UCL SWIFT TEK-2 Training Manual page 4

Swift test kit
Table of Contents


Read and understand all of the instructions and safety information in this manual before
operating this tool.
Please note that 850nm and 1300nm wavelengths are not visible to the human eye. Do not look
directly into the output port of the DLS 350 or directly into any fiber connector that may be live.
Since the LED is invisible to the eye, the eye's natural blink reflex is suppressed. This can cause
damage to the retina.
The LSMM transmits either the 850nm or 1300nm wavelength on singlemode fiber. Be sure to use a test
jumper to mate the LSMM to the fiber under test.
Mate Connectors Appropriately
The LSMM is calibrated to have an output power level of -22dBm. Variations in power level between
-22dBm and -25dBm may be normal depending on the quality and age of the test jumper, the LSMM output
port, and other factors.
Always ensure the LSMM is transmitting an acceptable power level before performing an insertion loss test.
Simply insert the test jumper (plugged into the LSMM) into a companion power meter set to the dBm mode.
The power meter will indicate the measured output power of the LED.
Test Jumper Plugged
into Power Meter
Caution: Invisible LED Radiation
Please note that 850nm and 1300nm wavelengths are not visible to the human eye. Do not
look directly into the output port of the DLS 350 or directly into any fiber connector that
may be live.
Since the LED is invisible to the eye, the eye's natural blink reflex is suppressed. This can
Caution: Invisible LED Radiation
cause damage to the retina.
Please note that 850nm and 1300nm wavelengths are not visible to the human eye. Do not
look directly into the output port of the DLS 350 or directly into any fiber connector that
FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 & 1040.11
may be live.
IEC 60825-1: 2007-03
Class 1 Laser Product
Since the LED is invisible to the eye, the eye's natural blink reflex is suppressed. This can
cause damage to the retina.
Transmitting Light
The DLS 350 transmits either the 850nm or 1300nm wavelength on singlemode fiber. Be
sure to use a test jumper to mate the DLS 350 to the fiber under test.
Transmitting Light
The DLS 350 transmits either the 850nm or 1300nm wavelength on singlemode fiber. Be
sure to use a test jumper to mate the DLS 350 to the fiber under test.
Mate Connectors Appropriately
Test Jumper
Test Jumper
Mate Connectors Appropriately
Test Jumper
Output Power
The DLS 350 is calibrated to have an output power level of -22dBm. Variations in power
level between -22dBm and -25dBm may be normal depending on the quality and age of
the test jumper, the DLS 350 output port, and other factors.
Output Power
Always ensure the DLS 350 is transmitting an acceptable power level before performing
The DLS 350 is calibrated to have an output power level of -22dBm. Variations in power
an insertion loss test. Simply insert the test jumper (plugged into the DLS 350) into a
level between -22dBm and -25dBm may be normal depending on the quality and age of
companion power meter set to the dBm mode. The power meter will indicate the measured
the test jumper, the DLS 350 output port, and other factors.
output power of the LED.
Always ensure the DLS 350 is transmitting an acceptable power level before performing
an insertion loss test. Simply insert the test jumper (plugged into the DLS 350) into a
Test Jumper Plugged
companion power meter set to the dBm mode. The power meter will indicate the measured
Into Power Meter
output power of the LED.
M-UM008-01 Page 2
Test Jumper Plugged
Into Power Meter
M-UM008-01 Page 2
3330 Earhart Drive, Suite 208
FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11
IEC 60825-1: 2007-03
Class 1 LED Product
FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11
IEC 60825-1: 2007-03
Class 1 LED Product
Signal Propagates Down Fiber
Signal Propagates Down Fiber
Signal Propagates Down Fiber
Power Meter Displays
Output Power of LED
Power Meter Displays
Output Power of LED
Carrollton, TX 75006
Power Meter Displays
Output Power of LED
Office: 972.556.0916
Fax: 972.910.8384


Table of Contents

Table of Contents