Parameter Restrictions For Availability; Items Sold By Merchants - Amazon Product Advertising API Developer's Manual

Api version 2011-08-01
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Product Advertising API Developer Guide
• New releases
• E-mail me when items become available
• Items available for in-store pickup
• Items for sale by third parties

Parameter Restrictions for Availability

The following table describes the ItemSearch parameters that must be included to return available items
ItemSearch Parameter
The following search indices do not work with the Availability parameter:
• Items available for in-store pickup
• Items for sale by third parties
In both cases, because Amazon does not warehouse the items for sale, Amazon cannot determine the
availability of them.

Items Sold by Merchants

By far, most items on Amazon are sold by merchants. Amazon itself is one. For that reason,
ItemSearch (p. 196)
is one of the most heavily used Product Advertising API operations. Because there
are so many items for sale on Amazon, ItemSearch has many input parameters that help target a
request. ItemSearch requests can also use many response groups, which can tailor the type of information
returned with each item..
At first, the number of ItemSearch input parameters might seem overwhelming. This section explains the
parameters most commonly used. By mastering these, you can create highly targeted requests. For a
description of all of the ItemSearch parameters, see ItemSearch.
Items Sold by Merchants
Must be set to "Available." When the Availability
parameter is not set, ItemSearch returns available
and unavailable items. "Available" is the only valid
value for Availability . Setting it to another value
returns an error message. Parameter values are
case sensitive. When the Availability parameter is
set to "Available", the only optional constraint that
can be present is MerchantId.
An optional parameter that can be used to filter
search results and offer listings to only include
items sold by Amazon. By default, the API will
return items sold by various merchants including
Amazon. The only valid optional value for
MerchantId is "Amazon". When the Availability
parameter is used and MerchantId is set to
"Amazon," the availability results for Amazon, Toys
R Us, and Target are merged.
API Version 2011-08-01


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