Samlexpower PST-600-12 Owner's Manual

Samlexpower PST-600-12 Owner's Manual

Dc-ac power inverter pure sine wave
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DC-AC Power
Pure Sine Wave
Please read this
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installing your


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Samlexpower PST-600-12

  • Page 1 DC-AC Power owner's Please read this manual before Manual Inverter installing your Pure Sine Wave inverter PST-600-12 PST-600-24 PST-1000-12 PST-1000-24...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Owner's MAnuAl | Index Section 1 Safety Instructions ........3 Section 2 General Information ........6 Section 3 Limiting Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) ....... 11 Section 4 Powering Direct / Embedded Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) ............12 Section 5 Principle of Operation ....... 14 Section 6 Layout ............
  • Page 3: Safety Instructions

    seCtIOn 1 | safety Instructions The following safety symbols will be used in this manual to highlight safety and information: WARninG! Indicates possibility of physical harm to the user in case of non-compliance. cAUtion! Indicates possibility of damage to the equipment in case of non-compliance. inFo Indicates useful supplemental information.
  • Page 4: Precautions When Working With Batteries

    seCtIOn 1 | safety Instructions Preventing fire and explosion hazards • Working with the unit may produce arcs or sparks. Thus, the unit should not be used in areas where there are flammable materials or gases requiring ignition protected equipment. These areas may include spaces containing gasoline-powered machinery, fuel tanks, and battery compartments. Precautions when working with batteries • Batteries contain very corrosive diluted sulphuric acid as electrolyte. Precautions should be taken to prevent contact with skin, eyes or clothing. • Batteries generate Hydrogen and oxygen during charging resulting in evolution of explosive gas mixture. Care should be taken to ventilate the battery area and follow the battery manufacturer’s recommendations. • Never smoke or allow a spark or flame near the batteries.
  • Page 5 seCtIOn 1 | safety Instructions the 12V battery version and 33.0 VDC for the 24V battery version to prevent permanent damage to the unit. Please observe the following precautions: • Ensure that the maximum charging voltage of the external battery charger / alterna- tor / solar charge controller does not exceed 16.5 VDC for the 12V battery version and 33.0 VDC for the 24V battery version • Do not use unregulated solar panels to charge the battery connected to this unit. Under cold ambient temperatures, the output of the solar panel may reach > 22 VDC for 12V Battery System and > 44 VDC for the 24V Battery system. Always use a charge controller between the solar panel and the battery. • Do not connect this unit to a battery system with a voltage higher than the rated bat- tery input voltage of the unit (e.g. do not connect the 12V version of the unit to 24V battery system or the 24V version to the 48V Battery System) Preventing Reverse Polarity on the input Side When making battery connections on the input side, make sure that the polarity of bat- tery connections is correct (Connect the Positive of the battery to the Positive terminal of the unit and the Negative of the battery to the Negative terminal of the unit). If the...
  • Page 6: General Information

    seCtIOn 2 | General Information The following definitions are used in this manual for explaining various electrical concepts, specifications and operations: Peak Value: It is the maximum value of electrical parameter like voltage / current. RMS (Root Mean Square) Value: It is a statistical average value of a quantity that varies in value with respect to time. for example, a pure sine wave that alternates between peak values of Positive 169.68V and Negative 169.68V has an RMS value of 120 VAC. Also, for a pure sine wave, the RMS value = Peak value ÷ 1.414. Voltage (V), Volts: It is denoted by “V” and the unit is “Volts”. It is the electrical force that drives electrical current (I) when connected to a load. It can be DC (Direct Current – flow in one direction only) or AC (Alternating Current – direction of flow changes peri- odically). The AC value shown in the specifications is the RMS (Root Mean Square) value. current (i), Amps, A: It is denoted by “I” and the unit is Amperes – shown as “A”. It is the flow of electrons through a conductor when a voltage (V) is applied across it. Frequency (F), Hz: It is a measure of the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time. for example, cycles per second (or Hertz) in a sinusoidal voltage.
  • Page 7 seCtIOn 2 | General Information effect is a tendency to cancel each other. Hence, in a circuit containing both inductances and capacitances, the net Reactance (X) will be equal to the difference between the values of the inductive and capacitive reactances. The net Reactance (X) will be inductive if X > X and capacitive if X > X impedance, Z: It is the vectorial sum of resistance and reactance vectors in a circuit. Active Power (P), Watts: It is denoted as “P” and the unit is “Watt”. It is the power that is consumed in the resistive elements of the load. A load will require additional Reactive Power for powering the inductive and capacitive elements.
  • Page 8 seCtIOn 2 | General Information the inverter. The inverter can be sized based on the Active Power rating (Watts) without creating overload. Reactive Load: A device or appliance that consists of a combination of resistive, induc- tive and capacitive elements (like motor driven tools, refrigeration compressors, micro- waves, computers, audio/ video etc.). These devices require Apparent Power (VA) from the inverter to operate. The Apparent Power is a vectorial sum of Active Power (Watts) and Reactive Power (VAR). The inverter has to be sized based on the higher Apparent Power (VA). output Voltage Waveforms Sine Wave Modi ed Sine Modi ed Sine Wave Wave sits at ZERO for some time and then rises or falls...
  • Page 9 seCtIOn 2 | General Information frequency harmonic content in a modified sine wave produces enhanced radio interfer- ence, higher heating effect in inductive loads like microwaves and motor driven devices like hand tools, refrigeration / air-conditioning compressors, pumps etc. The higher frequency harmonics also produce overloading effect in low frequency capacitors due to lowering of their capacitive reactance by the higher harmonic frequencies. These capaci- tors are used in ballasts for fluorescent lighting for Power factor improvement and in single-phase induction motors as start and run capacitors. Thus, modified and square wave inverters may shut down due to overload when powering these devices.
  • Page 10 seCtIOn 2 | General Information Power Rating of the inverters The continuous output power rating of the inverter is specified in Active Power in Watts for resistive types of loads like heating elements, incandescent lamps etc. where Power factor (Pf) = 1. The Surge Power rating is for < 1 sec. Non resistive / reactive loads with Power factor < 1 like motors (Pf = 0.4 to 0.8), non Power factor corrected electronics (Pf = 0.5 to 0.6) etc, will draw higher Apparent Power in Volt Amps (VA). This Apparent Power is the sum of Active Power in Watts plus Reac- tive Power in VAR and is = Active Power in Watts ÷ Power factor. Thus, for such reactive loads, higher sized inverter is required based on the Apparent Power. further, all reac- tive types of loads require higher inrush / starting surge power that may last for > 1 to 5 sec and subsequent lower running power. If the inverter is not sized adequately based on the type of AC load, it is likely to shut down or fail prematurely due to repeated overloading. inFo The manufacturers’ specification for power rating of the appliances and devices indicates only the running power required. The surge power required by some specific types of devices as explained above has to be determined by actual test- ing or by checking with the manufacturer. This may not be possible in all cases and hence, can be guessed at best, based on some general rules of thumb.
  • Page 11: Limiting Electromagnetic Interference (Emi)

    seCtIOn 2 | General Information tABLe 2.1: inVeRteR SiZinG FActoR inverter type of Device or Appliance Sizing Factor* Laser Printer / other Devices using Quartz Lamps for heating Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS): no Power factor correction Photographic Strobe / flash Lights 4 (Note 1) Multiply the Running Active Power Rating {Watts} of the appliance by this Factor to arrive at the Continuous Power Rating of the inverter for powering this appliance. tABLe 2.1: noteS 1. for photographic strobe / flash unit, the surge power of the inverter should be > 4 times the Watt Sec rating of photographic strobe / flash unit.
  • Page 12: Powering Direct / Embedded Switch Mode Power Supplies (Smps)

    seCtIOn 4 | Powering Direct / embedded switch Mode Power supplies (sMPs) Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) are extensively used to convert the incoming AC power into various voltages like 3.3V, 5V, 12V, 24V etc. that are used to power various devices and circuits used in electronic equipment like battery chargers, computers, audio and video devices, radios etc. These power supplies use large capacitors in their input section for filtration. When the power supply is first turned on, there is a very large inrush current drawn by the power supply as the input capacitors are charged (The ca- pacitors act almost like a short circuit at the instant the power is turned on). The inrush current at turn-on is several to tens of times larger than the rated rMS input current and lasts for a few milliseconds. An example of the input voltage versus input current waveforms is given in fig.
  • Page 13: Input Voltage

    seCtIOn 4 | Powering Direct / embedded switch Mode Power supplies (sMPs) Input voltage RMS Current Inrush current Fig 4.1: Inrush current in an SMPS Peak Current Non-linear Input Current RMS Current Input Sine Wave Voltage TIME Fig. 4.2: High Crest Factor of current drawn by SMPS SAMLEX AMERICA INC.
  • Page 14: Principle Of Operation

    seCtIOn 5 | Principle of Operation These inverters convert DC battery voltage to AC voltage with an RMS (Root Mean Square) value of 120 VAC, 60 Hz RMS. The waveform of the AC voltage is a pure sine wave form that is same as the waveform of grid power (Supplementary information on pure sine waveform and its advantages are discussed on pages 8 & 9). fig. 5.1 below specifies the characteristics of 120 VAC, 60 Hz pure sine waveform. The instantaneous value and polarity of the voltage varies cyclically with respect to time. for example, in one cycle in a 120 VAC, 60 Hz system, it slowly rises in the positive direction from 0V to a peak positive value “Vpeak” = + 168.69V, slowly drops to 0V, changes the polarity to negative direction and slowly increases in the negative direction to a peak...
  • Page 15: Layout

    seCtIOn 6 | layout PST-600 & PST-1000-12-24: Layout PST-600 & PST-1000: Front NEG – NEG – POS + WARNING: Reverse polarity will damage the unit. AVERTISSEMENT : Inversion de polarité peut endommager l’unité. PST-600 & PST-1000: Back LEGEND Power ON/OFF Switch Green LED - Power ON Red LED - Overload Red LED - Over Temperature...
  • Page 16: General Information On Batteries For Powering Inverters

    seCtIOn 7 | General Information on Batteries for Powering Inverters Lead-acid batteries can be categorized by the type of application: Automotive service - Starting/Lighting/Ignition (SLI, a.k.a. cranking), and Deep cycle service. Deep Cycle Lead Acid Batteries of appropriate capacity are recommended for the powering of inverters. Deep cycle Lead Acid Batteries Deep cycle batteries are designed with thick-plate electrodes to serve as primary power sources, to have a constant discharge rate, to have the capability to be deeply dis- charged up to 80 % capacity and to repeatedly accept recharging. They are marketed for use in recreation vehicles (RV), boats and electric golf carts – so they may be referred to as RV batteries, marine batteries or golf cart batteries. Use Deep Cycle batteries for powering these inverters. Rated capacity in Ampere-hour (Ah) Battery capacity “C” is specified in Ampere-hours (Ah). An Ampere is the unit of meas- urement for electrical current and is defined as a Coulomb of charge passing through an electrical conductor in one second. The Capacity “C” in Ah relates to the ability of the battery to provide a constant specified value of discharge current (also called “C-Rate”) over a specified time in hours before the battery reaches a specified discharged terminal voltage (Also called “End Point Voltage”) at a specified temperature of the electrolyte.
  • Page 17 seCtIOn 7 | General Information on Batteries for Powering Inverters typical Battery Sizes The Table 7.1 below shows details of some popular battery sizes: tABLe 7.1: PoPULAR BAtteRY SiZeS Bci* Group Battery Voltage, V Battery capacity, Ah 27 / 31 GC2** * Battery Council International; ** Golf Cart Specifying charging / Discharging currents: c-Rate Electrical energy is stored in a cell / battery in the form of DC power. The value of the stored energy is related to the amount of the active materials pasted on the battery plates, the surface area of the plates and the amount of electrolyte covering the plates.
  • Page 18 seCtIOn 7 | General Information on Batteries for Powering Inverters Table 7.2 below gives some examples of C-Rate specifications and applications: tABLe 7.2: DiScHARGe cURRent RAteS - “c-RAteS” Hours of discharge time “t” c-Rate Discharge current in Amps example of c-Rate till the “end Point Voltage” Discharge currents Fraction Decimal Subscript for 100 Ah battery 0.5 Hrs.
  • Page 19 seCtIOn 7 | General Information on Batteries for Powering Inverters 12 Volt Lead-Acid Battery Chart - 80˚F / 26.7˚C 16.5 C/10 16.0 CHARGE C/20 15.5 C/40 15.0 14.5 14.0 13.5 13.0 C/100 C/20 12.5 C/10 DISCHARGE 12.0 11.5 11.0 10.5 Please note that X-axis shows % State of Charge.
  • Page 20 seCtIOn 7 | General Information on Batteries for Powering Inverters Table 7.3 (page 19) will show that a 100 Ah capacity battery will deliver 100% (i.e. full 100 Ah) capacity if it is slowly discharged over 20 hours at the rate of 5 Amperes (50W output for a 12V inverter and 100W output for a 24V inverter). However, if it is dis- charged at a rate of 50 Amperes (500W output for a 12V inverter and 1000W output for a 24V inverter) then theoretically, it should provide 100 AH ÷ 50 = 2 hours. However, the Table above shows that for 2 hours discharge rate, the capacity is reduced to 50% i.e. 50 Ah. Therefore, at 50 Ampere discharge rate (500W output for a 12V inverter and 1000W output for a 24V inverter) the battery will actually last for 50 Ah ÷ 50 Amperes = 1 Hour. State of charge (Soc) of a Battery – Based on “Standing Voltage” The “Standing Voltage” of a battery under open circuit conditions (no load connected to it) can approximately indicate the State of Charge (SoC) of the battery. The “Standing Voltage” is measured after disconnecting any charging device(s) and the battery load(s) and letting the battery “stand” idle for 3 to 8 hours before the voltage measurement is taken. Table 7.4 below shows the State of Charge versus Standing Voltage for a 12V battery system at 80°f (26.7ºC). for 24-volt systems, multiply by 2; for 48-volt systems, multiply by 4. tABLe 7.4: StAte oF cHARGe VeRSUS StAnDinG VoLtAGe – 12V BAtteRY Percentage of Standing Voltage of 6 cell, Standing Voltage...
  • Page 21 seCtIOn 7 | General Information on Batteries for Powering Inverters cables are thick enough to allow a negligible voltage drop between the battery and the inverter) . Inverters are provided with a buzzer alarm to warn that the loaded battery has been deeply discharged to around 80% of the rated capacity. Normally, the buzzer alarm is triggered when the voltage at the DC input terminals of the inverter has dropped to around 10.5V for a 12V battery or 21V for 24V battery at C-Rate discharge current of C/5 Amps and electrolyte temp.
  • Page 22 seCtIOn 7 | General Information on Batteries for Powering Inverters In the example given above, the 10.5V Low Battery / DC Input Alarm would trigger at around 80% discharged state (20% SoC) when the C-Rate discharge current is C/5 Amps. However, for lower C-Rate discharge current of C/10 Amps and lower, the battery will be almost completely discharged when the alarm is sounded. Hence, if the C-Rate dis- charge current is lower than C/5 Amps, the battery may have completely discharged by the time the Low DC Input Alarm is sounded.
  • Page 23 seCtIOn 7 | General Information on Batteries for Powering Inverters Please consider using the following Programmable Low Battery Cut-off / “Battery Guard” Models manufactured by Samlex America, Inc. - BG-40 (40A) – for up to 400W, 12V inverter or 800W, 24V inverter - BG-60 (60A) - for up to 600W, 12V inverter or 1200W, 24V inverter - BG-200 (200A) - for up to 2000W, 12V inverter or 4000W, 24V inverter Depth of Discharge of Battery and Battery Life The more deeply a battery is discharged on each cycle, the shorter the battery life. Using more batteries than the minimum required will result in longer life for the battery bank. A typical cycle life chart is given in the Table 7.5 below: tABLe 7.5: tYPicAL cYcLe LiFe cHARt Depth of Discharge cycle Life of Group cycle Life of Group cycle Life of Group % of Ah capacity...
  • Page 24 seCtIOn 7 | General Information on Batteries for Powering Inverters terminal of Battery 3 is connected to the Positive terminal of Battery 2. The Negative terminal of Battery 2 is connected to the Positive terminal of Battery 1. The Negative ter- minal of Battery 1 becomes the Negative terminal of the 24V battery bank. Parallel connection Cable “A” Battery 1 Battery 2 Battery 3 Battery 4 12V Inverter or 12V Charger Cable “B” Fig 7.3: Parallel Connection When two or more batteries are connected in parallel, their voltage remains the same but their Ah capacities add up. fig. 7.3 above shows 4 pieces of 12V, 100 Ah batteries connected in parallel to form a battery bank of 12V with a capacity of 400 Ah. The four Positive terminals of Batteries 1 to 4 are paralleled (connected together) and this com- mon Positive connection becomes the Positive terminal of the 12V bank. Similarly, the four Negative terminals of Batteries 1 to 4 are paralleled (connected together) and this common Negative connection becomes the Negative terminal of the 12V battery bank.
  • Page 25 seCtIOn 7 | General Information on Batteries for Powering Inverters are connected in series to form a 12V, 200 Ah battery (String 1). Similarly, two 6V, 200 Ah batteries, Batteries 3 and 4 are connected in series to form a 12V, 200 Ah battery (String 2). These two 12V, 200 Ah Strings 1 and 2 are connected in parallel to form a 12V, 400 Ah bank. cAUtion! When 2 or more batteries / battery strings are connected in parallel and are then connected to an inverter or charger (See figs 7.3 and 7.4 given above), attention should be paid to the manner in which the charger / inverter is con- nected to the battery bank. Please ensure that if the Positive output cable of the battery charger / inverter (Cable “A”) is connected to the Positive battery post of the first battery (Battery 1 in fig 7.3) or to the Positive battery post of the first battery string (Battery 1 of String 1 in fig. 7.4), then the Negative out- put cable of the battery charger / inverter (Cable “B”) should be connected to the Negative battery post of the last battery (Battery 4 as in fig. 7.3) or to the Negative Post of the last battery string (Battery 4 of Battery String 2 as in fig. 7.4). This connection ensures the following: - The resistances of the interconnecting cables will be balanced. - All the individual batteries / battery strings will see the same series resistance. - All the individual batteries will charge / discharge at the same charging current and thus, will be charged to the same state at the same time.
  • Page 26 seCtIOn 7 | General Information on Batteries for Powering Inverters The first step is to estimate the total AC watts (W) of load(s) and for how long the load(s) will operate in hours (H). The AC watts are normally indicated in the electrical nameplate for each appliance or equipment. In case AC watts (W) are not indicated, for- mula 1 given above may be used to calculate the AC watts. The next step is to estimate the DC current in Amperes (A) from the AC watts as per formula 2 above. An example of this calculation for a 12V inverter is given below: Let us say that the total Ac Watts delivered by the 12V inverter = 1000W. Then, using formula 2 above, the DC current to be delivered by the 12V batteries = 1000W ÷10 = 100 Amperes. next, the energy required by the load in Ampere Hours (Ah) is determined. for example, if the load is to operate for 3 hours then as per formula 3 above, the energy to be delivered by the 12V batteries = 100 Amperes × 3 Hours = 300 Ampere Hours (Ah).
  • Page 27: Installation

    seCtIOn 8 | Installation WARninG! 1. Before commencing installation, please read the safety instructions explained in the Section titled “Safety Instructions” on page 3. 2. It is recommended that the installation should be undertaken by a qualified, licensed / certified electrician. 3. Various recommendations made in this manual on installation will be super- seded by the National / Local Electrical Codes related to the location of the unit and the specific application. Location of installation Please ensure that the following requirements are met: cool: Heat is the worst enemy of electronic equipment. Hence, please ensure that the unit is installed in a cool area that is also protected against heating effects of direct exposure to the sun or to the heat generated by other adjacent heat generating devices.
  • Page 28 seCtIOn 8 | Installation The corrosive fumes will corrode and damage the unit and if the gases are not venti- lated and allowed to collect, they could ignite and cause an explosion. Accessibility: Do not block access to the front panel. Also, allow enough room to access the AC receptacles and DC wiring terminals and connections, as they will need to be checked and tightened periodically. Preventing Radio Frequency interference (RFi): The unit uses high power switching circuits that generate RfI. This RfI is limited to the required standards. Locate any elec- tronic equipment susceptible to radio frequency and electromagnetic interference as far away from the inverter as possible.
  • Page 29 PST-1000-dimensions seCtIOn 8 | Installation 3.8 16.5 16.5 NEG – NEG – POS + WARNING: Reverse polarity will damage the unit. AVERTISSEMENT : Inversion de polarité peut endommager l’unité. 240.6 Fig. 8.1.2: PST-1000 Overall Dimensions & Mounting Slots (NOTE: Dimensions in mm) Mounting orientation The unit has air intake and exhaust openings for the cooling fan(s). It has to be mounted in such a manner so that small objects should not be able to fall easily into the unit from...
  • Page 30 seCtIOn 8 | Installation - Mount horizontally on a horizontal surface - above a horizontal surface (e.g. table top or a shelf). - Mount horizontally on a vertical surface – The unit can be mounted on a vertical surface (like a wall) with the fan axis horizontal (fan opening facing left or right). WARninG! Mounting the unit vertically on a vertical surface is NoT allowed (fan opening facing up or down). As explained above, this is to prevent falling of objects into the unit through the fan opening when the fan opening faces up. If fan open- ing faces down, hot damaged component may fall out.
  • Page 31 seCtIOn 8 | Installation nal of the unit and the Negative of the battery to the Negative terminal of the unit). If the input is connected in reverse polarity, DC fuse(s) inside the inverter will blow and may also cause permanent damage to the inverter. connection from the Batteries to the Dc input Side of the Unit – Wire and external Fuse Sizes WARninG! The input section of the inverter has large capacitors connected across the input terminals. As soon as the DC input connection loop (Battery (+) terminal ► External fuse ►...
  • Page 32 seCtIOn 8 | Installation - Ac induction motors: These are commonly found in power tools, appliances, well pumps etc. They exhibit very high surge demands when starting. Significant voltage drop in these circuits may cause failure to start and possible motor damage. - PV battery charging circuits: These are critical because voltage drop can cause a dis- proportionate loss of charge current to charge a battery. A voltage drop greater than 5% can reduce charge current to the battery by a much greater percentage. Fuse Protection in Battery circuits A battery is an unlimited source of current. Under short circuit conditions, a battery can supply thousands of Amperes of current. If there is a short circuit along the length of...
  • Page 33 Samlex 0.91M / 1.83M / 3.05M / power & minimum rat- America Dc Model no. ing of external fuse 3 ft. 6 ft. 10 ft. install Kit PST-600-12 AWG #6 AWG #2 AWG #1/0 DC-1000-KIT PST-600-24 AWG #8 AWG #8 AWG #6 DC-1000-KIT PST-1000-12 160A AWG #2...
  • Page 34 seCtIOn 8 | Installation center which is also fed from the utility power/ generator. Such a connection will result in parallel operation and AC power from the utility / generator will be fed back into the inverter which will instantly damage the output section of the inverter and may also pose a fire and safety hazard. If an electrical breaker panel / load center is being fed from the utility power / generator and the inverter is required to feed this panel as backup power source, the AC power from the utility power/ generator and the inverter should first be fed to a manual selector switch / Automatic Transfer Switch and the output of the manual selector switch / Automatic Transfer Switch should be con- nected to the electrical breaker panel / load center. 2. To prevent possibility of paralleling and severe damage to the inverter, never use a simple jumper cable with a male plug on both ends to connect the AC output of the inverter to a handy wall receptacle in the home / RV. Ac output connection through Ground Fault circuit interrupter (GFci) An un-intentional electric path between a source of current and a grounded surface is referred to as a “Ground fault”. Ground faults occur when current is leaking some- where. In effect, electricity is escaping to the ground. How it leaks is very important. If...
  • Page 35 seCtIOn 8 | Installation Providing Backup Power Using transfer Switch for this application, use a Transfer Switch that has Double Pole, Double Throw Contacts like in Samlex America, Inc. Transfer Switch Model No. STS-30. This type of Transfer Switch will be able to switch both the Hot and the Neutral and will prevent tripping of the GfCI due to Neutral to Ground bond in the Utility power: - feed utility power and output power from the inverter to the two inputs of the Trans- fer relay - feed the output of the Transfer Switch to a Sub-Panel to feed AC loads requiring backup power - Do not bond (connect) the Neutral and the Ground in the Sub-Panel - When Utility power is available, the 2 poles of the Transfer Switch will connect the Hot and Neutral of the Utility power to the Hot and Neutral in the Sub-Panel. The Neutral of the Sub-Panel will be bonded to the Earth Ground through the Main Utility Supply Panel. As the Neutral of the inverter will be isolated from the Neutral of the...
  • Page 36: Operation

    seCtIOn 9 | Operation Powering on the Loads After the inverter is switched on, it takes a finite time to become ready to deliver full power. Hence, always switch on the load(s) after a few seconds of switching on the inverter. Avoid switching on the inverter with the load already switched on. This may prematurely trigger the overload protection. When a load is switched on, it may require initial higher power surge to start. Hence, if multiple loads are being powered, they should be switched on one by one so that the inverter is not overloaded by the higher starting surge if all the loads are switched on at once. Switching the inverter on/oFF Before switching on the inverter, check that all the AC loads have been switched off. The oN/off switch (1) on the front panel of the inverter is used to switch on and switch off the inverter. This switch operates a low power control circuitry, which in turn controls all...
  • Page 37 seCtIOn 9 | Operation no Load Draw (idle current) When the oN/off switch is turned on, all the circuitry inside the inverter becomes alive and the AC output is made available. In this condition, even when no load is being sup- plied (or, if a load is connected but has been switched off), the inverter draws a small amount of current from the batteries to keep the circuitry alive and ready to deliver the required power on demand. This is called the "idle current" or the "no load draw". Hence, when the load is not required to be operated, turn off the oN/off switch on the inverter to prevent unnecessary current drain from the battery. inFo When the inverter is turned off using the optional Remote Control RC-15A, some control circuitry in the inverter is still alive and will draw very low current.
  • Page 38: Protections

    seCtIOn 10 | Protections The inverter has been provided with protections detailed below: overload / Short circuit Shut Down The inverter can provide a higher than normal instantaneous power (< 1 second) limited to the surge power rating of the inverter. Also, the inverter can provide continuous power limited to the continuous power rating of the inverter. If there is an overload beyond these specified limits, the AC output of the unit will be shut down permanently. RED LED marked "overload" will turn oN, the GREEN indication on the GfCI will be off and buzzer alarm will sound. The GREEN "Power oN" LED (2) will continue to be lighted. The unit will be latched in this shutdown condition and will require manual reset. To reset, switch off the power oN/off switch, wait for 3 minutes and then switch oN again.
  • Page 39 seCtIOn 10 | Protections over-temperature Shut Down In case of failure of the cooling fan or in the case of inadequate heat removal due to higher ambient temperatures / insufficient air exchange, the temperature inside the unit will increase. The temperature of a critical hot spot inside the inverter is monitored and at 203°f / 95°C, the AC output of the inverter is shut down temporarily. Buzzer alarm will be sounded. The GREEN "Power oN"LED (2) will remain lighted. The GREEN indication light on the GfCI will be off.
  • Page 40: Trouble Shooting Guide

    seCtIOn 11 | trouble shooting Guide iSSUe PoSSiBLe cAUSe ReMeDY When switched ON, The There is no voltage at the Check the continuity of the battery GREEN "Power ON"LED (2) DC input terminals / 12V input circuit. does not light. Buzzer is Off. power outlet in the vehicle Check that the internal/external battery fuse/ There is no AC output volt-...
  • Page 41 seCtIOn 11 | trouble shooting Guide iSSUe PoSSiBLe cAUSe ReMeDY There is no AC output. The Shut-down due to high Check that the voltage at the DC input termi- GREEN "Power ON" LED input DC voltage – nals is less than 16.5V for 12V versions and less (2) is lighted.
  • Page 42: Specifications

    12 | specifications MoDeL no. PSt-600-12 PSt-600-24 oUtPUt oUTPUT VoLTAGE 120 VAC ± 3% 120 VAC ± 3% MAXIMUM oUTPUT CURRENT 5.1A 5.1A oUTPUT fREQUENCY 60 Hz ± 1% 60 Hz ± 1% TYPE of oUTPUT WAVEfoRM Pure Sine Wave Pure Sine Wave ToTAL HARMoNIC DISToRTIoN of < 3% < 3% oUTPUT WAVEfoRM CoNTINUoUS oUTPUT PoWER 600 Watts 600 Watts (At Power factor = 1) SURGE oUTPUT PoWER 1000 Watts 1000 Watts (At Power factor = 1; <1 sec)
  • Page 43 seCtIOn 12 | specifications battery vehicle outlet and 40 Amperes from 24V battery vehicle outlet. Ensure that the electrical system in your vehicle can supply this product without caus- ing the vehicle fusing to open. This can be determined by making sure that the fuse in the vehicle, which protects the outlet, is rated higher 80 amperes (12V battery), or 40 amperes (24V battery). Information on the vehicle fuse ratings is typically found in the vehicle operator's manual. If a vehicle fuse opens repeat- edly, do not keep on replacing it. The cause of the overload must be found. on no account should fuses be patched up with tin foil or wire as this may cause serious damage elsewhere in the electrical circuit or cause fire.
  • Page 44 seCtIOn 12 | specifications MoDeL no. PSt-1000-12 PSt-1000-24 oUtPUt oUTPUT VoLTAGE 120 VAC ± 3% 120 VAC ± 3% MAXIMUM oUTPUT CURRENT 8.5A 8.5A oUTPUT fREQUENCY 60 Hz ± 1% 60 Hz ± 1% TYPE of oUTPUT WAVEfoRM Pure Sine Wave Pure Sine Wave ToTAL HARMoNIC DISToRTIoN of < 3% < 3% oUTPUT WAVEfoRM CoNTINUoUS oUTPUT PoWER 1000 Watts 1000 Watts (At Power factor = 1) SURGE oUTPUT PoWER 2000 Watts 2000 Watts (At Power factor = 1; <1 sec) PEAK EffICIENCY (At full load) AC oUTPUT CoNNECTIoNS...
  • Page 45 seCtIOn 12 | specifications vehicle outlet and 80 Amperes from 24V battery vehicle outlet. Ensure that the electri- cal system in your vehicle can supply this product without causing the vehicle fusing to open. This can be determined by making sure that the fuse in the vehicle, which protects the outlet, is rated higher 160 amperes (12V battery), or 80 amperes (24V bat- tery). Information on the vehicle fuse ratings is typically found in the vehicle operator's manual. If a vehicle fuse opens repeatedly, do not keep on replacing it. The cause of the overload must be found. on no account should fuses be patched up with tin foil or wire as this may cause serious damage elsewhere in the electrical circuit or cause fire.
  • Page 46: Warranty

    13 | warranty 2 YeAR LiMiteD WARRAntY The PST-600-12, PST-600-24, PST-1000-12 and PST-1000-24 are manufactured by Samlex America, Inc. (the “Warrantor“) is warranted to be free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use and service. The warranty period is 2 years for the United States and Canada, and is in effect from the date of purchase by the user (the “Purchaser“). Warranty outside of the United States and Canada is limited to 6 months. for a warranty claim, the Purchaser should contact the place of purchase to obtain a Return Authoriza- tion Number. The defective part or unit should be returned at the Purchaser’s expense to the author- ized location. A written statement describing the nature of the defect, the date of pur- chase, the place of purchase, and the Purchaser’s name, address and telephone number should also be included. If upon the Warrantor’s examination, the defect proves to be the result of defective material or workmanship, the equipment will be repaired or replaced at the Warran- tor’s option without charge, and returned to the Purchaser at the Warrantor’s expense.
  • Page 47 nOtes: SAMLEX AMERICA INC. | 47...
  • Page 48 Contact Information Toll Free Numbers Ph: 800 561 5885 Fax: 888 814 5210 Local Numbers Ph: 604 525 3836 Fax: 604 525 5221 Website USA Shipping Warehouse Kent WA Canadian Shipping Warehouse Delta BC Email purchase orders to 11001-PST-600-1000-12-24-1012...

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