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nader NDM3EU-400 Operating Instructions Manual

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Shanghai Nader Electrical Co., Ltd.
NDM3EU-400 使用说明书
NDM3EU-400 Electronic MCCB
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions
Doc. Code
第 1 版
Version 1



Summary of Contents for nader NDM3EU-400

  • Page 1 Doc. Code 版 次 第 1 版 产品型号 NDM3EU-400 Edition Version 1 及名称 塑料外壳式断路器 Product 实施日期 NDM3EU-400 MCCB 2019-08-19 Model and Implementation Name Date 上海良信电器股份有限公司 Shanghai Nader Electrical Co., Ltd. NDM3EU-400 使用说明书 电子式塑壳断路器 NDM3EU-400 Electronic MCCB Operating Instructions 2019.12.31 文件控制...
  • Page 2 第 2 版 文件编号 版次 实施日期 NDT2920257 2019-08-19 Doc. No. Edition Version 2 Implementation date 2019.12.31 文件控制 目 录 Contents 适用范围与用途 Application Scope and Purpose 型号说明 Description of Model 技术参数 Technical Parameters 工作环境 Working Environment 外形尺寸和安装尺寸 Dimensions and Installation Dimensions 安装...
  • Page 3 ND M 3 □- □ □/□ □ □ □ □ □/□ 8 9 10 11 12 13 序 号 序号名称 NDM3A NDM3A Description 企业代号 ND Nader brand low-voltage ND Nader 牌低压电器 Enterprise code apparatus 产品代号 M 塑料外壳式断路器 M Molded case circuit breaker Product code 设计序号...
  • Page 4 主要技术参数见下表 2: Main technical parameters of NDM3EU are shown as follow Table 2: 表 2 主要技术参数 Table 2 Main technical parameters NDM3EU-400 型号、规格 Model and specification 极数 Numbers of poles AC 400 额定电流(A) 整定电流(A)Setting Current (A) AC 250、AC 300、AC 350、AC 400 额...
  • Page 5 第 2 版 文件编号 版次 实施日期 NDT2920257 2019-08-19 Doc. No. Edition Version 2 Implementation date AC 600 V: 22/14 隔离功能 Isolating function 机械寿命(次)Mechanical endurance(No. operations) 5000 电寿命(次)Electrical endurance (No. 1000 operations) 海拔 Altitude <2000m 过载长延时保护 Overload long-delay protection (250A,300A,350A,400A)+(12,60,100,150)s 电子式保护特性 Electronic protection 短路短延时保护...
  • Page 6 第 2 版 文件编号 版次 实施日期 NDT2920257 2019-08-19 Doc. No. Edition Version 2 Implementation date (5)短路短延时整定时间 Tsd; Setting time of short-circuit short-delay Tsd; (6)短路瞬时整定电流 Ii Setting current of short-circuit instantaneous Ii; (7)电源指示灯 Power; Power light; (8)过载指示灯 Over. Overload light. 控制器控制面板见下图 1: Control panel of controller is shown as follow Fig.
  • Page 7 第 2 版 文件编号 版次 实施日期 NDT2920257 2019-08-19 Doc. No. Edition Version 2 Implementation date 并经一定的时间后断路器将断开。 过载指示灯快速闪烁时(频率 4Hz),表示在 3 次脱扣动作仍未导致产品脱扣。 Constant light of overload indicator indicates that actual current is more than 1.5 times of overload long-time delay current setting Ir. The breaker will break the circuit after certain duration. When the overload indicator flashes fast(frequency is 4Hz)...
  • Page 8 第 2 版 文件编号 版次 实施日期 NDT2920257 2019-08-19 Doc. No. Edition Version 2 Implementation date Isd/I) ×Tsd; 当故障电流 Ii>I≥1.5×Isd 时,反时限保护转为定时限保护,即 tsd=Tsd。 When fault current is Ii> I≥ 1.5× Isd , inverse time-delay convert to definite time-delay protection, tsd=Tsd. 短路瞬时保护 Short-circuit instantaneous protection. a)短路瞬动保护整定电流...
  • Page 9 第 2 版 文件编号 版次 实施日期 NDT2920257 2019-08-19 Doc. No. Edition Version 2 Implementation date to insulation. (6)温度降容。 (6) Temperature de-rating. 断路器安装场所的环境要求如下表 4: Environmental requirements for installation location of breaker are shown as follow Table 4: 表 4 断路器安装场所的环境要求 Table 4 Environmental requirements for installation location of breaker 项目...
  • Page 10 第 2 版 文件编号 版次 实施日期 NDT2920257 2019-08-19 Doc. No. Edition Version 2 Implementation date 5、外形尺寸和安装尺寸 Overall and installation dimensions 外形尺寸见下图 2: Overall dimensions are shown as follow Fig. 2: 2019.12.31 文件控制 图 2 外形尺寸 Fig. 2 Overall dimensions 安装尺寸见下表 6: Installation dimensions are shown as follow Table 6: 表...
  • Page 11 第 2 版 文件编号 版次 实施日期 NDT2920257 2019-08-19 Doc. No. Edition Version 2 Implementation date procedures: (1)用 500 Vdc 兆欧表; (1) Use a 500 Vdc megameter; (2)在断路器处于断开状态,对进出连接板 1-2、3-4、5-6 之间,和 1、3、5 连接板(3 个连接板 用导线相连)与外壳之间(外壳用金属箔覆盖)分别进行; (2) Place the breaker in open status, carry out test between 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6 connection boards, as well as between the 1, 3 and 5 connection boards (connected with wires) and the breaker shell (covered by metal foil);...
  • Page 12 第 2 版 文件编号 版次 实施日期 NDT2920257 2019-08-19 Doc. No. Edition Version 2 Implementation date control supply voltage of 55%-110%, shunt release should be reliable to trip breakers. 分励脱扣器功耗见下表 7: Power dissipation of Shunt release is shown as follow Table 7: 表...
  • Page 13 第 2 版 文件编号 版次 实施日期 NDT2920257 2019-08-19 Doc. No. Edition Version 2 Implementation date Accessory Status of the breaker Connection status of the circuit name “分”或“自由脱扣” 辅助触头 “Open” or “Free tripped” Auxiliary “合” “接通”与“断开”相互转换 contact “Close” Mutual transferring between “On” and “Off” 8 使用和维护...
  • Page 14 Edition Version 2 Implementation date 司不能负责。 User should use internal and external accessories provided by Nader so as to endure their quality; Nader should not be held reliable for purchase of accessories from other companies or authorized modifications. 在执行维护操作前,必须先完成下列操作: Follow following steps before conducting maintenance: (1)使断路器分闸;...
  • Page 15 On the premise of user’s compliance with reservation and use specifications of the breaker, for breakers whose delivery date is within 36 months from now and whose seals are intact, Nader will repair or replace any of these breakers which are damaged or cannot work normally due to manufacture quality.
  • Page 16 “Ordering Specifications” form according to future application of circuit breaker; 10.2 如用户订货时对智能控制器保护参数不作要求,本公司将按规格型号默认配置。 10.2 If customer has not put forward any requirement on protection parameters of the intelligent controller upon ordering, Nader will deliver the product in default configurations of the model and specification. 总机电话:Telephone of switchboard: 021-68586699 营销传真...