Communications; Connect / Disconnect; Get Configuration From Dcm; Write Configuration To Dcm - QSC DCM series User Manual

Digital cinema monitor & crossover system
Table of Contents


2. Communications

This menu choice refers to the communications between the Windows PC and the DCM hardware
i. Connect / Disconnect
Selecting Connect tells the program to initialize communications with the DCM hardware
unit. This will need to be selected before parameter settings can be transmitted to or from
the DCM hardware unit. Status: will indicate Connected.
ii. Get Configuration from DCM
This causes all of the crossover, monitor setup, and fault diagnostics information currently
active within the DCM hardware unit to be loaded into the DCM Commander software for
viewing and possible editing. If these settings have been stored as Secure settings, you will
be prompted for a matching password.
WARNING: Uploading will overwrite (delete!) all of the settings in your DCM Commander
control software. Save your screen settings before doing this.
iii. Write Configuration to DCM
By writing data to the DCM, you will cause all of the crossover, monitor setup, and fault diag-
nostics settings currently in the DCM Software to be transmitted to the DCM hardware unit
and activated. This will overwrite (erase forever!) any previous settings contained within the
DCM hardware unit.
WARNING: Writing will overwrite (delete!) all of the settings in the DCM unit. Be sure to
save the current DCM settings before doing this.
iv. Serial Port
The control software allows setting of different COM port numbers.

3. Configuration

A Configuration is the complete set of parameter settings which change the audio routing, cros-
sover filters, gains, delay, fault detection / diagnostics, and monitor behavior within the DCM
hardware unit.
i. General Configurations
a General Info
A configuration can have a name which allows an installer the ability to create different
versions of control settings and store them with unique names. Configuration Notes
might contain installation details such as the installers name, theater location, etc.


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