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harbor master Premier Verical Lift Instructions Manual page 2


Step 1- The Uprights
Unpackage the bundles. Lay all parts out on a level surface.
Locate the (2) lower side beams. The left lower side beam ends will be labeled A
and D. The right lower side beam will be labeled B and C.
Locate the (4) upright posts. Match the labeled uprights with their
corresponding corners.
Insert upright A into the A
corner. Locate hardware bag (1).
Insert the head of (1)3/8" x 1"
carriage bolt in the nut channel
from the top of the upright. Slide
the carriage bolt all the way down
until it rests in the slot on the
bracket of the side beam. Secure
with (1) 3/8" flange nut.
Repeat for the remaining corners
and uprights.
Insert the head of (1)3/8" x 1" carriage bolt in the nut channel
from the bottom of the upright. Slide the carriage bolt up until it
rests in the slot on the bracket of the side beam. Secure with (1)
3/8" flange nut.
Repeat for the remaining corners and uprights.

