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Safe Installation - Channel Master Off-Air Antenna Installation Manual

Off-air antenna


here are extremely important safety factors to
consider. Learning and following simple safety
precautions can, quite literally, save your life.
Following safe procedures also helps prevent costly
damage to your equipment and your customer's
No list of safety tips can cover every potential hazard.
Consequently, careful planning, common sense, and
good judgment must be used at all times.
1. Locate and avoid power lines and other wires
in the work area.
2. Do not climb on a wet or icy roof.
3. Do not attempt high installations on windy
4. Do not hesitate to turn down a job that seems
too dangerous.
5. Use only the sturdiest commercial-grade
ladders. (Types with wide, slip-preventive
rungs and bases are essential. Avoid types
with round rungs.)
6. Do not position ladders at an angle steeper
than 70˚. Steeper angles can cause a ladder to
slip sideways.
7. Dig the base of the ladder into the ground if
8. Do not place ladders on slate that is wet or
hot. Wet or sun-heated slate is very slippery.
9. Do not climb on roofs that have curled or
worn shingles. (Old shingles break easily or
pull out.)
10. Wear seasonable clothing that is neither too
tight nor too loose. Wear snugly-fitting
rubber-soled, low-heeled shoes or boots.
11. Wear a pair of durable but flexible protective
gloves whenever they will not interfere with
the work process.
12. Carry a well-equipped first aid kit in your
13. Keep a couple of cans of wasp and hornet
spray that will shoot with a long stream.
14. Have an effective insect repellent handy
during spring and summer months. (Wipe off
your hands after applying it.)
15. Any antenna mounted on 20 or more feet of
mast requires more than one person to
16. Carefully survey the job before beginning the
installation to locate secure handholds,
dangerous conditions (such as power lines
and weak roofs), and the safest and most
convenient placements for ladders.
17. Do not climb onto a roof when there is no one
else around.
18. Be sure all of your helpers know and follow
safe procedures.
19. Do not step into roof valleys (the area where
two roofs join); they often are weak, even on
new homes.
20. Do not install antennas under large, over-
hanging tree branches if it can be avoided.
21. Buy only the best quality tools and equip-
ment. Besides lasting longer, top-quality
tools and equipment generally do not break
or bend as readily as do cheaper products.
22. Antennas must be installed away from power
lines a distance equal to at least twice the
combined length of the mast and antenna.
23. Refuse to perform jobs that are not directly
related to the antenna installation. If you do
and a liability problem develops, your
insurance probably will not cover it.
Thoroughly plan every installation. Carefully think
through the job, and don't take dangerous shortcuts.

