Yaesu FT-1000 Operating Manual page 29

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4, Operation - Transmitting
* Now close your key, and advance the DRIVE control
so that the meter indicates center scale. This is the
proper ALC level for CW operation.
* Adjust the MONI control, if necessary, for comfort-
able level on the CW sidetone.
* Now you can switch the METER selector to the P0
position and adjust the RF PWR for the desired level. If
you change it much, return the METER selector to ALC
and touch up the DRIVE setting, if necessary, to keep
the ALC reading in the safe zone.
* Release the key to return to receive.
Courtesy of the VOX circuitry, you are now using
semi break-in CW, in which the transmitter remains
activated except during pauses in your sending. You
can set the "hang time" during which the transmitter
remains on after you stop sending, by adjusting the
DELAY control in the top access panel.
However, if you prefer full break-in (QSK) opera-
tion, in which the receiver is activated between each
dot and dash, simply press the BK-IN switch.
Using the Internal Electronic Keyer
You will need to connect keyer paddles to one of the
KEY jacks to use the keyer.
* Once the transceiver has been set up for CW trans-
mission as just described, you can activate the keyer
with the KEYER pushbutton near the lower right cor-
ner of the front panel (its green LED should light).
* Now squeeze the paddles, and adjust the SPEED con-
trol for the desired speed (if you are using the bug
simulator mode, described in the box below, don't
squeeze both paddles: just press the dit paddle).
If the dot:dash weighting is not to your preference,
see the table on page 16 to set the WEIGHT DIP switches
in the top panel. If you prefer a higher or lower sidetone
pitch, see page 24 and the Pitch table on page 17.
You can use the keyer for both semi and full break-
in keying, as described in the previous section.
AM Transmission
Transmitter setup for the AM mode is essentially the
same as for LSB or USB, except that you must avoid
overmodulating, and limit carrier power to 50 watts.
¢ With the AM mode selected, preset the RF PWR and
DRIVE controls to the 12-0'clock position.
¢ If you have already set the MIC control as described
for SSB transmission, there should be no need to
readjust it, Otherwise, preset this control fully coun-
terclock wise.
¢ VOX operation can be used in the AM mode, but for
now, make sure the VOX switch is off, so as not to
confuse adjustments,
¢ The transmit monitor is very helpful in setting the
correct modulation level, and if you have head-
phones on, you should turn the monitor on now.
¢ Close the PTT switch and advance the DRIVE control
so that the meter deflects just to midrange.
* Now, if you don't have the MIC control already set up,
speak into the microphone while advancing this con-
trol just to the point where slight movement of the
meter can be seen. Don't set it too far beyond this
point or your signal will become distorted from
if the monitor is on).
¢ You are now ready to transmit. Switch the METER
selector to the PO position, and adjust the RF PWR
control for the desired output (but not over 50
Note that the speech processor is disabled in the AM
mode. You can, however, activate the VOX if desired.
FM Transmission
For transmission, this is the easiest mode of all. The
only control on the front panel you need be concerned
about is RF PWR. Microphone gain for FM is set the
separate FMMIC GAIN control in the top access panel, and
normally needs no adjustment after leaving the factory.
If you receive signals reports of low audio with a strong
carrier, you may want to increase the gain. If you notice
distortion in the transmit monitor, you may want to
decrease it. Otherwise, we suggest leaving it alone.
All you need to do is set the METER selector to the PO
position, and adjust the RF PWR control for the desired
output while transmitting. If you need full power, keep
your transmissions to three minutes or less, with the
same time for reception.
page 27


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