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Customer Network - Juniper CARE PLUS SERVICES Datasheet


Definitions of critical and Major Bugs
Critical: Problems that severely affect service, capacity/traffic,
billing and maintenance capabilities, and require immediate
corrective action such as:
• A loss of service that is comparable to the total loss of effective
functional capability of an entire system
• A reduction in capacity or traffic handling capability such that
expected loads cannot be handled
• Any loss of safety or emergency capability (e.g., 911 calls).
Major: Problems that seriously affect system operation,
maintenance and administration, etc., and require immediate
attention. The urgency is less than in critical service impact
situations because of a lesser immediate or impending effect on
system performance or the organization's operations, for example:
• reduction in any capacity/traffic measurement function
• Any loss of functional visibility, or diagnostic capability, or both
• Short outages equivalent to system or subsystem outages
On-Demand eOL/eOS/eOe report
This feature provides you with the ability to automatically
generate End of life (EOl), End of Service (EOS), and End of
Engineering (EOE) reports that match your network devices.
The report is generated based on official Juniper EOl/EOS/EOE
On-demand EOl/EOS/EOE reports are created showing the
currently deployed network inventory. These reports typically
include device, announcement details, last software engineering
support, last hardware engineering support, and replacement
product information. The network operations team has the ability
to choose device(s) and see EOl/EOS/EOE milestone dates for
individual field-replaceable units (Frus). The devices and Frus
approaching EOl are flagged and corresponding replacement part
numbers are shown
So ware
AI Scripts

Customer Network

Service Now and
Customer or Partner NOC
Figure 2: Juniper Service Automation
The network administrator has the ability to download these
reports for offline network planning purposes. Juniper resources
are available to answer any follow-up questions that may arise
with respect to these reports.
The intelligent reports above are generated based on information
collected through Service Now from devices on your network.
When reports are completed by Juniper engineers, they are
automatically sent to you through Service Insight. Figure 2
illustrates the data flow from your organization to Juniper.
Note: Service Now and Service Insight are required to deliver the
services shown above, and deliverables are limited to Junos OS
devices only.
consulting credits
Consulting credits provide you with a fixed number of consulting
credits from Juniper Networks expert consultants. You may
apply your consulting credits to a menu of prescriptive services
comprised of:
• Configuration Analysis and Change review
• Design Change review
• Feature rollout Plan review
• Network Change Plan review
• Implementation Support
• Product Issue Impact review
• Software upgrade recommendation and review
• Product Health Check
You are entitled to a fixed number of service consulting credits.
The consulting credit is valid for twelve (12) months from the date
of Juniper Care Plus contract activation, and can only be used for
services on the menu. For details, please contact your local Juniper
Partner or Juniper Networks field sales manager.
Service Insight
Juniper Support
Juniper Databases
Knowledge base tools
and CRM

