Single Package Heat Pump
Read this owner information to become familiar with the capabilities and use of your
appliance. Keep this with literature on other appliances where you have easy access to
it in the future. If a problem occurs, check the instructions and follow recommendations
given. If these suggestions don't eliminate your problem, call your installing contractor or
distributor in your area.
Your heat pump is a unique, all weather comfort-
control system appliance. The basic operation
of the heating/cooling system is described
and illustrated on page 1 of this manual. The
surprising fact that heat exists in air even at
below-freezing temperatures is actually the
basic law of physics which the heat pump
uses to provide energy saving heating comfort.
At outdoor temperatures of 47° Fahrenheit
Single Package Heat Pump
(or 8° Celsius), your heat pump can deliver
approximately 2 to 3 units of heat energy per each
unit of electrical energy used, as compared to a
maximum of only 1 unit of heat energy produced
with conventional heating systems. During the
cooling season, the heat pump reverses the fl ow
of the heat-absorbing refrigerant to become an
energy-effi cient, central air conditioner.