px12 Advanced Network Configuration Guide
4. Repeat step 3 to add more VLANs to the interface. You can create up to four VLANs for
each network interface.
5. To bond NICs, expand a NIC in the table and expand the Bond Network Interface section.
6. In this example, NIC 1 is the primary interface, and interface 2 is added to the bond.
7. Click Apply to bond the NICs.
8. To change the Bonding Mode for all bonded NICs, click
Network page. Choose a value from the Bonding Mode drop-down menu. This is a global
setting, and all the bonded devices on the px12 will use the same mode.
Bonding Mode:
9. Click Apply to change the Bonding Mode.
10. To enable a jumbo frame for a NIC, expand the Information section of the NIC, and select a
value from the Jumbo Frame drop-down menu, 4000 or 9000. Click Apply.
Modify network settings on the
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