Diamond Guitar Pedals MEMORY LANE User Manual page 5

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on. Delay and modulation states can still be changed using the right foot-
switch even when the audio path is in bypass.
Tap/Mod Feature Switch
This small toggle switch situated between the Feedback level and Modulation
depth controls sets the Memory Lane into one of two primary operational
Tap: delay times are set by footswitch tapping, and the delay time knob
is bypassed. Modulation can still be turned on using the Modulation
depth and speed controls, but the effect is not as pronounced as in
Modulation mode.
Mod: delay times are set by the delay time knob, and modulation, once
set on the Modulation depth and speed controls, can be turned
on and off by the right footswitch. A red right LED indicates that
Modulation is footswitched on in this mode.
Tap/Mod Footswitch
The operation of this footswitch is dependent on the current operational mode
as set by the Tap/Mod feature switch described above.
Tap: In Tap mode, this footswitch sets delay time, with every 2
the switch setting a new tempo. This is a bit different than most
digital delays, where each tap measures the time from the last tap.
On the Memory Lane, every tempo tap should be done in two's – the
first tap begins a new measure of tempo, the second completes the
measure and sets the new tempo. The tempo only changes when the
2nd tap is complete. If time between the 1
the maximum delay time, the Memory Lane simply sets the delay
time to maximum on the 2
Mod: In Mod mode, this footswitch toggles on and off whatever modula-
tion setting is currently set on the mod depth and speed controls,
with the right LED toggling between green (off) and red (on). If
the master mod depth control is switched off, toggling the mod
footswitch will have no effect on sound even though the green and
red LED's will toggle.
Input Level Jumper (internal)
This internal jumper is factory set to provide optimum signal-to-noise ratios
through the delay path (in particular the NE570N compandor chip which was
originally designed for relatively quiet telephone signal levels) for typical FX
loop and/or humbucker pickup levels. For extremely hot pickups or FX loops,
this jumper can be set to its alternate position to pad down levels in the delay
Setting Up
The Memory Lane can be used in several different effect configurations. With
the exception of reverb, delay should probably be the final effect in your ef-
fect chain. For channel switching amps, you'll also probably want to place the
delay within the amp's effect (FX) loop if available. This will properly place the
delay after any higher gain distortion stages.
- 5 -
and 2
taps exceeds
tap on


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