Emtec Movie Cube N200 User Manual

Emtec Movie Cube N200 User Manual

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Home Multimedia Center
Movie Cube N200
User's Manual
(Version 1.0.2)


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Emtec Movie Cube N200

  • Page 1 Home Multimedia Center Movie Cube N200 User’s Manual (Version 1.0.2)
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents User Information......................... 3 1.1 Cautions ........................3 Product Introduction ......................5 2.1 Product Overview......................5 2.2 Package Contents......................6 2.3 Installation Procedure ....................7 2.4 Remote Control ......................11 2.5 Front Panel......................... 12 2.6 Side Panel........................12 2.7 Back Panel ......................... 13 Main Menu ........................
  • Page 3: User Information

    1. User Information 1.1 Cautions This player’s design and manufacture has your safety in mind. In order to safely and effectively use this player, please read the following before usage. 1.1.1 Usage Cautions User should not modify this player. If commercial hard disk is being used, the environmental temperature should be within +5 ~ +35 .
  • Page 4 When using this player, please do not let the player come into contact with water or other liquid, if water is accidentally spilled on the player, please use a dry cloth to absorb the spillage. Electronic products are vulnerable, when using please avoid shaking or hitting the player, and do not press the buttons too hard.
  • Page 5: Product Introduction

    2. Product Introduction 2.1 Product Overview Thank you very much for purchasing the product. We hope you will enjoy using it as a great home entertainment partner. This player has the following functionality. Network Feature A/V streaming/transmission via Ethernet (10M/100M) & Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n) A/V streaming via UPnP Media Server Internet radio(MMS) USB 2.0 Support...
  • Page 6: Package Contents

    Note: All the information contained in this manual was correct at the time of publication. However, as our engineers are always updating and improving the product, your device’s software may have a slightly different appearance or modified functionality than presented in this manual.
  • Page 7: Installation Procedure

    2.3 Installation Procedure The Movie cube installation procedure is outlined below: Step 1 - Connecting the Power Supply (1) Follow the picture and connect the AC adaptor to the player’s DC IN jack; (2) Follow the picture and plug in the AC adaptor to the power outlet. Step 2 - Connecting to a TV The below connection method can help you to enjoy the high quality movie, music and photo.
  • Page 8 Follow the Audio Connection method as below: First method: Use the audio output from the A/V OUT jack; Second method: Use the audio output from the S/PDIF optical jack. In this way, you can also enjoy videos, music, and photos in the player on TV. 3.
  • Page 9 Step 3 - Connecting a USB Device or Memory Card to the Movie Cube 1. Connecting a USB Device (1) Make sure the player is powered on; (2) Plug in the USB stick or USB HDD etc. to the USB HOST port of this player. In this way, you can browse contents on the USB device.
  • Page 10 Removing a USB Device or Memory Card In order to prevent data loss, it is highly recommended you press EJECT button on the remote control before remove a USB device or Memory Card. To remove a USB Device or Memory Card 1.
  • Page 11: Remote Control

    2.4 Remote Control 1. POWER OFF 2. HOME 3. OPTION 4. VOL+ 5. UP 6. LEFT 7. ENTER 8. VOL- 9. DOWN 10. FR 11. PLAY/PAUSE 12. SEARCH 13. STOP 14. EJECT 15. TV SYS. 16. FF 17. PREV 18. RIGHT 19.
  • Page 12: Front Panel

    EJECT Press to safely remove the USB device. TV SYS. Press to switch between NTSC, PAL, 480P, 576P, 720P, 1080I, and 1080P. Press to fast forward the current playback. Press repeatedly to select speeds. PREV Press to view the previous file / page up. RIGHT Navigational button.
  • Page 13: Back Panel

    2.7 Back Panel 1. DC in jack 2. RJ45 LAN socket 3. HDMI jack A/V OUT jack 5. Y/Pb/Pr OUT jack 6. USB HOST port 7. S/PDIF OPTICAL jack...
  • Page 14: Main Menu

    3. Main Menu 3.1 Setup Menu The Setup menu allows you to personalize and configure the preferences for your player. To select a Setup option: Select the Setup icon on the home screen Use the UP/DOWN navigational buttons to select an option, and then press ENTER. There are five Setup options, including Audio, Video, Network, System, and MISC.
  • Page 15 Digital Output Select to set Digital Output (S/PDIF) mode. Note: In raw mode, Dolby Digital, DTS, or MPEG sound can be bypassed to the HDMI TV or Digital amplifier. 3.1.2 Changing Video Settings Use this menu to configure video settings. Aspect Ratio Pan Scan 4:3: Display a wide picture on the entire screen and cuts off the redundant portions.
  • Page 16 3.1.3 Changing Network Settings Use this menu to configure Ethernet and WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) settings. Wired LAN Setup DHCP IP (AUTO) Select to obtain IP address automatically. FIX IP (MANUAL) Select to manually input the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS Server IP Address.
  • Page 17 Get Connection Mode Choose between Infrastructure (AP) and Peer to Peer (Ad Hoc). Press ENTER to go to next step, and press RETURN to cancel. Infrastructure (AP) Infrastructure mode is used to connect computers with wireless network adapters, also known as wireless clients, to an existing wired network with the help from wireless router or access point.
  • Page 18 Input WEP / WPA Key Encryption keys can be inputted via the virtual keyboard. Press the navigational buttons to select, ENTER to input, CAPS to switch between uppercase and lowercase, <- to delete a character, -> to insert a space, shift to make more symbols available, and OK to confirm.
  • Page 19 Ad-Hoc Setup Press ENTER to go to next step, press RETURN to cancel, and press PLAY to connect. 3.1.4 Changing System Settings Use this menu to configure system settings. Menu Language Select to choose the OSD (On-Screen Display) language. Text Encoding Select to set the text encoding option (subtitle display).
  • Page 20: Music Playback

    3.1.5 Miscellaneous Use this menu to adjust miscellaneous settings. Slide Show Timing Select to set the interval time for photo slide show. Transition Effect Select to set the transition effect for photo slide show. Background Music Select to set the background music options while view pictures: Off / Folder / Playlist. Screen Saver Select to turn on / off screen saver.
  • Page 21 You can navigate using a filter option (Date, Folder, Recent, Playlist, All music, Artist, Genre, or Album) by selecting the Music icon and using UP and DOWN button to scroll through the options listed. 3.2.1 Music Playback Control Button Function PLAY/PAUSE Begin/Pause playback.
  • Page 22: Photo Playback

    3.3 Photo Playback Enter into photo interface, only supported image files and folder will be displayed. This player supports JPG/JPEG/BMP/files. You can navigate using a filter option(Date, Folder, Recent or All photo)by selecting the photo icon and using UP and DOWN button to scroll through the options listed. 3.3.1 Photo Playback Control Button Function...
  • Page 23: Movie Playback

    The photo toolbar has several command icons to customize the way you play photo. The functions from left to right are zoom in, zoom out, rotate picture, info. 3.3.3 Quick-Search You can search for a media file by filter current folder to locate the specific media file. Press SEARCH button while browsing photo files in the photo library.
  • Page 24 3.4.1 Movie Playback Control Button Function PLAY/PAUSE Begin/Pause playback. PREV / NEXT View the previous or next file/chapter. FR/FF Fast rewind or fast forward. Press repeatedly to select the speed OPTION Hide or display the Movie toolbar during playback. STOP Stop playback.
  • Page 25: All Files

    3.4.3 Quick-Search You can search for a media file by filter current folder to locate the specific media file. Press SEARCH button while browsing movie files in the movie library. 3.5 All Files The all files allows you to browse and play music, photo and movie files stored on an external USB device, Card and Network.
  • Page 26 Station All downloaded stations will be listed under this menu. You can search the station by genre and location. genre: You can search for stations by genre (music, news, study, etc.) under this menu. location: You can select radios by countries. Favorite Your favorite stations can be kept under this menu Net Radio Control...
  • Page 27: Media Library

    4. Media Library Thanks to a powerful search engine, the library menu allows you to search and browse multimedia files stored on an external USB HOST device in most easy ways. Media Library Categories Media Type Icon Category Description Music All Music Select to list all the music files in the library Artist...
  • Page 28: Upgrading The Firmware

    5. Upgrading the Firmware The firmware is the operating system (OS) installed on the device. Firmware upgrades can bring new features, improvements and bug fixes. Please refer to System Update in chapter ‘3.1.4 Changing System Settings’ for more details. 6. Appendixes 6.1 Specifications I/O INTERFACES SUPORTED: USB 2.0 HOST port x 2 (compatible to USB 1.1)
  • Page 29: Frequently Asked Questions

    Note: The specifications and design of this product are subject to change without notice. 6.2 Frequently Asked Questions Question 1. When I try to disconnect the USB device, I keep on getting “The device ‘Generic volume’ cannot be stopped right now. Try stopping the device again later.” message, what should I do? Answer: Close any program that might be accessing data on the player, including Windows®...
  • Page 30 Question 6. Why when I switch to Y/Pb/Pr 480p, 576p, 720p, 1080i, and 1080p, does the TV screen display an unwatchable picture? Answer: Please check if your TV supports Y/Pb/Pr 480p, 576p, 720p, 1080i, and 1080p output, if your TV does not support, please use the A/V signal display instead, press the TV SYSYEM button on the remote control, then switch the TV’s video input to NTSC or PAL.
  • Page 31: Copyrights And Trademarks

    Question 11. I am using the 802.11n Wi-Fi dongle with an 802.11n wireless router, why the speed is still 802.11g 54Mbps rather than 300Mbps? Answer: The IEEE 802.11n Draft standard prohibits using high throughput with WEP or TKIP as the unicast cipher.
  • Page 32 GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"...
  • Page 33 These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works.
  • Page 34 designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License.
  • Page 35 This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded.

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