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DIGITAL WORKSTATION R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l This Reference Manual explains advanced features of the PSR-S910/S710 that are not explained in the Owner’s Manual. Please read the Owner’s Manual first, before reading this Reference Manual.
These Voices capture the dynamic textures and subtle nuances of electric instruments—thanks to a huge amount of memory and some very sophisticated programming. Sweet! These acoustic instrument sounds also benefit from Yamaha’s sophisticated technology—and feature a sound so finely detailed and natural, you’ll swear you’re playing the real thing! Drums Various drum and percussion sounds are assigned to individual keys, letting you play the sounds from the keyboard.
Press the desired [A]–[J] button to call up the Voice Selection display of GM/XG Voices, GM2 Voices, etc. (PSR-S910) You can find the “Legacy” folder in this display. This folder contains previous Yamaha keyboards’ Voices (such as PSR-S900, PSR-S700, NOTE etc.) for data compatibility with other models.
Effect-Related Settings Setting the Touch Sensitivity of the Keyboard You can adjust the touch response of the instrument (how the sound responds to the way you play the keys). The touch sensitivity type becomes the common setting for all Voices. NOTE Some Voices are purposely designed without touch sensitivity, in order to emulate the true characteristics of the actual instrument (for example, conventional organs, which have no touch response).
Selecting the Harmony/Echo type You can select the desired Harmony/Echo effect from a variety of types. When the [MONO] button is turned to on or you use the Super Articulation Voices, the Harmony/Echo effect may not work properly. NOTE Turn the [HARMONY/ECHO] button on. Call up the operation display.
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■ Echo Types When one of the Echo Types is selected, the corresponding effect (echo, tremolo, trill) is applied to the note played in the right-hand section of the keyboard in time with the currently set tempo, regardless of the [ACMP] and the LEFT part on/off status.
Pitch-Related Settings Fine-tuning the Pitch of the Entire Instrument You can fine-tune the pitch of the entire instrument—useful when you play the PSR-S910/S710 along with other instruments or CD music. Please note that the Tune function does not affect the Drum Kit or SFX Kit Voices and audio files.
Change the following settings as necessary. [2 ▲▼] BASE NOTE [3 ▲▼]– TUNE [5 ▲▼] [6 ▲▼]/ PART SELECT [7 ▲▼] [8 ▲▼] MARK ON/OFF To register the Scale Tune settings to the Registration Memory, be sure to checkmark the SCALE item in the REGISTRATION MEMORY CONTENTS dis- NOTE play.
Editing Voices (Voice Set) The instrument has a Voice Set feature that allows you to create your own Voices by editing some parameters of the existing Voices. Once you’ve created a Voice, you can save it as a User Voice to the USER drive or external devices for future recall.
Editable Parameters in the VOICE SET Displays The Voice Set parameters are organized into five different displays. The parameters in each display are described separately, below. The available parameters differ depending on the Voice. NOTE ■ COMMON Page [1 ▲▼] VOLUME [2 ▲▼]/ TOUCH SENSE...
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■ CONTROLLER Page MODULATION The MODULATION wheel can be used to modulate the parameters below as well as the pitch (vibrato). Here, you can set the degree to which the MODULATION wheel modulates each of the following parameters. [2 ▲▼] FILTER [3 ▲▼] AMPLITUDE...
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The EG (Envelope Generator) settings determine how the level of the sound changes in time. This lets you reproduce many sound characteristics of natural acoustic instruments—such as the quick attack and decay of percussion sounds, or the long release of a sustained piano tone.
2 DSP [1 ▲▼]– DSP TYPE [4 ▲▼] [5 ▲▼]– VARIATION [8 ▲▼] [5 ▲▼] ON/OFF PARAMETER [6 ▲▼] VALUE –[8 ▲▼] 3 EQ Determines the Frequency and Gain of the Low and High EQ bands. For information about EQ, refer to page ■...
Editing Organ Flutes Parameters The Organ Flute Voices selected from the [ORGAN FLUTES] button can be edited by adjusting the footage levers, adding the attack sound, applying effect and equalizer, etc. CAUTION After editing, go to the Voice Selection display by pressing the [I] (PRESETS) button and save the setting. The settings will be lost if you select another Voice or turn the power to the instrument off without executing the Save operation.
Styles – Playing Rhythm and Accompaniment – Contents Selecting the Chord Fingering Type Style Playback Related Settings Split Point Settings Memorizing the Original One Touch Setting Creating/Editing Styles (Style Creator) • Realtime Recording • Step Recording • Style Assembly • Editing the Rhythmic Feel •...
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Style. The Fingered type recognizes the various chord types which are listed on the Data List available at the Yamaha website and can be looked up using the Chord Tutor function on FINGERED ON BASS Accepts the same fingerings as Fingered, but the lowest note played in the...
Style Playback Related Settings The instrument has a variety of Style playback functions which can be accessed in the display below. Call up the operation display. [FUNCTION] → [C] STYLE SETTING/SPLIT POINT/CHORD FINGERING → TAB [E][F] STYLE SETTING Use the [1 ▲▼]–[8 ▲▼] buttons for each setting. [1 ▲▼] STOP ACMP PSR-S910/S710 Reference Manual...
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[2 ▲▼] OTS LINK TIM- This applies to the OTS Link function. This parameter determines the timing in which the One Touch Settings change with the MAIN VARIA- TION [A]–[D] change. (The [OTS LINK] button must be on.) REAL TIME One Touch Setting is immediately called up when you press a MAIN VARIATION button.
Split Point Settings These are the settings (there are two Split Points) that separate the different sections of the keyboard: the Chord section, the LEFT part section and the RIGHT 1 and 2 section. The two Split Point settings (below) are specified as note names.
Memorizing the Original One Touch Setting You can create your own One Touch Setting setups. Select the desired Style to memorize your One Touch Setting. Set up the panel controls (such as Voice, effects, and so on) as desired. Press the [MEMORY] button. Press one of the ONE TOUCH SETTING [1]–[4] buttons.
Creating/Editing Styles (Style Creator) Sections Channels Styles are made up of fifteen different sections (Intro, Main, Ending, etc.) and each section has eight separate channels. With the Style Creator feature, you can create a Style by separately recording the channels, or by importing pattern data from other existing Styles.
Realtime Recording In the BASIC Page, you can create a single Style by recording the individual channels one-by-one, using realtime recording. Realtime Recording Characteristics—Loop Recording and Overdub Recording • Loop Recording Style playback repeats the rhythm patterns of several measures in a “loop,” and Style recording is also done using loops.
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Use the [5 ▲▼]/[6 ▲▼] buttons to determine the length (number of measures) of the selected section, then press the [D] (EXECUTE) button to actually enter the specified length. Specify the channel to be recorded by simultaneously holding down the [F] (REC CH) button and pressing the appropriate numbered button, [1 ▼]–[8 ▼].
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Start recording by pressing the STYLE CONTROL [START/STOP] button. Playback of the specified section starts. Since the accompaniment pattern plays back repeatedly in a loop, you can record individual sounds one by one, listening to the previous sounds as they play. For information on recording to channels other than the rhythm channels (RHY1, 2), refer to the section “Rules when recording non-rhythm channels”...
Step Recording In the EDIT Page, you can record notes with absolutely precise timing. This Step Recording procedure is essentially the same as that for Song Recording • In the Song Creator, the End Mark position can be changed freely; in the Style Creator, it cannot be changed. This is because the length of the Style is automatically fixed, depending on the selected section.
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Select the channel for which you wish to replace the pattern by using the [A]–[D] and [F]–[I] buttons. Call up the Style Selection display by pressing the same button again. Select the Style containing the pattern you want to replace in the Style Selection display.
Editing the Rhythmic Feel In the GROOVE Page, use the [A]/[B] buttons to select the edit menu, then edit the data by using the [1 ▲▼]–[8 ▲▼] buttons. 1 GROOVE This lets you add swing to the music or change the “feel” of the beat by making subtle shifts in the timing (clock) of the Style.
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2 DYNAMICS This changes the velocity/volume (or accent) of certain notes in the Style playback. The Dynamics settings are applied to each channel or all channels of the selected Style. [1 ▲▼]/ CHANNEL [2 ▲▼] [3 ▲▼]/ ACCENT TYPE [4 ▲▼] [6 ▲▼] STRENGTH [7 ▲▼]...
Editing Data for Each Channel In the CHANNEL Page, use the [A]/[B] buttons to select the edit menu. 1 QUANTIZE Same as in the Song Creator below. Eighth notes with swing Sixteenth notes with swing 2 VELOCITY CHANGE Boosts or cuts the velocity of all notes in the specified channel, according to the percentage specified here. 3 BAR COPY This function allows data to be copied from one measure or group of measures to another location within the specified channel.
Making Style File Format Settings The Style File Format (SFF) combines all of Yamaha’s auto accompaniment (Style playback) know-how into a single unified format. By using the Style Creator, you can take advantage of the power of the SFF format and freely create your own Styles.
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Use the [1 ▲▼]/[2 ▲▼] (CHANNEL) buttons to select the channel to be edited. The selected channel is shown at the upper left of the display. Use the [3 ▲▼]–[8 ▲▼] buttons to edit the data. For details on editable parameters, see Press the [I] (SAVE) button to execute the Save operation.
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2 NTR/NTT [3 ▲▼]/ NTR (Note Determines the relative position of the root note in the chord, when con- [4 ▲▼] Transposition verted from the Source Pattern in response to chord changes. Refer to the Rule) list below. [5 ▲▼]– NTT (Note Sets the note transposition table for the source pattern.
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HARMONIC MINOR NATURAL MINOR NATURAL MINOR DORIAN DORIAN 5th When NTR is set to GUITAR ALL-PURPOSE STROKE ARPEGGIO 3 HIGH KEY / NOTE LIMIT [4 ▲▼]/ HIGH KEY [5 ▲▼] [6 ▲▼] NOTE LIMIT [7 ▲▼] NOTE LIMIT HIGH PSR-S910/S710 Reference Manual In addition to the Harmonic Minor transposition above, augmented and diminished chords affect the 5th note of the Source pattern.
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4 RTR (Retrigger Rule) These settings determine whether notes stop sounding or not and how they change pitch in response to chord changes. STOP The notes stop sounding. PITCH SHIFT The pitch of the note will bend without a new attack to match the type of the new chord.
Songs – Recording Your Performances and Creating Songs – Contents Editing Music Notation Settings Editing Lyrics/Text Display Settings Using the Auto Accompaniment Features with the Song Playback Song Playback Related Parameters (Repeat settings, Channel settings, Guide Function) • Keyboard and Vocal Practice Using the Guide Function •...
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[3 ▲▼] CHORD ON/ Enables/disables display of the chords. If the selected Song does not contain chord data, chords are not displayed. [4 ▲▼] LYRICS ON/ Enables/disables display of the lyrics. If the selected Song does not contain lyric data, lyrics are not displayed. When the Song contains Pedal events, pressing these buttons can display the Pedal events, instead of displaying Lyrics.
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[6 ▲▼] NOTE NAME PSR-S910/S710 Reference Manual Selects the type of the note name indicated at the left of the note in the notation from among the following three types. The settings here are available when the NOTE ON/OFF parameter above is set to ON. A, B, C Note names are indicated as letters (C, D, E, F, G, A, B).
Editing Lyrics/Text Display Settings To view the lyrics of the selected Song, press the [LYRICS/TEXT] button. If the selected Song contains lyric data, you can have the lyrics shown in the display. Even if the Song does not contain lyrics data, you can input and show the lyrics, or you can show a text file (created on a computer, .txt file less than 60KB) in the display.
Using the Auto Accompaniment Features with the Song Playback When playing back a Song and a Style at the same time, channels 9-16 in the Song data are replaced with style channels -- allowing you to play the accompaniment parts of the Song yourself. Try playing chords along with the Song playback as shown in the instructions below.
Song Playback Related Parameters (Repeat settings, Channel settings, Guide Function) The instrument has a variety of Song playback functions—repeat playback, various guide settings, etc.— which can be accessed in the display below. Call up the operation display. [FUNCTION] → [B] SONG SETTING [A]/[B] GUIDE MODE REPEAT MODE...
[5 ▲▼]/ LYRICS LAN- [6 ▲▼] GUAGE [7 ▲▼] QUICK START [8 ▲▼] P.A.T. (Perfor- mance Assistant) Keyboard and Vocal Practice Using the Guide Function The Guide functions provide convenient learning and practicing tools to help you master the instrument. By pressing the [SCORE] button, you can have the notation of the Song displayed, showing the notes you should play and when you should play them, for ease in learning.
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When this is selected, Song playback pauses, waiting for you to play the notes correctly. When you play the correct notes, Song playback continues. Follow Lights was developed for the Yamaha Clavinova series. This function is used for practicing purposes, with built-in lamps on the keyboard indicating the notes to be played.
Playing Backing Parts with the Performance Assistant Technology This feature makes it exceptionally easy to play the backing parts along with Song playback. To use the performance assistant technology, the Song must contain chord data. If the Song contains this data, the current chord name will be displayed in NOTE the Main display during Song playback, letting you easily check whether the Song contains chord data or not.
Creating/Editing Songs (Song Creator) To create a Song, you can compose your performance by entering it one event at a time (called “Step Recording”), as well as recording your performance in real time (described in the Owner’s Manual). This section explains operations of Step Recording and re-recording or editing existing Song data. Call up the operation display.
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Press the [F] button to select the channel for recording. Press the [G] (STEP REC) button to call up the STEP RECORD display. Start Step Recording by using the [A]–[J] buttons and [1 ▲▼]–[8 ▲▼] buttons. Refer to the example on [A]/[B]/ DELETE [1 ▲▼]...
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Example of Step Recording—Melodies In this example, keep in mind that one of the steps involves holding down a key on the keyboard while executing the operation. Select the Voice for recording after calling up the Step Recording display. Since the music score displayed on the instrument is generated from the recorded MIDI data, it may not appear exactly the same as shown here. NOTE Enter the first and second notes with a slur.
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Enter the next notes and apply a tie. Press the [G] button to select “mp.” Press the [H] button to select “Normal.” While holding G3 key on the keyboard, press the [6 ▲▼] button. Do not release the G3 key yet. Keep holding it while executing the following steps. While holding the G3 key, press the C4 key.
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Recording Chords (Step Recording) You can record Chords and Sections (Intro, Main, Ending, and so on) one at a time with precise timing. These instructions show how to record chord changes using the Step Record function. Press the SONG [REC] and SONG [■] (STOP) buttons simultaneously. A blank Song (“New Song”) is called up for recording.
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Example of Step Recording—Chords This example uses a Style in 4/4 time. NOTE Before starting, make sure the [AUTO FILL IN] button is set to off. Enter the chords for the Main A section. Press the STYLE CONTROL [MAIN A] button. Press the [5 ▲▼] button to select the half-note length.
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Enter the chords for the Main B section. Press the STYLE CONTROL [MAIN B] button. Press the [4 ▲▼] button to select the whole-note length. Play the chord C in the chord section of the keyboard. Press the SONG [■] (STOP) button (or press the [C] button) to return to the top of the Song, then hear the newly entered Song by pressing the [>/ ❙...
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Re-Recording a Specific Section—Punch In/Out When re-recording a specific section of an already-recorded Song, use the Punch IN/OUT function. In this method, only the data between the Punch In point and the Punch Out point is overwritten with the newly recorded data.
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[7 ▲▼]/ PEDAL PUNCH [8 ▲▼] IN/OUT While holding the SONG [REC] button, press the desired track button. Press the SONG [>/ ❙ ❙ ] (PLAY/PAUSE) button to start Punch In/Out recording. Play the keyboard at the Punch In point and stop recording at the Punch Out point. Press the [I] (SAVE) button to execute the Save operation.
Editing Channel Events In the CHANNEL Page, use the [A]/[B] buttons to select the edit menu, then edit the data by using the [1 ▲▼]–[8 ▲▼] buttons. For details of the edit menu and available settings, see Press the [D] (EXECUTE) button to execute the operation for the current display. After the operation (with the exception of the SETUP menu) is completed, this button changes to “UNDO,”...
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1 QUANTIZE The Quantize function allows you to align the timing of all the notes in a channel. For example, if you record the musical phrase shown at right, you may not play it with absolute precision, and your performance may have been slightly ahead of or behind the precise timing. Quantize is a convenient way of correcting for this.
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2 DELETE You can delete the data of the specified channel in the Song. Select the channel whose data to be deleted by using the [1 ▲▼]–[8 ▲▼] buttons, then press the [D] (EXECUTE) button to execute the operation. 3 MIX This function lets you mix the data of two channels and place the results in a different channel.
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5 SETUP The current settings of the Mixing Console display and other panel settings can be recorded to the top position of the Song as the Setup data. The Mixing Console and panel settings recorded here are automatically recalled when the Song starts. NOTE Before executing the Setup operation, move the Song position to the top of the Song by pressing the SONG [■] (STOP) button.
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Editing Chord Events, Notes, System Exclusive Events and Lyrics You can edit the chord events, note events, system exclusive events and lyrics in the same manner on the corresponding display: CHORD, 1-16, SYS/EX and LYRICS. These displays are called “Event List display” because some events are shown in a list view.
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Allows you to make various detailed changes to the XG parameters. Refer to ters) the “MIDI Data Format” in the Data List for details. The Data List is available at the Yamaha website. SYS/EX. (System Displays the System Exclusive data in the Song. Keep in mind that you cannot Exclusive) create new data or change the contents of the data here;...
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Displaying Specific Types of Events In the Event List displays, various types of events are shown. It may sometimes be difficult to pinpoint the ones you want to edit. This is where the Filter function comes in handy. It lets you determine which event types will be shown in the Event List displays.
Multi Pads – Adding Musical Phrases to Your Performance – Contents Multi Pad Creating (Multi Pad Creator) • Multi Pad Realtime Recording • Multi Pad Step Recording (EDIT)..........62 Multi Pad Editing.
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Start recording. Recording begins automatically as soon as you play on the keyboard. You can also start recording by pressing the STYLE CONTROL [START/STOP] button. This lets you record as much silence as you want before the start of the Multi Pad phrase. If Chord Match is set to on for the Multi Pad to be recorded, you should record using the notes of the C major seventh scale (C, D, E, G, A and B).
Multi Pad Editing From the MULTI PAD EDIT display, you can rename, copy or delete a Multi Pad. Press the MULTI PAD CONTROL [SELECT] button to call up the Multi Pad Bank Selection display, then select a Bank to be edited. Press the [8 ▼] (EDIT) button to call up the MULTI PAD EDIT display.
Music Finder – Calling Up Ideal Setups (Voice, Style, etc.) for Each Song – Contents Creating a Set of Favorite Records Editing Records Saving the Record as a Single • Calling Up Music Finder Records Saved to USER/USB Viewing Record Information on the Internet (MUSIC FINDER Plus) Creating a Set of Favorite Records As convenient as the Search function is in exploring the depths of the Music Finder records, you may want to create a custom “folder”...
Editing Records You can create a new record by editing the currently selected record. The newly created records are automati- cally saved in the internal memory. Select the desired record to be edited in the MUSIC FINDER display. Press the [8 ▲▼] (RECORD EDIT) button to call up the EDIT display. Edit the record as desired.
Enter the edits you’ve made to the record as described below. Creating a new record Press the [J] (NEW RECORD) button. The record is added to the ALL display. If you’ve entered the record to the FAVORITE display in step 3, the record is added to both the ALL display and the FAVORITE display.
Viewing Record Information on the Internet (MUSIC FINDER Plus) NOTE The available contents of the Music Finder Plus service are subject to change. Make sure that your instrument is connected to the Internet, and press the [MUSIC FINDER] button to call up the MUSIC FINDER display. Select the record whose information you want to view by using the [1 ▲▼]–[5 ▲▼] buttons or the [DATA ENTRY] dial.
Registration Memory – Saving and Recalling Custom Panel Setups – Contents Disabling Recall of Specific Items (Freeze) Calling Up Registration Memory Numbers in Order (Registration • Confirming the Registration Sequence Setting in the Main Display • Saving the Registration Sequence Settings Disabling Recall of Specific Items (Freeze) Registration Memory lets you recall all the panel setups you made with a single button press.
Calling Up Registration Memory Numbers in Order (Registration Sequence) As convenient as the Registration Memory buttons are, there may be times during a performance when you want to quickly switch between settings—without having to take your hands from the keyboard. The convenient Registration Sequence function lets you call up the eight setups in any order you specify, by simply using the TAB [E][F] buttons or the pedal as you play.
Program the Sequence order, from left to right. Press one of the REGISTRATION MEMORY [1]–[8] buttons on the panel, then press the [6 ▲▼] (INSERT) button to input the number. [1 ▲▼]– CURSOR [4 ▲▼] [5 ▲▼] REPLACE [6 ▲▼] INSERT [7 ▲▼] DELETE...
Saving the Registration Sequence Settings The settings for the Sequence order and how Registration Sequence behaves when reaching the end of the sequence (SEQUENCE END) are included as part of the Registration Memory Bank file. To store your newly programmed Registration Sequence, save the current Registration Memory Bank file. CAUTION Keep in mind that all Registration Sequence data is lost when changing Registration Memory Banks, unless you’ve saved it with the Regis- tration Memory Bank file.
USB Audio – Playback and Recording Audio Files – This function is fully explained in the Owner’s Manual. Refer to the corresponding chapter in the Owner’s Man- ual. Mixing Console – Editing the Volume and Tonal Balance – Contents Editing VOL/VOICE •...
[1 ▲▼]– VOICE NAME [3 ▲▼] [4 ▲▼]– REVOICE TO [6 ▲▼] ALL REVOICE BASIC REVOICE ALL NO REVOICE Press the [8 ▲] (OK) button to apply your Revoice settings. To cancel the Revoice operation, press the [8 ▼] (CANCEL) button. NOTE In the VOL/VOICE Page, press the [F] button to set the SONG AUTO REVOICE to ON.
Editing TUNE Parameters [A]/[B]/ PORTAMENTO [F]/[G] TIME [C]/[H] PITCH BEND RANGE [D]/[I] OCTAVE [E]/[J] TUNING [1 ▲▼]– TRANSPOSE [3 ▲▼] PSR-S910/S710 Reference Manual Portamento is a function that creates a smooth transition in pitch from the first note played on the keyboard to the next. The Portamento Time deter- mines the pitch transition time.
Editing EFFECT Parameters Selecting an Effect type Press the [F] (TYPE) button in the EFFECT Page of the Mixing Console display. The Effect Type Selection display is called up. Use the [1 ▲▼]/[2 ▲▼] buttons to select the effect BLOCK. Effect Effect-applicable Block...
Editing and Saving the effect Press the [F] button to call up the display for editing the effect parameters. If you have selected one of the DSP2–4 effect blocks in step 2: You can edit its standard parameters as well as its variation parameter. To select the standard type of parameters, press the [B] button.
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Press the [I] (SAVE) button to call up the display for saving your original effect. Use the [3 ▲▼]–[6 ▲▼] buttons to select the destination for saving the effect. The maximum number for effects that can be saved differs depending on the effect block. Press the [I] (SAVE) button to save the effect.
Editing EQ Parameters [A]/[B] TYPE EDIT [D]/[I] EQ HIGH [E]/[J] EQ LOW Equalizer (also called “EQ”) is a sound processor that divides the frequency spectrum into multiple bands that can be boosted or cut as required to tailor the overall frequency response. Usually an equalizer is used to correct the sound from speakers to match the special character of the room.
Editing and Saving the Selected Master EQ Press the [F] (EDIT) button in the EQ Page of the Mixing Console display. The MASTER EQ EDIT display is called up. Use the [A]/[B] buttons to select a preset EQ type. The set parameters of the selected EQ type are automatically shown at the bottom of the display. Use the [3 ▲▼]–[7 ▲▼] buttons to boost or cut each of the five bands.
Internet Direct Connection – Connecting the PSR-S910/S710 Directly to the Internet – Contents Editing the Browser Settings Registering Bookmarks of Your Favorite Pages • Editing Bookmarks.............82 Editing the Browser Settings You can change the home page and delete cookies in the Browser setting display.
Registering Bookmarks of Your Favorite Pages You can “bookmark” the page you’re viewing, and set up a custom link so the page can be instantly called up in the future. With the desired page currently selected, press the [4 ▲▼] (BOOKMARK) button. The Bookmark display appears, showing a list of the currently saved bookmarks.
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Editing Bookmarks From the Bookmark display, you can change the names and rearrange the order of your bookmarks, as well as delete unnecessary bookmarks from the list. [1 ▲▼] (UP/DOWN) [2 ▲▼] VIEW [3 ▲▼] [4 ▲▼] MOVE [5 ▲▼] CHANGE [6 ▲▼] DELETE...
Connections – Using Your Instrument with Other Devices – Contents Microphone Settings ............83 •...
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■ 3BAND EQ (selected by [A] or [F] button) EQ (Equalizer) is a processor that divides the frequency spectrum into multiple bands which can be boosted or cut as required to tailor the overall frequency response. The PSR-S910 features a high-grade three-band (LOW, MID and HIGH) digital equalizer function for the microphone sound.
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KBD (Keyboard): Keyboard control over harmony is turned off. UPPER Notes played to the right of the split point control the harmony. LOWER Notes played to the left of the split point control the harmony. [4 ▲▼] BAL. (Balance) This lets you set the balance between the lead vocal (your own voice) and Vocal Harmony.
Talk Settings This function gives you special settings for making announcements between songs, separate from the settings for your singing performance. Call up the operation display. [MIC SETTING/VOCAL HARMONY] → [I] MIC SETTING → TAB [E][F] TALK SETTING Use the [A]/[B] buttons to select the parameter to be adjusted, then set the value by using the [1 ▲▼]–[7 ▲▼] buttons.
Editing Vocal Harmony This section explains briefly how to create your own Vocal Harmony types, and lists the detailed parameters for editing. Up to ten Vocal Harmony types can be created and saved. Press the [MIC SETTING/VOCAL HARMONY] button. Press the [H] (VOCAL HARMONY TYPE) button to call up the VOCAL HARMONY TYPE selection display.
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Edit the Vocal Harmony. [1 ▲▼]/ EFFECT TYPE [2 ▲▼] [3 ▲▼]– PARAMETER [5 ▲▼] [6 ▲▼]/ VALUE [7 ▲▼] [8 ▲▼] RETURN Press the [I] (SAVE) button to save your edited Vocal Harmony type. CAUTION The settings here will be lost if you change to another Vocal Harmony type or you turn the power off without executing the save operation. Vocal Harmony Edit parameters VOCODER TYPE CHORDAL TYPE...
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LEAD GENDER Adjusts the degree of lead vocal gender change. This is available when the DEPTH LEAD GENDER TYPE above is set to other than Off. The higher the value, the more “feminine” the harmony voice becomes. The lower the value, the more “masculine”...
Footswitch/Foot Controller Settings Assigning Specific Functions to Each Foot Pedal The functions assigned by default to the connected footswitch or foot controller can be changed—for example, letting you use the footswitch to start/stop Style playback, or use the foot controller to produce pitch bends.
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SUSTAIN Allows you to use a pedal to control the sustain. When you press and hold the pedal, all notes played on the keyboard have a longer sustain. Releasing the pedal immediately stops (damps) any sustained notes. You can turn this pedal function on or off for each keyboard part on this display.
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MIDI Settings In this section, you can make MIDI-related settings for the instrument. The PSR-S910/S710 gives you a set of ten pre-programmed templates that let you instantly and easily reconfigure the instrument to match your particular MIDI application or external device. Also, you can edit the pre-programmed templates and save up to ten of your original templates to the USER display.
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■ Pre-programmed MIDI Templates ALL PARTS KBD & STYLE Master KBD Song Clock Ext. MIDI Accord 1 MIDI Accord 2 MIDI Pedal 1 MIDI Pedal 2 MIDI OFF PSR-S910/S710 Reference Manual Transmits all parts including the keyboard parts (RIGHT 1, 2, and LEFT), with the exception of Song parts.
MIDI System Settings The explanations here apply to the SYSTEM Page in step 4 on Use the [A]/[B] buttons to select the parameters (below), then set the ON/OFF status by using the [1 ▲▼]–[8 ▲▼] buttons. 1 Local Control Turns the Local Control for each part on or off. When Local Control is set to “ON,” the keyboard of the instrument controls its own (local) internal tone generator, allowing the internal Voices to be played directly from the keyboard.
MIDI Transmit Settings The explanations here apply to the TRANSMIT Page in step 4 on be sent as MIDI data and over which MIDI channel the data will be sent. Use the [A]/[B] buttons or [1 ▲▼]/[2 ▲▼] buttons to select the part for changing transmit settings.
MIDI Receive Settings The explanations here apply to the RECEIVE Page in step 4 on receive MIDI data and over which MIDI channels the data will be received. Use the [A]/[B] buttons or [1 ▲▼]/[2 ▲▼] buttons to select the channel to be received. The PSR-S910/S710 can receive MIDI messages over 32 channels (16 channels x 2 ports) by USB connection.
Setting the Bass Note for Style Playback via MIDI Receive The explanations here apply to the BASS Page in step 4 on note for Style playback, based on the note messages received via MIDI. The note on/off messages received at the channel(s) set to “ON”...
Utility – Making Global Settings – Contents CONFIG1 ..............99 CONFIG2 .
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2 Metronome [2 ▲▼] VOLUME [3 ▲▼]– SOUND [5 ▲▼] [6 ▲▼]/ TIME SIGNA- [7 ▲▼] TURE 3 Parameter Lock This function is used to “lock” specific parameters (effect, split point, etc.) to make them selectable only via the panel control—in other words, instead of being changed via Registration Memory, One Touch Setting, Music Finder, or Song and sequence data.
CONFIG2 [1 ▲▼]/ VOICE CATE- Determines how the Voice Selection display is opened when one of the [2 ▲▼] GORY BUT- VOICE buttons is pressed. TON OPTIONS OPEN & SELECT Opens the Voice Selection display with the previously selected Voice in the Voice category automatically selected (when one of the VOICE but- tons is pressed).
MEDIA You can set or execute important media-related operations for the instrument. The word “media” refers to the connected USB storage device. [A]/[B] DEVICE LIST PROPERTY FORMAT [3 ▲▼]/ SONG AUTO [4 ▲▼] OPEN PSR-S910/S710 Reference Manual Selects the desired media which you want to check the remaining mem- ory (see “PROPERTY”...
OWNER BACKUP Lets you backup all data on the instrument to a USB storage device. Refer to the Owner’s Manual. RESTORE Loads the backup file from the USB storage device. OWNER NAME Lets you enter your name as the owner. The Owner name is indicated on the opening display when you turn the power on.
SYSTEM RESET There are two reset methods in the SYSTEM RESET display: Factory Reset and Custom Reset. Factory Reset (see below) Factory Reset—Restoring the Factory Programmed Settings This function lets you restore the status of the instrument to the original factory settings. Select the desired item to be restored by using [1 ▲▼]–[3 ▲▼] buttons and add a checkmark to it by pressing the [4 ▲] (MARK ON) button.
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Custom Reset—Saving and Recalling Your Original Settings as a Single File For the items below, you can save your Original Settings as a Single File for future recall. Make all desired settings on the instrument. Call up the operation display. [FUNCTION] →...
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