchor
rode to the required scope. Using a spare length of ½ inch line, tie a rolling hitch
around the anchor rode, then take the bitter end of this bridle line through the fair lead
on the opposite bow. Tighten the bridle line until the anchor rode and bridle line
intersects amidships. Alternatively, secure the bridle line and pay out the anchor rode.
A catamaran at a dock can use its wide beam to tie up effectively. The secret is to tie
the bow and stern lines to the hull furthest from the dock. The resulting length of line
allows the cat to rise and fall freely to waves or tide without snubbing. Spring lines also
must be made as long as possible. (See Appendix)
When docking with pilings, bow or stern-to, the same principle can be used.
(Illustration in Appendix).
PDQ 36 Capella - Owner's Manual
Cruising Under Power 6-4

Anchoring 6-5

Here, we offer

Docking 6-6

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