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Healthrider HRCR91080 User Manual page 6

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Youshouldbeabletofeelyourself p ivotor bend
fromthe hip--notfromtheback.Don'troundyour
backasthebarmoves forward.
Always placetheballof eachfootinthecenterof
Always bringthe handlebar as closeas possible to
yourstomach or ribcage.If youarenewtoexer=
cise,don'textend thebartoofarforward forthe
firstfewweeks of yourexercise program. Asyour
backbecomes s tronger a ndmoreflexible, a llow
thehandlebar totravel f arther f orward forincreased
range of motion.
Change grippositions andtoepositions oftento
addvarietyandbalance to eachworkout.
Yourthumbscanbeplaced nextto thefirstfinger
or wrapped around thehandlebar. Usethese
thumbpositions i nterchangeably duringeachwork-
outsession forgreater f orearm endurance.
We strongly recommend that you begin every exercise session in this posb
tion. As a warm=up, it provides a balanced workout, distributing the empha=
sis between upper and lower body. Vary emphasis by pulling more with the
arms or pushing more with the legs. Keep your back vertical and upright at
all times. You should also vary your hand grip to target certain muscle
groups. For example, a wide overhand grip will target your shoulders; a
close overhand grip (shown) will target your triceps; and a close underhand
grip will target your biceps.
Muscles affected:
All Major Muscle Groups
As your strength increases, you'll want to challenge yourself by toning your
forearms even more. Use the wrist roll with either the close or wide over=
hand grip. As you pull the handlebar toward your stomach, roll your knuck-
les forward in a smooth motion.
Muscles affected:
Forearm Flexors
Grip the center post high with one hand above the other. Perform ten repe=
titions. Change your hand positions and perform the same number of repe=
titions. For greater emphasis try one hand at a time.
Muscles affected:
Biceps and Chest

