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Mayones Electric Guitar User Manual page 7

Most Floyd Rose equipped guitars are also equipped with locking nuts. (fig. 14).
When changing strings, the locks should be loosened or taken off to enable changing strings
and to let the string move freely on the nut during tuning. Usually the pressure pads are
tightened or loosened using an Allen wrench. After changing and tuning the strings, the
locks need to be tightened on the nut by turning the Allen wrench clockwise. After that,
further string tuning is performed with the help of fine tuners (fig.13 - 8).
The step-by-step procedure for changing strings is illustrated by figure 14:
(1) loosening the locks;
(2) removing the locks – while changing strings, tuning, neck relief adjustment and action
(3) reinstalling the locks;
(4) tightening the locks after completing all adjustment procedures.
Neck relief
Setting up a proper neck relief is achieved by loosening or tightening the truss rod which
is placed in the axis of the neck. The truss rod adjustment screw is placed either in an
opening next to the nut (nut locks) or at the heel of the neck. We check the neck relief by
fretting the string on the first and last fret simultaneously. With the relief set up correctly, the
height of the string above the 8th fret should measure about 0,5 mm.
If the string is higher (concave neck), one should tighten the adjustment screw.
If the string is lower(convex neck), one should loosen the adjustment screw (fig. 15).
It is important to remember to carefully insert the Allen key's tip into the truss rod's adjustment
screw to prevent its damage and adjustment difficulties. Extensive force should not be used
and the Allen key's movement should be gradual, not larger than 1/8 of a full turn. The truss
rod's screw should never be left loose in order to prevent from buzzing. Some instruments
may be equipped with double action truss rods. This enables the neck to be adjusted both
ways, even when the neck is convex after the strings are installed. The relief needs to be
checked each time the strings are changed.
Electric Guitar User's Manual
fig. 14
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