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Specifikationerna i den här handboken kan ändras utan föregående meddelande för att HITACHI ska kunna leverera de senaste innovationerna till kunderna. Vi på HITACHI gör allt vi kan för att se till att alla specifikationer stämmer, men vi har ingen kontroll över tryckfel och kan därför inte hållas ansvariga för den typen av fel.
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C A U T I O N This product shall not be mixed with general house waste at the end of its life and it shall be retired according to the appropriated local or national regulations in a environmentally correct way. Due to the refrigerant, oil and other components contained in heat pump, its dismantling must be done by a professional installer according to the applicable regulations.
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Important note: Please, check, according to the model name, which is your heat pump system, how it is abbreviated and referred to in this instruction manual. MODELS CODIFICATION This Installation and Operation Manual is related to YUTAKI Units. Nota importante: compruebe, de acuerdo con el nombre del modelo, el tipo de bomba CODIFICACIÓN DE de calor, su abreviatura y su referencia en el presente manual de instrucciones.
GENERAL INDEX General Index 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ......................1 General information ..............................1 1.1.1 General notes ................................... 1 1.1.2 Introduction ..................................1 Overview of YUTAKI system ..........................1 Summary of operations ............................2 Applied symbols ..............................4 Product guide ................................. 5 1.3.1 ...
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GENERAL INDEX 4.2.3 Swimming pool heating ..............................23 4.2.4 Space cooling (Necessary cooling kit) ........................... 23 R32 Temperature working range .......................... 24 4.3.1 Space heating ................................24 4.3.2 DHW ....................................25 4.3.3 Swimming pool heating ..............................25 4.3.4 Space cooling (Necessary cooling kit) ........................... 26 R410A Hydraulic working range ...........................
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GENERAL INDEX 7.2.2 Icons for the comprehensive view ..........................68 7.2.3 Icons for the room thermostat view ..........................69 7.3 Room thermostat contents ........................... 70 Unit controller contents............................71 7.5 Unit + room thermostat controller contents ......................73 7.6 Controller configuration ............................75 7.6.1 Configuration Assistant ..............................75 7.6.2 Advanced Configuration ..............................79 Examples of possible configurations ......................... 81 Main screen ................................87 7.7.1 ...
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GENERAL INDEX 8.4.2 Advanced configuration ..............................120 Main screen ................................ 123 8.5.1 Quick action function ..............................124 Menu .................................. 125 8.6.1 Operation information ..............................125 8.6.2 System configuration ..............................126 General options configuration ......................... 127 Timer and schedule configuration ........................128 Space heating / space cooling configuration ....................131 ...
80% on heating expenses compared to a traditional fossil fuel boiler. The new YUTAKI series, based on state-of-the-art technology, does not only achieve an outstanding performance in space heating but also provides domestic hot water with high efficiency. Additionally, cooling operation for summer can also be provided installing the dedicated “Cooling kit”...
Two different models have been designed for different purposes: one model for space heating only and the other one for space heating as well as for DHW operation. For DHW operation (optional), HITACHI offers two specific YUTAKI S80 DHW tanks (DHWS200S-2.7H2E(-W) and DHWS260S-2.7H2E(-W)) which may be placed on top of the indoor unit or besides it, as an...
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GENERAL INFORMATION Space cooling YUTAKI units can also be operated in cooling operation The dedicated “Cooling kit” accessory has been designed for this purpose. Combining the heating only models with these cooling kits, the reversible models become available. In this case, combination with fan-coils, refreshing floor or both (2nd temperature area) can be applied.
GENERAL INFORMATION 1.2 APPLIED SYMBOLS During normal heat pump system design work or unit installation, greater attention must be paid in certain situations requiring particular care in order to avoid damage the unit, the installation or the building or property. Situations endangering the safety of those in the surrounding area or to the unit itself are clearly indicated in this manual.
GENERAL INFORMATION 1.3 PRODUCT GUIDE 1.3.1 Classification of the units Split system - Outdoor unit Unit type: Outdoor unit (Split air system) Position-separating hyphen (fixed) Compressor power (HP): 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10. For water combination Heat pump V: Single phase unit (1~ 230V 50Hz) —: Three phase unit (3N~ 400V 50Hz)
R-410A refrigerant R-134a refrigerant —: Type1: Version for operation in DHW with a remote tank W: Type2: Version for operation with HITACHI DHW tank Made in Europe Domestic hot water tank (For combination with YUTAKI S80 indoor unit standalone version)
GENERAL INFORMATION Complementary system YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Air to water Position-separating hyphen (fixed) YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Position-separating hyphen (fixed) Language pack (01-02) 1.3.2 Product list Split system - R32 Outdoor unit 1~ 230V 50Hz RAS-2WHVRP RAS-2.5WHVRP RAS-3WHVRP Split system - R410A Outdoor unit 1~ 230V 50Hz 3N~ 400V 50Hz...
GENERAL INFORMATION Split system - Indoor unit YUTAKI S ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1~ 230V 50Hz 3N~ 400V 50Hz RWM-2.0NRE(-W) RWM-2.5NRE(-W) RWM-3.0NRE(-W) RWM-4.0NE(-W) RWM-4.0NE(-W) RWM-5.0NE(-W) RWM-5.0NE(-W) RWM-6.0NE(-W) RWM-6.0NE(-W) RWM-8.0NE(-W) RWM-10.0NE(-W) N O T E Icons between brackets means possible extra operations to the factory-supplied operations.
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GENERAL INFORMATION YUTAKI S COMBI N O T E Icons between brackets means possible extra operations to the factory-supplied operations. For cooling operation, refer to the Cooling kit accessory for YUTAKI S COMBI units. Standard model ( ) ( ) ( ) 1~ 230V 50Hz 3N~ 400V 50Hz RWD-2.0NRWE-200S(-W)
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) ( ) ( ) ( ) TYPE 1: Version for operation in DHW but with a remote tank TYPE 2: Version for operation with HITACHI DHW tank (Tank cannot be plugged on top of the unit) (Tank can be plugged on top of the unit or next to it)
• In “TYPE 2: Version for operation with HITACHI DHW tank”, the domestic hot water tank of model DHWS200S-2.7H2E(-W) or DHWS260S- 2.7H2E(-W) is required. The DHW tank has to be ordered separately. The unit controller (PC-ARFH1E) is factory supplied with DHWS200S-2.7H2E and DHWS260S-2.7H2E models(integrated in the front cover).
GENERAL INFORMATION YUTAKI M (R410A) ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1~ 230V 50Hz 3N~ 400V 50Hz RASM-4VNE RASM-4NE RASM-5VNE RASM-5NE RASM-6VNE RASM-6NE N O T E The unit controller has to be ordered as accessory (PC-ARFH1E). Complementary system ...
If this is not the case, contact your distributor. • HITACHI pursues a policy of continuous improvement in product design and performance. The right is therefore reserved to vary specifications without notice. •...
The power supply cables must be sized to cover this maximum current value. • Specifications in these tables are subject to change without notice in order that HITACHI may bring the latest innovations to their customers. • Please refer to the general information, cautions and notes regarding protective devices (CB, ELB) throughout the “6 ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL...
ELECTRICAL DATA 3.2.2 Split system - R410A Outdoor unit RAS-(2-10)WH(V)NP(E) in combination with YUTAKI S, YUTAKI S COMBI Compressor and fan motors Applicable voltage Max. IPT Cooling Heating Model Power supply (kW) U max. U min. (KW) (KW) RAS-2WHVNP 1.17 0.77 3.14 RAS-2.5WHVNP...
ELECTRICAL DATA 3.2.4 Split system - Indoor unit YUTAKI S RWM-(2.0-10.0)N(R)E(-W) Applicable voltage Max. Model Power supply Operation mode U max. U min. (kW) (kW) Without electric heater 0.05 0.05 With electric heater 13.3 3.05 14.6 3.05 RWM-(2.0-3.0)NRE(-W) 1~ 230V 50Hz With DHW tank heater 13.3 3.05...
ELECTRICAL DATA YUTAKI S80 Version for indoor unit alone RWH-(4.0-6.0)(V)NFE Applicable voltage Max. Model Power supply Operation mode U max. U min. (kW) (kW) Without simultaneous operation of electric heater 12.1 2.73 5.33 in DHW tank RWH-4.0VNFE With simultaneous operation of electric heater in 25.4 5.73 8.33...
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ELECTRICAL DATA Version for combination with DHW tank RWH-(4.0-6.0)(V)NFWE + DHWS(200/260)S-2.7H2E(-W) Applicable voltage Max. Model Power supply Operation mode U max. U min. (kW) (kW) Without simultaneous operation of electric heater 12.1 2.73 5.33 in DHW tank RWH-4.0VNFWE With simultaneous operation of electric heater in 24.3 5.48 7.94...
ELECTRICAL DATA 3.2.5 Monobloc system YUTAKI M (R32) RASM-(2-3)VRE Applicable voltage Cooling Heating Max. operation operation Power Model Operation mode supply U max. U min. (kW) (KW) (KW) Without DHW tank heater 1.00 1.14 10.6 2.32 RASM-2VRE With DHW tank heater 1.00 18.8 3.89...
WORKING RANGE 4 WORKING RANGE 4.1 POWER SUPPLY WORKING RANGE Nominal power supply • Single phase: 1~ 230V 50Hz • Three phase: 3N~ 400V 50Hz Operating voltage Between 90 and 110% of the nominal voltage. Voltage imbalance for nominal power supply 3N~ 400V 50Hz Up to 3% of each phase, measured at the main terminal of the outdoor unit.
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WORKING RANGE YUTAKI M Water outlet temperature (Cº) (*): Limit for 3HP Continuous working range. Outdoor unit operation is possible, but the capacity is not guaranteed. Indoor unit and back-up heater are operating. Only back-up heater. (No outdoor unit operation). Ambient temperature (ºC (DB)) ...
N O T E The heat pump can produce domestic hot water at 57ºC as a maximum (53ºC for 2.0/2.5/3.0HP) by itself, but HITACHI recommends to set the temperature of the tank by heat pump only up to 55ºC (50ºC for 2.0/2.5/3.0HP) and keep Thpoff default value. In case of higher setting, the tank’s heater must be used to reach the setting temperature (enabled by optional function).
WORKING RANGE For YUTAKI S80 DHW water temperature (ºC) Continuous working range. Outdoor unit operation is possible, but the capacity is not guaranteed. Indoor unit and back-up heater are operating. Ambient Only back-up heater. (No outdoor unit operation). temperature (ºC (DB)) (*): Limit for 3HP 4.2.3 Swimming pool heating...
WORKING RANGE 4.3 R32 TEMPERATURE WORKING RANGE MODEL 2.0HP 2.5HP 3.0HP Water temperature Refer to the graphics for each case ºC Indoor ambient temperature 5~30 4.3.1 Space heating YUTAKI (S / S COMBI) (2.0~3.0)HP Water outlet temperature (ºC) Continuous working range. ...
WORKING RANGE 4.3.2 DHW For YUTAKI (S /S COMBI) (2.0~3.0)HP Water outlet temperature (ºC) Continuous working range. Starting only Back-up Heater operation. Maximum setting temperature. Minimum setting temperature. Ambient temperature (ºC(DB)) N O T E In case of heating up the DHW tank with an outdoor ambient temperature lower than -5 ºC and without using the DHW electrical heater, the setting temperature must not exceed the maximum value in the specified continuous working range.
WORKING RANGE 4.3.4 Space cooling (Necessary cooling kit) Water outlet temperature (ºC) Refreshing floor Continuous working range. working area Maximum setting temperature. Fan coil working area Minimum setting temperature. Ambient temperature (ºC(DB)) 4.4 R410A HYDRAULIC WORKING RANGE 4.4.1 Hydraulic data ...
WORKING RANGE YUTAKI M MODEL 4.0 HP 5.0 HP 6.0 HP Minimum water flow rate (*1) Maximum water flow rate (*1) Minimum installation water volume (*2) Minimum allowable water pressure Maximum allowable water pressure N O T E • (*1): Values calculated based on the following conditions: - Water inlet/outlet temperature: 30/35ºC - Outdoor ambient temperature: (DB/WB): 7/6ºC...
WORKING RANGE 4.5.2 Pump performance curves N O T E If a water flow rate is selected out of the working range of the unit, it can cause malfunction on the unit. Please, try to operate the pump within the minimum and maximum water flow of the indoor unit.
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WORKING RANGE 5.0 HP 6.0 HP Water flow (m Water flow (m 8.0 HP 10.0 HP Water flow (m Water flow (m PMML0510 rev.1 - 10/2019...
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WORKING RANGE YUTAKI S COMBI 2.0 HP 2.5 HP Water flow (m Water flow (m 3.0 HP 4.0 HP Water flow (m Water flow (m 5.0 HP 6.0 HP Water flow (m Water flow (m PMML0510 rev.1 - 10/2019...
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WORKING RANGE YUTAKI S80 Version for indoor unit alone 4.0 HP 5.0 HP Water flow (m Water flow (m 6.0 HP Water flow (m PMML0510 rev.1 - 10/2019...
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WORKING RANGE Version for combination with DHW tank 4.0 HP 5.0 HP Water flow (m Water flow (m 6.0 HP Water flow (m PMML0510 rev.1 - 10/2019...
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WORKING RANGE YUTAKI M (R410A) 4.0 HP 5.0 HP Water flow (m Water flow (m 6.0 HP Water flow (m PMML0510 rev.1 - 10/2019...
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WORKING RANGE YUTAKI M (R32) 2.0 HP 3.0 HP Water flow (m Water flow (m PMML0510 rev.1 - 10/2019...
REFRIGERANT AND WATER PIPING 5 REFRIGERANT AND WATER PIPING 5.1 R32 REFRIGERANT CIRCUIT 5.1.1 General notes R32 refrigerant This appliance is filled with R32, an odourless flammable refrigerant gas with low burning velocity (A2L class pursuant to ISO 817). If the refrigerant is leaked, there is a possibility of ignition if it enters in contact with an external ignition source.
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REFRIGERANT AND WATER PIPING Minimum area requirements In case of total refrigerant amount ≥1.84 kg, the unit should be installed, operated and stored in a room with a floor area larger than the minimum criteria. Use following graphic and table to determine these minimum criteria: Refrigerant Minimum Area Amount (kg)
REFRIGERANT AND WATER PIPING 5.1.3 Refrigerant charge Refrigerant charge amount YUTAKI S/S COMBI 2-3HP The R32 refrigerant is factory charged in the outdoor unit with a refrigerant charge amount for 10 m of piping length between outdoor and indoor unit. YUTAKI M YUTAKI M unit is a Monobloc system (closed refrigerant circuit) which has been factory charged, so additional refrigerant charge is not required.
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REFRIGERANT AND WATER PIPING Refrigerant piping size Piping connection size of outdoor unit & indoor unit Indoor unit Pipe size Pipe size Model Model Gas pipe Liquid pipe Gas pipe Liquid pipe 2 HP Ø 6.35 (1/4”) 2.0 HP Ø...
REFRIGERANT AND WATER PIPING 5.2.2 Precautions in the event of gas refrigerant leaks The installers and those responsible for drafting the specifications are obliged to comply with local safety codes and regulations in the case of refrigerant leakage. C A U T I O N •...
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REFRIGERANT AND WATER PIPING Countermeasure in the event of possible refrigerant leakage The room must have the following features to prevent suffocation in case a refrigerant leakage occurs: 1 Provide a shutterless opening which will allow fresh air to circulate into the room. 2 Provide a doorless opening of 0.15% or more size to the floor area.
REFRIGERANT AND WATER PIPING 5.3 WATER PIPING 5.3.1 Water piping length Consider the following guidelines when designing the water circuit. YUTAKI S80 YUTAKI M YUTAKI S (R410A) / DHW tank DHW tank Item YUTAKI S COMBI YUTAKI M above the beside the (R32) indoor unit...
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REFRIGERANT AND WATER PIPING Type 2: Version for operation with an HITACHI DHW tank (RWH-(4.0-6.0)(V)NFWE) (inches) Space heating connection Heating coil connection Model Inlet Outlet Inlet connection Outlet connection Shut-off valves connection connection (3-way valve) (T-branch) G 1-1/4” G 1-1/4”...
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For DHW tank beside the indoor unit (both right or left side), the heating coil pipes factory-supplied with the DHW tank accessory are not required. In this case, the dedicated HITACHI flexible water pipe kit (ATW-FWP-02 accessory) is needed. This kit is provided...
REFRIGERANT AND WATER PIPING 5.3.3 Water quality C A U T I O N • Water quality must be according to EU council directive 98/83 EC. • Water should be subjected to filtration or to a softening treatment with chemicals before application as treated water. •...
ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS 6 ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS 6.1 GENERAL CHECK • Make sure that the following conditions related to power supply installation are satisfied: The power capacity of the electrical installation is large enough to support the power demand of the YUTAKI system (outdoor unit + indoor unit + DHW tank (if apply)).
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS Model Power supply Operation mode (Ω) Without electric heater With electric heater RWM-(8.0/10.0)NE(-W) 3N~ 400V 50Hz With DHW tank heater With electric and DHW tank heaters 0.45 N O T E The data corresponding to DHW tank heater is calculated in combination with the domestic hot water tank accessory “DHWT-(200/300)S-3.0H2E”. YUTAKI S COMBI Model Power supply...
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS Indoor unit in combination with DHW tank Model Power supply Operation mode (Ω) Without DHW tank heater 0.31 RWH-4.0VNFWE With DHW tank heater 0.21 Without DHW tank heater 0.27 RWH-5.0VNFWE 1~ 230V 50Hz With DHW tank heater 0.19 Without DHW tank heater 0.24...
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS Models Monobloc Status regarding Split system system compliance with IEC 61000-3-2 and Indoor unit YUTAKI M (R410A) / IEC 61000-3-12 Outdoor unit YUTAKI M YUTAKI S YUTAKI S COMBI YUTAKI S80 (R32) RAS-2WHVNP RWM-2.0NRE(-W) RAS-2.5WHVNP RWM-2.5NRE(-W) RASM-2VRE(*) RAS-3WHVNP RWM-3.0NRE(-W)
ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS 6.2 ELECTRICAL CONNECTION C A U T I O N • Check to ensure that the field supplied electrical components (mains power switches, circuit breakers, wires, connectors and wire terminals) have been properly selected according to the electrical data indicated on this chapter and they comply with national and local codes. If it is necessary, contact with your local authority in regards to standards, rules, regulations, etc.
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS Split system - Indoor unit YUTAKI S Power supply Transmitting Actuator Max. cables cables cables Model Power supply Operation mode current EN60335-1 EN60335-1 EN60335-1 Without electric heaters 2 x 0.75 mm² + GND With electric heater 14.6 2 x 2.5 mm²...
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS YUTAKI S80 Indoor unit alone Power supply Transmitting Actuator Max. cables cables cables Model Power supply Operation mode current EN60335-1 EN60335-1 EN60335-1 Without DHW tank heater 2 x 6.0 mm² + GND RWH-4.0VNFE With DHW tank heater 2 x 10.0 mm²...
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS Monobloc system - R410A YUTAKI M Power supply Transmitting Actuator Max. cables cables cables Power supply Operation mode Model current EN60335-1 EN60335-1 EN60335-1 Without DHW tank heater 30.8 2 x 6.0 mm² + GND RASM-4VNE With DHW tank heater 43.3 2 x 10.0 mm²...
ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS 6.2.2 Minimum requirements of the protection devices C A U T I O N • Ensure specifically that there is an Earth Leakage Breaker (ELB) installed for the units (outdoor and indoor unit). • If the installation is already equipped with an Earth Leakage Breaker (ELB), ensure that its rated current is large enough to hold the current of the units (outdoor and indoor unit).
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS Split system - Indoor unit YUTAKI S Applicable voltage Model Power supply Operation mode U max. U min. (nº of poles/A/mA) Without electric heaters With electric heater 14.6 RWM-(2.0-3.0)NRE(-W) 1~ 230V 50Hz 2/40/30 With DHW tank heater 14.6 With electric and DHW tank heaters 28.9...
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS YUTAKI S80 Version for indoor unit alone Applicable voltage Model Power supply Operation mode (nº of poles/A/mA) U max. (V) U min. (V) Without DHW tank heater RWH-4.0VNFE With DHW tank heater 2/40/30 Without DHW tank heater RWH-5.0VNFE 1~ 230V 50Hz With DHW tank heater...
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS Monobloc system - R32 YUTAKI M Applicable voltage Power Model Operation mode supply (nº of poles/A/mA) U max. U min. Without DHW tank heater 10.6 RASM-2VRE With DHW tank heater 23.1 1~ 230V 2/40/30 50Hz Without DHW tank heater 16.0 RASM-3VRE...
ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS 6.3 TERMINAL BOARD CONNECTIONS 6.3.1 Table board 1 Main power supply The main power supply connection is wired to the Terminal board (TB1) as follows: YUTAKI (S / S COMBI) Outdoor unit Outdoor unit Operating Line Operating Line RAS-WHNPE RAS-WHV(N/R)P(E)
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS 6.3.2 Table board 2 Indoor/outdoor communication wiring (TB2) / ATW-RTU Communication / Central Devices Communication • The transmission is wired to terminals 1-2. • The H-LINK II wiring system requires only two transmission cables that connect the indoor unit and the outdoor unit in case of split system and also connect the indoor unit with ATW-RTU or Central devices like ATW-TAG-02, ATW-KNX-02 and ATW- MBS-02 Indoor unit...
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS Input terminals (Default input functions) PC-ARFH1E connection In those cases where the unit controller is ordered as a required accessory (YUTAKI S80 or YUTAKI M), or those cases where another PC-ARFH1E must be connected as a second thermostat, the connections between PC-ARFH1E and the indoor unit must be done in terminals 3 and 4, as it is shown in the next picture: RCS H-LINK (PC-ARFH1E)
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS Water outlet thermistor for circuit 2 (TWO2) When the installation is configured with a second circuit the thermistor for the water outlet temperature have to be connected between terminals 6 and 7 of the terminal board 2. Circuit 2 ...
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS N O T E • If wireless intelligent thermostat is selected, optional ON/OFF thermostat has no effect. • Set the configuration in the user’s control. See chapter “7 UNIT CONTROLLER” for more information. • In case of setting an installation with 2 circuits (Circuit 1 and Circuit 2) and a different Demand ON/OFF is used for each of them, please refer to “Input terminals (Default input functions)”...
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS Smart tariff (Default for input 5) This function can be used to block or limit the heat pump. It allows an external Smart switch device to switch off or limit the heat pump during a period of peak electricity demand. Terminals 16 and 19 of the TB2. Common Line Smart F.
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Electrical ≤ 3kW Heater DHWT (EH C A U T I O N When using a DHW tank other than those from Hitachi, the maximum connectable heater load is 3 kW (connected to TB2 terminals 30-31). PMML0510 rev.1 - 10/2019...
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS 3 Way valve for DHW tank output YUTAKI units can be used to heat DHW. The signal is used on a 3-way motorized diverting valve and to provide control of supply water flow (water flow for space heating when there is no signal, and water flow for DHW when signal is ON) Brown Valve requirements: Black...
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ELECTRICAL AND CONTROL SETTINGS Auxiliary boiler or heater (Default for Output 3) The auxiliary boiler or heater (in case of YUTAKI S80 or M) can be used when the heat pump cannot achieve the require temperature by itself. Free contact Auxiliary Heat ...
UNIT CONTROLLER 7 UNIT CONTROLLER The new unit controller for YUTAKI series (PC-ARFH1E) is an user-friendly remote control which ensures a strong and safe communication through H-LINK The following information applies in the case of PC-ARFH1E software of version H-0122 and later used in combination with PCB indoor unit software of version H-0114 and later.
UNIT CONTROLLER 7.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE ICONS 7.2.1 Common icons Icon Name Explanation Circuit I or II is in Demand-OFF Circuit I or II is on Thermo-OFF Status for circuit 1, 2, Circuit I or II is working between 0 < X ≤ 33% of the desired water outlet DHW and swimming temperature pool.
UNIT CONTROLLER 7.2.2 Icons for the comprehensive view Icon Name Explanation This icon informs about pump operation. Pump There are three available pumps on the system. Each one is numbered, and its corresponding number is displayed below to the pump icon when it is operating Heater step Indicates which of the 3 possible heater steps is applied on space heating DHW Heater...
UNIT CONTROLLER 7.2.3 Icons for the room thermostat view Icon Name Explanation Manual mode Manual/Auto mode Auto mode with timer setting Auto mode without timer setting Setting temperature Setting/Room temperature Room temperature End of timer period The end hour of the timer period is indicated below this icon End of holiday period The end hour of the holiday period is indicated below this icon Setting temperature...
UNIT CONTROLLER 7.5 UNIT + ROOM THERMOSTAT CONTROLLER CONTENTS Menu Contents Menu Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Simple Operation Information Schedule General Delete All Timer Configuration...
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UNIT CONTROLLER Menu Contents Menu Contents Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Adjust Date and Time Hydraulic Sep. Status European Summer Time Energy Configuration UTC Zone Smart Function...
UNIT CONTROLLER 7.6 CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION • Select the desired language using the arrow keys. • Press OK button. • Select the date and time using the arrow keys. • Press OK button. 7.6.1 Configuration Assistant • Select the configuration assistant for an easy configuration. •...
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UNIT CONTROLLER • Select No when the device acts as Room Thermostat only. It does not control the unit. • Press OK button. • Select No when the device is not used as a room thermostat. • Select Yes, in zone 1/ Yes, in zone 2 / Yes, in both zones, depending on the number of circuits controlled. •...
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UNIT CONTROLLER • Select Yes if Domestic Hot Water tank is installed. • Press OK button. • Select Yes if Swimming Pool is installed. • Press OK button. • Select Yes if Boiler is installed. • Press OK button. ...
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UNIT CONTROLLER • Select the bivalent point for boiler or electric backup heater (from -20 ºC to 20 ºC). • Press OK button. • Select the type of room thermostat installed in circuit 1 or 2 (depending on the previous setting): None, wired or wireless. •...
UNIT CONTROLLER 7.6.2 Advanced Configuration • Select the advance configuration for a complete configuration. • Press OK button. • Select the controller type: Unit: the device controls the unit. Room: the device acts as a room thermostat of a zone. Unit + Room: the device controls the unit and acts as a room thermostat.
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UNIT CONTROLLER • Configure circuit 1 and circuit 2 options: Disabled, Points, Gradient, Fix. • Only available for cooling mode. • Enable or disable Cascade Mode. • Configure Central mode options: Full, water, air or local. Only available when Cascade Mode is disabled. •...
UNIT CONTROLLER Examples of possible configurations N O T E • Other installation configurations are possible. These are examples only for illustration purposes. • It is recommended to set firstly the Master device so as the ease the configuration of the slave devices. ...
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UNIT CONTROLLER Example 2 1- Move Unit controller to the living room (use as Unit controller + Room Thermostat) 2- Master unit controller moved to living room Zone 1 3- Slave Unit controller as a room thermostat for Zone 2 Bedroom Zone 2 Indoor unit Living room Zone 1...
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UNIT CONTROLLER Example 3 1- Move Unit controller to the living room (use as Unit controller + Room Thermostat) 2- Wired unit controller as a Room Thermostat for Zone 1 3- Wired room sensor for Zone 2 Bedroom Zone 2 Indoor unit Living room Zone 1 Outdoor unit...
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UNIT CONTROLLER Example 4 1- PC-ARFH1E attached into the unit and used as unit controller and room thermostat for both zones. 2- Wired room sensor for Zone 1 3- Wired room sensor for Zone 2 Bedroom Zone 2 Indoor unit Living room Zone 1 Order FIRST...
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UNIT CONTROLLER Example 5 1- Master unit controller as unit configuration 2- Wireless intelligent thermostat for zone 1 (ATW-RTU-07) (Receiver + Room thermostat) 3- Wireless intelligent thermostat for zone 2 (ATW-RTU-06) (Only Room thermostat) Bedroom Zone 2 Indoor unit Living room Zone 1 Order FIRST...
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UNIT CONTROLLER Mixed configurations (Wireless + Wired) 1- Move Unit controller to the living room (use as Unit controller + Room Thermostat) 2- Master unit controller moved to living room Zone 3- Wireless intelligent thermostat for zone 2 (ATW-RTU-07) (Receiver + Room thermostat) Bedroom Zone 2 Indoor unit Living room Zone 1...
UNIT CONTROLLER 7.7 MAIN SCREEN Depending on the working mode of the user controller, the main screen is shown in a different way. When the user controller is working as a master unit controller, a comprehensive view with all the elements is shown, whereas when the user controller is working as a room thermostat (located in one of the controlled zones), the main screen appears with simplified information.
UNIT CONTROLLER 7.7.2 Comprehensive view DHW boost: It activates the DHW heater for an immediate Time and date DHW operation The current time/date information is displayed. This information Status: Some working conditions can be consulted. can be changed on the configuration menu If anti-legionella operation is working, its icon appears below ...
UNIT CONTROLLER 7.7.3 Quick action function The following quick actions are shown when pressing the OK button at the selected zone in comprehensive view or room thermostat view: Comprehensive view quick actions Room thermostat view quick actions Timer: Menu for the selection and configuration of simple timer and schedule timer. OTC: Menu for the OTC selection.
UNIT CONTROLLER 7.8 MENU 7.8.1 OPERATION INFORMATION In operation information menu it is possible to find the most important setting parameters of the system besides the information of the operation conditions. Detailed information about: Detailed information about Heat Pump: • Operation status •...
UNIT CONTROLLER 7.8.2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION In system configuration menu it is possible to configure all the system settings. Water settings: (Screen visible only for room thermostats) 1 / 2 General configuration: • Space Heating • Holiday Mode • Space Cooling •...
UNIT CONTROLLER General options configuration Holiday Mode: Configure holiday come back • Year • Month • Day • Returning time • Setting temperature • Start/Stop Holiday Mode Maximum Setting T. (Air): • Circuit 1 • Circuit 2 Air Eco Offset for Circuit 1-2: Central operation: Configure the offset air temperature for the •...
UNIT CONTROLLER Timer and schedule configuration N O T E Timer settings are only valid if the corresponding zone is in ON state at the time of execution of the respective timer program. The LCD controller must be set to the correct date and time before using the timer function. Select the desired area to apply the timer function or delete all timers configuration: Heating/Cooling (Air): To set the timer to adjust the room temperature.
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UNIT CONTROLLER Setting of Schedule timer Setting of temperature, operation mode (ECO or Comfort) or change of operation state from ON to OFF for a defined period, after which operation returns to the previous settings. Manual operation of the unit controller has priority over schedule settings. Timer type: Selection of the timer type •...
UNIT CONTROLLER Water settings configuration This menu is only visible for a room thermostat if the controller is not controlling the unit. Select the desired area to apply the water settings configuration: Space Heating or Space Cooling water settings Fixed temperature: Selection of the temperature for Circuit 1 or Circuit 2 (heating or...
UNIT CONTROLLER Space Heating / Space Cooling configuration Control the temperature for Space Heating or Space Cooling by configuring the following parameters. Water calculation mode: Selection of the water set point for Circuit 1 or Circuit 2 (Space Heating or Space Cooling).
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UNIT CONTROLLER Water calculation mode Disabled The “Disabled” option sets the circuit as disabled. Points Points is the most versatile calculation type. Set 4 points and one vertex point, to create a line representing the function that the air to water heat pump will use to give the temperature setting according to the current ambient temperature.
UNIT CONTROLLER Domestic Hot Water (DHW) configuration Status of DHW: • Disabled Setting temperature: • Enabled. Setting for domestic hot water Mode: Only available when DHW heater is temperature selected by the user. The maximum value of this setting depends activated (DSW4 pin 3 ON).
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UNIT CONTROLLER Space priority status: If space priority function is enabled, Heat Pump operation by DHW mode stops (and continue with DHW heater, if Maximum time: necessary). Maximum time that DHW operation can This function is only performed if space 3 / 4 work using heat pump mode.
UNIT CONTROLLER Swimming Pool configuration Status: Enable or disable swimming pool. Set input 3, output 1 and sensor 2. (see section “ Inputs, Outputs and Sensors configuration” Setting temperature: Adjustment of the swimming pool water temperature setting. • Range: 24~33 ºC Offset temperature: The setting temperature is increased by the indicated parameter.
UNIT CONTROLLER Complementary Heating configuration Heating Source: • HP Only • HP + Heater • HP + Boiler • HP + Heater + Boiler (Only for YUTAKI S and YUTAKI S COMBI) Electrical heater: (Only when heating source Solar combination: is configured as HP+Heater or HP+Heater + Boiler) .
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UNIT CONTROLLER Solar combination - Total control DHW maximum time: ΔT connection: • Maximum time YUTAKI allows to heat tank by means Solar. At the end of this time Solar pump is • Allows to specify a difference temperature stopped regardless temperature conditions at Solar between tank and Panel temperature to Panel.
UNIT CONTROLLER Heat Pump configuration Outdoor average temperature: OTC average is used to neutralise the effect of occasional temperature variations. 1 / 2 The average value of outdoor temperature sampled over a selected period (between 1 and 24 hours) is Water pump configuration: used for the calculation of weather-dependent set point temperature.
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UNIT CONTROLLER Water pump configuration 1 / 2 Operation mode: • ΔT: To control the pump speed to guarantee the ΔT between Two and Twi. Swimming pool speed: • Fix: The water pump works at the specified Selection of the % for the pump speed when speed % at the space speed menu.
UNIT CONTROLLER Optional functions configuration This menu allows to configure the optional functions for system, space heating or space cooling, DHW and Emergency operation. System: Configure the optional functions for the system. See detailed information below. Space functions: Configure the optional functions for the space heating or space cooling.
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UNIT CONTROLLER Smart Function Status: Enable or disable smart function. Smart Action: 1 / 2 Check that Smart Act/SG1 is set in input 5 (see section “ Inputs, Outputs and Sensors configuration”) Trigger type: • HP Block: Heat Pump is forbidden in any •...
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UNIT CONTROLLER DHW optional functions Circuit Pump: By using this output, user can heat all the water inside DHW piping system. Output must be configured at the I/O and sensors menu. (see section “ Inputs, Outputs and Sensors configuration”) •...
UNIT CONTROLLER Inputs, Outputs and Sensors configuration Inputs: The system allows to set 7 inputs depending Auxiliary sensors: on the operations and preferences of the There are 7 available auxiliary sensors to set. installation Outputs: There are 8 available outputs to set. There are conditions of setting depending on the installation.
UNIT CONTROLLER List of available outputs: • Disabled • SWP 3WV: (Fixed in output 1 if swimming pool is enabled): Signal control of the 3-way valve of the swimming pool. • Water pump 3: (Fixed in output 2 if hydraulic separator or buffer tank is installed): Signal control of the water pump for hydraulic separator or buffer tank.
UNIT CONTROLLER 7.8.4 CONTROLLER SETTINGS Under the controller settings menu it is possible to adjust the several parameters: Controller options: • Operation view (Unit / Room) • Favourite action (Eco/Comfort, Night Shift, DHW Boost, Timer) • Temperature sensor offset Room names: •...
UNIT CONTROLLER 7.8.6 FACTORY RESET This function is only visible for the installer. It asks for removing all the settings and returns to the factory setting configuration. 7.8.7 RETURN TO USER MODE This function allows to getting out of the “Installer mode”. PMML0510 rev.1 - 10/2019...
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER 8 YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER The new YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER for YUTAKI series (PC-ARFH1E) is an user-friendly remote control which ensures a strong and safe communication through H-LINK. 8.1 DEFINITION OF THE SWITCHES ...
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER 8.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE ICONS 8.2.1 Common icons Icon Name Explanation Circuit I or II is in Demand-OFF Circuit I or II is on Thermo-OFF Status for circuit 1, 2, Circuit I or II is working between 0 < X ≤ 33% of the desired water outlet DHW and swimming temperature pool.
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER 8.2.2 Icons for the comprehensive view Icon Name Explanation This icon informs about pump operation. Pump There are three available pumps on the system. Each one is numbered, and its corresponding number is displayed below to the pump icon when it is operating Heater step Indicates which of the 3 possible heater steps is applied on space heating DHW Heater...
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER 8.4 CASCADE CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION • Select the desired language using the arrow keys. • Press OK button. • Select the date and time using the arrow keys. • Press OK button. 8.4.1 Configuration Assistant •...
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YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER • Select the heat emitters on the circuit 1: Underfloor heating, Fan coils or Radiators. • Repeat this step in case of circuit 2. • Press OK button. • Select Yes if Domestic Hot Water tank is installed. •...
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YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER • Select Yes if an electrical backup heater is installed. • This screen appears only when no boiler is installed. • Press OK button. • Select the bivalent point for boiler or electric backup heater (from -20 ºC to 20 ºC). •...
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER • Configuration assistant is completed. • Press OK button to go to the main screen. 8.4.2 Advanced Configuration • Select the advance configuration for a complete configuration. • Press OK button. • Select the favourite action: Eco/Comfort, Timer, DHW Boost. •...
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YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER • Configure circuit 1 and circuit 2 OTC: Disabled, Points, Gradient, Fix. • Enable or disable DHW and Swimming Pool. • Select the heating source: HP only, HP + EH, HP + Boiler. • Configure electrical heater use: Disabled or Backup. •...
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YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER • Configure Central mode options: Local or Full. • Configure thermostat (1 or 2): None, wired or wireless. • Check RT address if wired is selected. • Select Wireless binding ID (1 or 2) if wireless is selected. •...
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER 8.5 MAIN SCREEN Time and date Swimming pool control The current time/date information is displayed. This information It gives information about the swimming pool setting can be changed on the configuration menu temperature and displays a throughput icon indicating the ...
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER 8.5.1 Quick action function The following quick actions are shown when pressing the OK button at the selected zone: Timer: Menu for the selection and configuration of simple timer and schedule timer. OTC: Menu for the OTC selection. Only available for circuit 1 and circuit 2 in Comprehensive view. Eco / Comfort: Activation of the Eco/Comfort Mode.
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER 8.6 MENU 8.6.1 OPERATION INFORMATION In operation information menu it is possible to find the most important setting parameters of the system besides the information of the operation conditions. Detailed information about: • Operation status • Water setting temperature •...
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER 8.6.2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION In system configuration menu it is possible to configure all the system settings. 1 / 2 General configuration: • Holiday Mode • Air Eco Offset • Room Thermostats • Central Operation Cascade configuration: • Supply setting offset Timer and schedule configuration: •...
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER General options configuration Holiday Mode: Configure holiday come back • Year • Month • Day • Returning time • Setting temperature • Start/Stop Holiday Mode Central operation: Air Eco Offset for Circuit 1-2: • Control type selection: Local or full. Configure the offset air temperature for the ECO mode.
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Timer and schedule configuration N O T E Timer settings are only valid if the corresponding zone is in ON state at the time of execution of the respective timer program. The LCD controller must be set to the correct date and time before using the timer function. Select the desired area to apply the timer function or delete all timers configuration: Heating/Cooling (Air): To set the timer to adjust the room temperature.
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YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Setting of Schedule timer Setting of temperature, operation mode (ECO or Comfort) or change of operation state from ON to OFF for a defined period, after which operation returns to the previous settings. Manual operation of the unit controller has priority over schedule settings. Timer type: Selection of the timer type •...
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YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER CASCADE configuration Supply setting offset Modules configuration: • To set YUTAKI Slave Units to work at a setting temperature • Configure the status, refrigerant cycle higher than setting temperature address, indoor unit address and individual determined by YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER DHW for each module.
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Space Heating / Space Cooling configuration Control the temperature for Space Heating or Space Cooling by configuring the following parameters. Water calculation mode: Selection of the water set point for Circuit 1 or Circuit 2 (Space Heating or Space Cooling).
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YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Water calculation mode Disabled The “Disabled” option sets the circuit as disabled. Points Points is the most versatile calculation type. Set 4 points and one vertex point, to create a line representing the function that the air to water heat pump will use to give the temperature setting according to the current ambient temperature.
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Domestic Hot Water (DHW) configuration Status of DHW: • Disabled Setting temperature: • Enabled. Setting for domestic hot water Mode: Only available when DHW heater is temperature selected by the user. The maximum value of this setting depends activated (DSW4 pin 3 ON).
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YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Space priority status: If space priority function is enabled, Heat Pump operation by DHW mode stops (and continue with DHW heater, if Maximum time: necessary). Maximum time that DHW operation can This function is only performed if space 3 / 4 work using heat pump mode.
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Swimming Pool configuration Status: Enable or disable swimming pool. Set input 3, output 1 and sensor 2. (see section “ Setup of inputs, outputs and sensors” Setting temperature: Adjustment of the swimming pool water temperature setting. •...
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Complementary Heating configuration Heating Source: • HP Only • HP + Heater • HP + Boiler • HP + Heater + Boiler (Only for YUTAKI S and YUTAKI S COMBI) Electrical heater: (Only when heating source Solar combination: is configured as HP+Heater or HP+Heater + Boiler).
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YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Solar combination - Total control DHW maximum time: ΔT connection: • Maximum time YUTAKI allows to heat tank by means Solar. At the end of this time Solar pump is stopped • Allows to specify a difference temperature regardless temperature conditions at Solar Panel.
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Heat Pump configuration Water pump configuration: Minimum ON time: In order to reduce a possible compressor damage, demand ON cycles can be Configure the water pump of the reduced by determining the time that must pass heat pump.
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Optional functions configuration This menu allows to configure the optional functions for system, space heating or space cooling, DHW and Emergency operation. System: Configure the optional functions for the system. See detailed information below. Space functions: Configure the optional functions for the space heating or space cooling.
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YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Space optional functions Auto Heat/Cool: Only available in units capable of heating Heating Auto On/Off: and cooling operation, and when cooling operation is enabled. To stop automatically stop heating operation when the daily average outdoor temperature Allows to set automatic switch over to of the previous day is higher than the defined heating and cooling operation using the...
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Emergency Operation Space Heating: Mode: Enable or disable emergency operation for space heating. Selection of the emergency operation mode: Only available in case “Heating source” • Manual: Emergency operation is active when “ Complementary Heating is manually enabled (by DSW4 pin 4 ON). configuration”...
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER List of available outputs: • Disabled • SWP 3WV: (Fixed in output 1 if swimming pool is enabled): Signal control of the 3-way valve of the swimming pool. • Water pump 3: (Fixed in output 2 if hydraulic separator or buffer tank is installed): Signal control of the water pump for hydraulic separator or buffer tank.
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER 8.6.4 COMMISSIONING Under the commissioning menu it is possible to adjust the several parameters: Screed Drying: • Circuit 1 setting temperature • Circuit 2 setting temperature • Start screed drying 8.6.5 ABOUT In this section of the LCD controller it is possible to find the following information: System information: •...
YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER 8.6.6 FACTORY RESET This function is only visible for the installer. It asks for removing all the settings and returns to the factory setting configuration. 8.6.7 RETURN TO USER MODE This function allows to getting out of the “Installer mode”. PMML0510 rev.1 - 10/2019...
TROUBLESHOOTING 9 TROUBLESHOOTING N O T E • (o): Option configurable from Unit controller. This alarm will be displayed if the system has been configured. • o: Default. This alarm will be displayed in the Unit controller. • –: No applicable. Alarm code indication on remote control switch: Alarm indication Alarm code...
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TROUBLESHOOTING Retry Alarm YUTAKI YUTAKI YUTAKI Stop Origin Detail of Abnormality Main Factors Code S/SC Code No Cascade Messages. Triggered in case unit is configured to work against cascade control and: - No messages have been received for 180 seconds. Loose, disconnected, broken or Indoor short-circuited connector...
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TROUBLESHOOTING Retry Alarm YUTAKI YUTAKI YUTAKI Stop Origin Detail of Abnormality Main Factors Code S/SC Code "Compressor failure. This alarm code appears when the following alarms 02, 07, 08, 45, 47 occur three times within 6 hours." Indoor-LCD Compressor protection N O T E This alarm is shown in the outdoor unit with alarm code “EE”.
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TROUBLESHOOTING Alarms for YUTAKI CASCADE CONTROLLER Retry Alarm Stop Origin Detail of Abnormality Main Factors Code Code Loose, disconnected, broken or Communication Lost communication with all slave YUTAKI Units short-circuited connector Loose, disconnected, broken or Indoor Water Circuit 2 thermistor abnormally (THMwo2) short-circuited connector Loose, disconnected, broken or Indoor...
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TROUBLESHOOTING Code Category Type of abnormality Main cause number Excessive Refrigerant Charge, Failure of Thermistor, Incorrect Decrease in discharge gas superheat Wiring, Incorrect Piping Connection, Expansion Valve Locking at Opened Position (Disconnected Connector). Cycle Excessively high discharge gas temperature at Insufficient refrigerant charge, refrigerant leakage.
MAINTENANCE 10 MAINTENANCE 10.1 MAINTENANCE WORK C A U T I O N • All inspections and checks have to be carried out by a licensed technician and never by the user itself. • Before any inspection and check the unit main power supply has to be switched OFF. •...
MAINTENANCE 10.1.2 General maintenance procedure for the indoor unit To ensure good operation and reliability of the indoor unit, main parts and field wiring have to be checked periodically. The following checks have to be done by qualified technicians at least once a year: 1 Cabinet •...
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MAINTENANCE The manometer is placed at different positions according to each unit model YUTAKI S / S COMBI In YUTAKI S and S COMBI models, the manometer is installed factory supplied as it is shown: YUTAKI S YUTAKI S COMBI Manometer Manometer YUTAKI M...
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MAINTENANCE 11 DHWTank inspection hatch The DHW tank has an inspection hatch at the bottom. This hatch allows the inspection of the interior of the tank. D A N G E R Be careful when using this inspection hatch. There are high temperature and high pressure inside the tank. Before open it wait a reasonable time for the water to cool.
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MAINTENANCE 13 Safety valve • Operation: Check the correct operation of the indoor unit safety valve (pressure relief valve) on the space heating circuit. Open it manually and some water should be expelled by its connected drain pipe. 14 Air purger: •...
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MAINTENANCE Draining N O T E Draining operation is unique for each model. Refer to the service manual of the specific unit for drain operation procedure. Draining operation for YUTAKI S YUTAKI S models have no drain port factory supplied. It must be considered the installation of a drain port after the shut-off valve (factory supplied) and before the water inlet of the unit when proceeding to the installation of the unit.
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MAINTENANCE Draining operation for YUTAKI M YUTAKI M has no drain port factory supplied. It is highly recommended to install a drain port valve attached to the water outlet of the YUTAKI M unit in order to ease the operation of draining. When the drain port is installed the draining procedure for the YUTAKI M follows the next steps: 1 Switch OFF the main power of the unit.
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