Heathkit HR-10B Assembly Manual page 28

Basic amateur band receiver
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( ) R15, Connect a 3900
1/2 watt resistor from lug 1 of tube socket
V3 (S-2) to the solder lug mounted on V3
( ) C23. Connect a ,005
disc ceramic ca-
pacitor between lugs 4 (S-3) and 6 (S-2) of
tube socket V3,
( ) C22, Connect a .005 J.Lfd disc ceramic ca-
pacitor between lugs 7 (S-2) and 2 (S-2) of
tube socket V3.
( )
C59, Connect a ,005 J.Lfd 1,4 kv disc ceramic
capacitor between lugs 2 (NS) and 3 (NS)
of terminal strip BC,
( ) C60, Connect a ,005 J.Lfd 1,4 kv disc ceramic
capacitor between lugs 3 (S-2) and 4 (NS) of
terminal strip BC,
( ) Connect a length of bare wire from lug 1 of
octal socket BD (S-1) to the ground lug
nearest lug 1 of BD (S-1).
( ) R24. Connect a 22
(red-red-orange) 1
watt resistor from lug 1 of control BE (S-1)
to the ground lug nearest lug 7 of octal
socket BD (S-1 ).
C17. Connect a ,005 J.Lfd disc ceramic ca-
pacitor between lugs 1 (NS) and 4 (S-3) of
IF transformer P. Be sure to solder lug 4 of
P to the solder lug nearest lug 4.
( ) Rl4. Connect a 1000
1/2 watt resistor from lug 1 of IF trans-
former P (S-2) to lug 4 of octal socket CC
C51. Connect a ,005 J.Lfd disc ceramic ca-· ·
pacitor from lug 3 of octal socket CC (S-3)
to the ground lug nearest lug 3 of CC (S-1).
( ) C61. Connect .a ,005 J.Lfd disc ceramic ca-
pacitor from lug 2 of octal socket CC (S-2)
to the ground lug nearest lug 1 of CC (S-1 ).
( )
Page 23
Place one end of a length of bare wire through
the center post (NS) to lug 5 (S- 3) of tube
socket V2. Connect the other end of this wire
to the solder lug mounted on V2 (NS).
( ) R42. Connect a 100
low) 1/2 watt resistor from lug 9 of tube
socket V2 (NS) to the solder lug mounted
on V2 (NS),
( ) R12. Connect a 470
1/2 watt resistor from lug 7 of tube socket
V2 (NS) to the solder lug mounted· on V2
( ) C43, Connect a ,005 J.Lfd disc ceramic ca-
/Pacitor from lug 1 of tube socket V2 (NS)
to the solder lug mounted on V2 (NS).
( )
11. Connect a 100
ellow) 1/2 watt resistor from lug 2 of
ube socket V21 (NS) to the solder lug
mounted on V2
) R10, C18, Refer\.irtg to Detail 3D, prepare.
a 10
(brown-black-black) resistor and a
J.LJ.lf resin dipped capacitor in a series
combination (S-2). Place a length of clear
plastic sleeving over this combination as
Detail 3D
( ) Connect the resistor lead of this combi-
. ~ion to lug 2 \of tube socket V2 (NS),
the cap:icitor lead to lug 5 of tube
socket V1 (NS). lfse sleeving on this lead,
• Connecta47
watt resistor from lug 3. of tube socket
V2 (NS) to lug 2 of terminal strip


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