Searching Video Files From The Calendar; Selecting Video From The Time Chart; Selecting Recording Type - RapidOS RL 3120RH User Manual

Digital video recorder
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1. Searching video files from the calendar

This is the first step to search the stored video files. You must select a date from the calendar in
order to view the files on the Time chart.

2. Selecting Video from the time chart

After selecting the date, video files appear like bars on their designated colors, wherein Sensor
recording appear as yellow bar, Motion recording appear as blue bar, Event recording as green
bar and red bar for Continuous Recording.You may also select Camera from the Camera
Selection Bar.

3. Selecting Recording type

In searching video files, you may also filter the files based on the type of recording. You may
select among All Recording, Motion, Continuous, Event, and Sensor Recording. So if you want to
view only the Continuous Recording, just select Continuous Recording from the list.


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