If you are using the main unit, press
you press and hold
changes instead.
• To start or stop a slide show, press
and hold
on the main unit.
The images in the slide show change every 4 or 8 seconds. To change
the interval, press and hold
change the interval from the main unit.
I Rotating, saving and deleting images
• To rotate the image displayed on the TV screen 90
on the remote control or the main unit.
• When phone memory is selected, you can save images from a phone to
the MMC card inserted in the Nokia Image Viewer.
To save a single image, press
when the image you want to save is displayed.
To save an entire slide show, press and hold
or the main unit. Note that if the slide show is not on, only the
displayed image is saved.
Before saving the images, the Nokia Image Viewer checks that the
MMC card has room for them. If the entire slide show does not fit in
the MMC card, the
U s i n g t h e N o k i a I m a g e V i e w e r
to scroll forward. Note that if
, the images do not scroll, as the memory
on the remote control or press
on the remote control. You cannot
on the remote control or the main unit
icon is displayed and none of the images are
clockwise, press
on the remote control