Craftsman 172.79183 Operator's Manual
Craftsman 172.79183 Operator's Manual

Craftsman 172.79183 Operator's Manual

12 amp electric lawn edger
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Operator's Manual
12 Amp
Model No.
Read,,P_terstandand fotlowall S_fety
Rulesand OperatingInsOtlctions inthis
Sears Bra_ds Management COrpomtlon,
Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.


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Summary of Contents for Craftsman 172.79183

  • Page 1 Operator's Manual ,.°! CRRF |11_1]_ flll 12 Amp Electric Lawn Model No. !72.79183 CAUTION: Read,,P_terstandand fotlowall S_fety Rulesand OperatingInsOtlctions inthis • WARRANTY _,_F_ Manualbeforeusingthispmduct_ A_;_r_MBLY Sears Bra_ds Management COrpomtlon, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A. • MAINTENANGE www.oraftsman.c()m • PARRS LIST...
  • Page 2 Pages 23 - 27 Parts List ....................Pages 25 CRAFTSMAN TWO YEAR FULL WARRANTY FORTWOYEARS from the date of purchase, this product is Warrantedagainst any defects in material oTworkmanship.Defectiveproductwillbe replaced free of charge. For w_Prantycoverage details Orto obtaFn free replacement, visit theweb'site;...
  • Page 3: Symbol Meaning

    Be:,_ beginning pewer te_l. W. side s elds ar_!a full_a_e'sJdeid when needed; We re.mineral a Wide Vlsl_ Safety Mask for.ule over eyeglassas or standard safe_ glasses with-side shields, available at Sears Sfo_,esOr_er craftsman Outlets, ..
  • Page 4: Work Area Safety

    • ,, ,, WARNING: if cOrrectly used, this electric Edger is an easy to handle and efficient tool; if used improperlyor without the dueprecautions it could become a dangerous toot. For pleasantand safe work, ALWAYSstrictly comply with the safety rules that are contained in this manual. •...
  • Page 5: Electrical Safety

    PERSONAL SAFETY c onL 5. USE SAFETY EQU!PMENT. Always wear safety gogglesor safety glasses with side shieldsor full face shield,proper work shoes with rubbernon-slipsoles, heaYy-duty non-sliprubber glovesand dust mask or respiratorand hearing protection.Hard hat shouldbe used for appropriate conditions. 6; DO NOT overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. Properfooting and balance enables better controlof the toot in unexpectedsituations: TOOL USE AND CARE SAFETY I Z_ wARNING:...
  • Page 6: Extension Cords

    ELECTR!CAL SAFETY cont. L_ WAR NING: GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) protection should be • provided on all circuits or outlets to be used for electric lawn and garden power= tools, Receptacles are available having built-in GFCI protection and should be used for this measure of protection, Z_ WAR NING: Double insulation DOES NOT take the place of normal safety precautions when operating this tool.
  • Page 7: Safety Symbols

    EXTENSION CORDS cont. /_ WARNING: Check extension cords before each use. If damaged replace ,:immediately. Never use tool with a damaged cord since touching the damaged area could cause electrical shock, resulting in serious injury. SAFETY SYMBOLS FOR YOUR TOOL The !abel on your tool may include the following symbols;...
  • Page 8 SAFETY R ULES FOR ELECTRIC EDGERS cont. 7. ALWAYS hold theEdger with both hands onthe Handle and NEVER reach n ear o r under the Blade Guard. 8. AVOID accldentalstarting. DO NOT carry a plugged in Edger with your finger on the Power Switch Lever.
  • Page 9 unplugged Edger and theEdger has come toa complete stop. The Edger's blade will continue to rotate for a few seconds arzer it is switched ozx. ADDITIONAL RuLEs FOR SAFE OPERATION 1. ALWAYS wear safety glasses or eye shleJdswhen using this Edger. Everydayeyeglasseshave ontyimpact-feslstard lenses;...
  • Page 10 1, The Edger comesfully assembled except for the Handle, which is in pieces and connected by tntemal widng; and must be assembled (Fig 1). 2. Included is a bag with the two Knobs and Curved Head Bolts for assembling the Handle. 3.
  • Page 11: Know Your Edger

    KNOW YOUR EDGER J ttOTE: Before attempting to use this product, familiarize yourself with alloperatirtg features and safety rules. YourEdger has a precisionbuiftelectric motor and it shouldonty be connected to a 120-volt, 60 Hz AC QNLYpower supply(normal householdcurrent).The Edger shouldalways be used with a GFCI (GroundFault Cimuit!ntermpter) outlet. DO NOT operate thisEdger on direct current(DC).
  • Page 12 KNOW YOUR E DGER cont.Fig. 2 Power Switch Lever Handle 2-Prong Power Plug for extension cord Power / SafetyLock-Off Switch Knobs with Curved He_d Bolts ExtensionCord Retainerwith Hook Upper Tube 'Front View Lower Tube. Cut Line Motor Air " Indicator Rear Vents Wheels...
  • Page 13: Attaching The Handle

    ATTACHING THE HANDLE The _handlecomes packaged in sections,which are connectedtogether by internalcoated wiring ru_ningthroughthe middle of all the handle pieces. • 1, Carefuily remove packingmaterialand plasticwPappingaroundtool and handle pieces, being carefulto keep pieces connected. 2. Remove the Knobs and Curved Head Boltsfrom the plastic bag. 3, Remove the black plastic tube coating from the piece of wire between the Handle and the Upper Tube (Fig.l).
  • Page 14 ATTACHING EXTENSION CORD Insert extensioncordSocketintoEdger's POwerPlug (Fig. 5)+ 2. An ExtensionCord Retainer is attached to the Handle to reduce strain on the cord; To us_ thisfeature, simplydouble the extens!oncord as shown, abouta foot from the end, and insertit intothe end of the Retainer. Place the loop formed by doublingthe cordover the Hook (Rg.
  • Page 15 CUTTING DEPTH ADJUSTMENT .The front wheel can be adjusted to allow a deeper or shallower cut, we recommend the shallower setting to increase the life of the blade. To adjust the cutting depth to your desired depth: from the power outlet BEFORE Installing parts or cleaning the Edger or making any adjustments.
  • Page 16: Edge Guide

    EDGE GUIDE The Edge Guide is usefulfor cU_ing a straight path along sidewalks, driveways; or other straightexistingedges. To place the Edge Guide in the down position: 1. Locate Edge Guide Adjui_tment Lever, press in, and _turnclockwiseto set Edge Guide in the down position(Figs. 8a, 8b). See position illustrations on lever. Fig, 8a Fig.
  • Page 17 POWER SWITCH LEVER Toturn Edger ON, p ress inthe PoWerSafety Lock-Off Switch a nd squeeze the Power Switch Lever (Fig. 9a). As soon as Edger startsup you can release the Power Safety Lock-Off Switch (Fig. 9b). The Power Switch Lever has been designedso that it is very easy to hold in the ON position.To turn to01OFF, simplyrelease Power Switch Lever.
  • Page 18: Edging Operation

    EDGING OPERATION AkWARNING: Make sure that other peOple and pets least 100 feet away from Edger. NOTE: When there is heavy overgrowth of grass over the paved sin:face, the grass may drag onthe Guard. An initial cut may be required-with the Edger on the grass side.
  • Page 19 EDGING OPERATION cont. For the first edging of the season, it is best to move forward slowlybecause the grass is thickest then. Subsequent edging wi!l be take less time. If the tool slews down, back it up an inch or two until the blade comes up tQnormal speed. During edging some sparks may be generated from hitting stones or paved surface.
  • Page 20 TRENCHING AND LANDSCAPING OPERATION The Edger can also beused'for Trenching. The blade w ill l eave a small trench f or placing wiringunderground. Because of the directionof the Blade rotation the Edger can+kickback towardsthe operatot if it hitsan obstructionsuch as thick_ matted grass. Keep a firm grasp on the Handle, especiallywhen trenchingin thick, matted m,_terlaL The Edger can be used in Landscapingapplicatio'ns , includingcuttingalor_g the edges of flower and shrubberybeds, around trees, and cuttingin preparation for sod removal.
  • Page 21 OPENING THE BLADE GUARD conL Fig. 13a Loosen Screw WARNING: BE SURE GUARD IS PROPERLY CLOSED AND SC EwED SHUT BEFORE OPERATING EDGER. REMOVING AND ATTACHING THE BLADE The blade, two spacers and hex headnut with conicalwasher shouldbe attached to your Edger in the order shown (Fig.
  • Page 22 REMOVINGTHE BLADE FOR REPLACEMENT /k CAUTtON:B_DE ROTATESmome.tatlly after powerswitch is released.Wait for blade to come to a complete stop. Blade is sharp, wear work gloves when replacing. t. Loosen Screw underBlade Guard Release Lever, pull Blade Guard Release Lever and open Blade Guard Door. See OPENING THEBLADE GUARD on Pages 20-21, 2.
  • Page 23: General Maintenance

    GENERAL MAINTENANCE Keep your Edger clean and in good repairfor maximumlong-lastingpe_orrnance. Before each use, inspect the switchand cordfor damage. Check for damaged, missing, or worn parts. Check for loose screws,misalignment, moving parts that are jammed, or any other conditionsthat may affectthe operation. If abnormal v_bration or noise occurs, turn off the tool immediatelyand have the problemcorrectedbeforefurther use.
  • Page 24: Replacement. Blades

    _ The att_ohme_t_ ;acc_so_|es tha_a_ .,_. REPLACEMENT. BLADES Replacement blades are available at Sears stores or The replacement blade fop your Edger is Seat's item number #11000. Visit your local Sears store or Other Craftsman outlets or shop sears.comlcraftsman.
  • Page 25 12 Amp Electric Lawn Edger Mod4i Na t72,_t83...
  • Page 26 12 Amp The.modelnumber w iltt}efoundon thenameplateofthe:Edger. Electric Lawn Edger Always mentionthe modelnumberwhenreque_ng parts andservce for your tool. Model.No. 17"2.7g'183 Item No. _tem No, Parts NO. Part Descriptioll Oty, Qty. " Parts NO, part Description Self Tapptnq Screw GLEt50U-35 Cy!indriCa_l P in GLE150U-2 SwitchCover Right...
  • Page 27 12 Amp Themodel number will b efound, onthenameplate oftheEdger. Electric Lawn Edger Always m ention themodel number when requesting, parts andservice f oryour t oo, M_de! No. 17279183 Item No.
  • Page 28 .For repair - in your home- Ofall major brand appliances, lawn and garden equipment, or heating and coolingsystems, no matter who made it, no matter who sold itl For the replacement parts,accessoriesand owner's manualsthatyou need" For Sears professionalinstallation of home appliances and items like garage door openerSand water heaters.

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