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LeapFrog Roll Rhyme Melody Block Manual page 2


From birth, babies are constantly experimenting with
their worlds – a developmental process we find absolutely
fascinating! Accidental discoveries progress to more
purposeful actions, and at around 8 months, babies become
active problem solvers who want to reach goals and who
understand that actions cause reactions. Babies will repeat
their "experiments" over and over, particularly if they are rewarded with
a pleasing response!
ANGUAGE (Birth +)
Hearing speech is important because it helps newborns
become familiar with useful language sounds. In the first
year, babies progressively develop the ability to produce the
sounds of speech—crying, cooing, babbling, and eventually
repetition of multiple syllables. By 6 months, babies begin to
slowly figure out what certain sound strings mean and by 12
months may consistently string sounds together, purposefully imitating and
replicating sounds. Beyond 12 months, children progressively build vocabulary,
typically with two-word combinations, and begin to learn the principles of word
order and the unwritten rules of when and how to speak.
EMORY (3 Months +)
Basic memory skills become evident in babies at around 3
months, when they begin to remember where a hidden
object is located. Crawling and cruising begin the process
of cognitive mapping (experiencing elements of space from
different vantage points) and babies begin to remember
where things are! By 12 months, children may be able to retain
in memory a specific sequence for 3 or more behaviors, words and
events. Eventually, babies develop a memory of events and feelings that were
personally experienced —"autobiographical memory" begins!
All of LeapFrog's infant and toddler products are created
with baby's cognitive development in mind. We have
identified 6 essential developmental skills that contribute
to baby's future learning success!
develop, some toddlers can recite number names in order and
begin to count things. Other important math skills include recognition
of shapes and their names – mathematical ideas basic to geometry and
12 months, a child may begin to recognize that words are
made up of sounds that can be combined in different ways to form
different words. Soon, a child will begin to recognize letters and produce
letter names, eventually sounding out each letter.
happens! Beyond 12 months, as imagination grows, pretend play
becomes more real and complex. After 18 months, creativity with
words, music and drawing all begin to emerge, eventually leading to the
ability to creatively overcome obstacles—an important skill in life!
ARLY MATH (6 Months +)
As early as 6 months, babies can begin to understand the
concept of number, noticing small groups of one, two or three
things. Beginning around 12 months, a child can benefit from
exposure to the comparison of amounts, such as "Which cup
holds more juice?" At around 18 months, as language skills
ARLY READING (6 Months +)
You'll be amazed at the results if you begin reading to your
baby early and regularly! Positive early-reading experiences
can help children develop a great enthusiasm toward books.
At around 9 months, a child may begin to understand that
text proceeds from left to right on a page. As a result, at around
Very early in a baby's life, parents or caregivers can play funny
sound and face games to begin to spark baby's imagination.
After the age of 9 months, babies become fascinated with
learning about objects and begin to experiment, interacting
with objects in new and creative ways, just to see what

