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Agency Approvals - Elo TouchSystems IntelliTouch E281-2310 Technical Reference Manual

Serial controller


SmartSet Technical Reference Manual—Addendum for the E281-2310 Controller

Agency Approvals

Elo TouchSystems controller board model E281-2310 is a UL Recognized
Component, CCN NWGQ2, per UL 1950, Safety of Information Technology
Equipment Including Electrical Business Equipment. Recognition information is
contained in File E162681.
Elo TouchSystems controller board model E281-2310 is a UL Recognized
Component for use in Canada, CCN NWGQ8, per UL 1950, Safety of Information
Technology Equipment Including Electrical Business Equipment Certified for
Canada. Recognition information is contained in File E162681.
The E281-2310 has been tested to verify compliance with FCC Class B
commercial limits. Test results are on file. Conformance to these or to more
stringent limits may require special attention to system grounding and shielding,
and it may be necessary to apply ferrite suppressor beads to cables.

