Module Information And Options; Component Configuration; Selecting The Cycle - SARAD Aer 5400 Manual

Trolley or wall-mounted online continuous air monitor
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Aer 5400
Time span from the begin of the running interval
Number of the executed step and step count of the running cycle
Remaining data memory (number of data records which can be stored)
Several buttons are present at the main page to enable the access to various display pages. It is
possible to show recent readings, data already stored on memory card, component configuration etc.
The cycle execution can be stopped by the button STOP.

6. 2. Module information and options

These pages show the module information as well as the actual setting of the module options. The
menu can be called from the main menu by touching the INFO button. Use the TOGGLE button to
toggle between the several pages.
Module information:
Software version
Serial number
Date of manufacturing
Date of the last software update
Options with TOGGLE button:
Pre-set start time if the option "Synchronized start" is enabled
Operation mode and time scheduling of the clock switch
Use the BACK button to return to the main menu or the CONFIG button to show the actual
configuration of the various components.

6. 3. Component configuration

This menu shows the actual settings of the configuration parameters of each component. The user
can check them for validity but it is not possible to make any changes. Components can be selected
by the buttons NEXT and LAST. If not all parameters can be shown on one page, the others are
accessible using the TOGGLE button. Back to the main menu by pressing BACK button.

6. 4. Selecting the cycle

This menu allows the selection of the sampling cycles which have been transferred to the instrument
before. A touch sensitive list with the names of all available cycles appears after calling from main
menu by the button CYCLE. If more than five cycles have been stored, the list can be scrolled by the
TOGGLE button. A touch at the desired cycle name will select the cycle for execution. Touch the
BACK button to return to the main menu without a new selection. There are a number pre-defined
cycles available in delivery state:
Manual_Aer 5400_EN_27-04-2023.docx
 SARAD GmbH 2023


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