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Viking RAD-AMP User Manual page 6

Amplified remote access device


A. Line Extender
When the RAD-AMP is configured as a Line Extender, it will always answer an incoming call after the programmed ring
delay. In the "Line Extender" mode, the RAD-AMP offers either unsecured access, or two levels of secured access,
designated "Priority 1" and "Priority 2." "Priority 1" access may be used in applications where the RAD-AMP's outbound
line is either a CO line or a PABX extension, whereas the "Priority 2" access mode is specific to applications where the
RAD-AMP's outbound line is a PABX extension.
1. Unsecured Access
If neither the "Priority 1", nor the "Priority 2" access codes have been programmed, the unit is "Unsecured." In this
mode, the RAD-AMP answers the inbound call, double beeps, bridges the lines together, and the caller is given full
and immediate access to the outbound line. The caller may then dial without restriction. Anybody that calls into the
RAD-AMP is given an extended line.
2. Priority 1 (unlimited) Access
When a "Priority 1" access code has been programmed, the RAD-AMP answers the inbound call and prompts the
caller with a single beep. The caller is then required to enter a 6 digit access code. If an access code is not entered
within 20 seconds, the RAD-AMP will triple beep and hang up. When a valid access code has been entered, the
RAD-AMP will double beep and bridge the lines together providing access to the opposite line port. Anybody that
calls into the RAD-AMP and successfully dials the "Priority 1" access code has unlimited access to the extended
3. Priority 2 (limited) Access
This mode is specific to PABX applications. When a "Priority 2" access code has been programmed, the RAD-AMP
answers the inbound call and prompts the caller with a single beep. The caller is then required to enter a 6 digit
access code. If an access code is not entered within 20 seconds, the RAD-AMP will triple beep and hang up. When
a valid "Priority 2" access code has been entered, the RAD-AMP will double beep and bridge the lines together pro-
viding access to the opposite line port. The caller is then given limited access, and may only dial extensions and
features within the PABX. If the caller attempts to dial the PABX outside line number (programmable, but typically
a 9) to place a call outside of the PABX, the caller will hear a triple beep and be immediately disconnected. This
effectively prevents toll fraud and system abuse. Important: If the PABX utilizes any special direct trunk access
codes in addition to the outside line number, the RAD-AMP can not prevent toll fraud and system abuse on a
"Priority 2" access call.
4. Disconnect
For disconnect, the RAD-AMP senses busy signals, return dial tone (if enabled), maximum call time (if enabled),
the Touch Tone command #7 or a CPC break on either port. In addition, the RAD-AMP will flash the LINE OUT
port for 500ms when the Touch Tone command #1 is entered and disconnect the LINE OUT port for 2 seconds,
when the Touch Tone command #2 is entered.
Note: The "Priority 1" and "Priority 2" access codes can work well together. As an example, one group of users can be
given the "Priority 2" access code, and hence only have the ability to dial within the PABX system. Another group of
trusted users (supervisors, for example) could be given the "Priority 1" access code, and thus have unrestricted remote
access to the PABX system, including outbound dialing.
B. Call Diverter
When the RAD-AMP is configured as a Call Diverter and inbound ringing is detected on the LINE IN port, the RAD-
AMP will dial the user programmed phone number (see Programming) on the LINE OUT port, answer the LINE IN
port, and bridge the two ports together for a nearly transparent transfer. For disconnect, the RAD-AMP senses busy
signals, return dial tone (if enabled), maximum call time (if enabled), the Touch Tone command #7 or a CPC break on
either port.
C. Telecommuting Extender
When the RAD-AMP is configured as a Telecommuting Extender, it can be programmed to provide either supervised
or un-supervised call forwarding from a PABX station to a remote employee's home or cell phone. This allows the
remote employee to take business calls as if they are actually "in the office". Calls can be forwarded to one of nine dif-
ferent phone numbers so that calls may follow them wherever they may go. The Telecommuting Extender mode also
provides the remote employee access to the PABX/KSU system, similar to the line extender mode.

