Upgrading Check Point Software
Upgrade Process:
Any customer may upgrade their Check Point software to a higher functionality product, for
additional IP addresses or both. When upgrading, the end customer is entitled too a line item
discount of up to 80% of the list price of the existing product. The degree of discount provided to
the customer is determined by Enterasys sales representatives based upon how long the
customer has had use of the product.
1) Calculate discount off the list price the customers existing product
2) Subtract above number from the list price of the desired upgrade product.
3) Apply the customers normal discount to the end result of step 2
4) A statement that this is a "Check Point software upgrade and the Certification key
number-(string of 12 characters)" of the existing product, must be clearly written on
any applicable purchase order into Enterasys.
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Nokia/CP NG Product/Config Guide pdf[Rev 2C]
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