Kenmore CENTRAL HUMIDIFIER 303.9380612 Owner's Manual

Kenmore CENTRAL HUMIDIFIER 303.9380612 Owner's Manual

Kenmore dehumidifier user manual


18 GammonOutput
Per Day
up to 3,000 sq. ft.
Modem No. 303.9380612
this product,
this manuam and follow
aH its Safety
Rumes and Operating
Sears, Roebuck
and Co., Hoffman Estates,
mL60179 U.S.A.
www, sears°com


Table of Contents
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Summary of Contents for Kenmore CENTRAL HUMIDIFIER 303.9380612

  • Page 1 Owner's ManuaJ CENTRAL HUMiDiFiER 18 GammonOutput Per Day Humidifies up to 3,000 sq. ft. Modem No. 303.9380612 CAUTION: Before using this product, this manuam and follow aH its Safety Rumes and Operating mnstructions Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, www, sears°com ®...
  • Page 2 PROTECTmON AGREEMENT Congratu/ations on making a smart purchase. Your new Kenmore _'product is designed and manufactured years of dependable operation. But like all products, it may require preventive maintenance time to time. That's when having a Master Protection Agreement can save you money and aggravation.
  • Page 3 WARNING indicates a potentially CAUTION indicates a potentially injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. KENMORE 3000 PRODUCT Self contained 120V 18 gallon model Designed for homes up to 3000 sq. ft. Works with Heat Pumps...
  • Page 4 THANK YOU! Thank you for selecting a Sears Humidifier. provide years of service if you give it a little care. Humidity can be puzzling. It cannot touched, smelled or tasted. Many understand what a humidifier wiii or wiii not do. Probably the best way to judge whether the humidity is too high, too low, or about right is to watch your windows.
  • Page 5 SELECTmNG A LOCATmON Carefully study the iocation that you choose for your humidifier. Install the humidifier so that if the humidifier or any connection shouM bak, the water wHi not cause damage. Under no condition is Sears, Roebuck and Co., and the manufacturer, to be heid iiabie for any water damage in connection with this humidifier.
  • Page 6: Furnace Installation

    COUNTERFLOW FURNACE INSTALLATION For installation of your humidifier on a counterfiow furnace, see Fig. 6. Connect the humidifier to the suppiy air pbnum using Remote Installation Kit, Sears Stock No. 9372. COUNTERFLOW FURNACE iNSTALLATiON GRAVITY FURNACE INSTALLATION The humidifier works well on gravity furnaces because of its self-contained blower system.
  • Page 7 If pmenum is wider than stiffener: 2. The five reference hole marks you've made on the pbnum outline the area that must be cut out. Mark straight Hinesconnecting WARNING: Wear safety giasses! Be sure not to driU or cut into air conditioner coii or tubing! BfebctMc driU is used, be sure it is propeMy grounded.
  • Page 8 Peei off the paper from the back of the gasket and stick the gasket on the return air pbnum. Remove the humidistat knob by gently pulling straight ouL Remove the cover screw and the cover (Fig. 12). Knob Cover Screw (Under Knob) Fig, 12 Mount the humidistat on the return air plenum...
  • Page 9 ALTERNATE WmRmNG METHODS The aiternate wiring methods are for your humidifier to operate oniy when the furnace biower is on and the humidbtat is caning for humidity. The method you sebct win depend on your furnace controi system. Find the type of system you have and follow that method.
  • Page 10: Water Supply

    WATER SUPPLY 1. Water for the humidifier must be taken from a nearby cold water line. Turn off the water supply. Drain by opening a faucet at a lower level of the line. 2. Position the saddle valve on the water line as close to the humidifier as possible.
  • Page 11 1_<_ Firmly Seated Media Motor Panel _Reservoir Divider Fig, 22 Remove the quick disconnect compression nut, and brass sleeve from hardware bag (Fig. 23). With water supply tubing cut to the proper length, slide the brass compression and sleeve over the tubing as described 5, Page 10.
  • Page 12: Water Level Check

    WATER LEVEL CHECK 1. Turn on the water suppiy at the saddb vaive. Water shouid now flow into reservoir. If not, check that saddb vaive is open. Check for baks at aft connections. Allow Reservoir to fill and check is correct, The water level should two marks on the front side of the reservoir...
  • Page 13: Regular Maintenance

    CAUTION: an optional call 1-800- MAINTENANCE (see It is suggested that you apply the Kenmore 303.93806 lime buildup. Furnace Humidifier Maintenance to either the return air plenum or a place in which they will be easily seen. These instructions quick reference for typical maintenance needed on this producL Deposits wiii form on the media pad.
  • Page 14 ADJUST(NG THE FLOAT 1. Disconnect the water suppiy at quick disconnecL 2. Remove the float and float arm by puiiing out the float pivot pin (Fig. 27). *Heat Valve _"x Hoat Reverse button if it has not been used. Replace with new button if both sides are worn, Fig, 27 3.
  • Page 15: Troubleshootmng

    TROUBLESHOOTmNG Frequently, what seems to be a major probbm soived very easiiy. Listed bellow are the common con- cerns with any humidifier, Check the simple things first. Remove the front panel and see if there is a crusty, white lime buildup on the PROBLEM CHECK Too Little...
  • Page 16 REPAmR PARTS KENMORE "3000" CENTRAL MODEL NO. 303.9380612 PART 21567101 Plenum Stiffener STD 610803 Screw (11 Req.) (No. 8A x 3/8" Slotted) 21568601 Upper Case 21595401 28126101 Switch 21568301 Switch Plate 21572501 Conduit STD 541010 Nut (2 Req.) (No. 10-24)
  • Page 17: Exploded View

  • Page 18 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ For repair-in lawn and garden equipment, no matter who made it, no matter who sold it! For the replacement owner's manuals that you need to do-it-yourself. For Sears professional and items like garage door openers and water heaters. 1-800-4-MY-HOME Call anytime, day or night (U.S.A.

This manual is also suitable for:

Central humidifier 3000

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