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The information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of NEC Corporation. NEC Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document.
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Some information contained in this document may vary from country to country. Before using any NEC product in your application, please contact the NEC office in your country to obtain a list of authorized representatives and distributors. They will verify: •...
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MAJOR REVISIONS IN THIS EDITION Page Contents µ PD784928 subseries and µ PD784928Y subseries added to the target devices. Throughout p.61 VOLUME 2 EP-784915GF-R APPENDIX A EXTERNAL VIEW OF CONVERSION SOCKET Drawing of the NQPACK100RB added. The mark shows major revised points.
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µ PD784928Y subseries 16-bit single-chip microcontrollers and perform system debugging, using the IE-784000-R and IE-784000-R-EM in combination with the IE-784915-R-EM1. It is also intended for engineers who upgrade a system using other in-circuit emulators so that it has functions equivalent to those of the IE- 784000-R.
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→ read according to the TABLE OF CONTENTS. To understand the basic specifications, → read CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION. When looking up the setting method when the IE-784915-R-EM1 is connected with the IE-784000-R to debug the µ PD784915 subseries, µ PD784928 subseries, and µ PD784928Y subseries, →...
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The IE-784915-R-EM1 is an I/O emulation board for the µ PD784915 subseries, µ PD784928 subseries, and µ PD784928Y subseries 16-bit single-chip microcontrollers. It can be made compatible with any product in the µ PD784915 subseries, µ PD784928 subseries, or µ PD784928Y subseries just by changing the chip set board.
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CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Figure 1-1. List of IE-784915-R-EM1 Product Configuration (1/3) (1) IE-784915-R-EM1 Front Back...
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CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Figure 1-1. List of IE-784915-R-EM1 Product Configuration (2/3) (2) Chip set board The photos below show the chip set board of the µ PD784915 subseries. It has the same appearance as that of the µ PD784928 and 784928Y subseries. Please use the µ PD784915 subseries as a reference.
• µ PD78F4928Y Remark The µ PD784928 subseries and 784928Y subseries are under development. 1.5 Emulation Probe Use of the IE-784915-R-EM1 connected to the target system always requires an emulation probe. The emulation probe is available separately. Part Number Target Package 100-pin plastic QFP (14 ×...
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 2.1 Connection with IE-784000-R Figure 2-1 shows an installation schematic of the IE-784000-R. Figure 2-1. Installation Schematic of IE-784000-R Emulation probe Cover of IE-784000-R IE-784000-R-EM (available separately) IE-784915-R-EM1 IE-784000-R main unit...
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CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE The IE-784915-R-EM1 is connected to the IE-784000-R and IE-784000-R-EM according the following procedure. <1> Connection of chip set board Caution When used with an emulation probe connected, do not connect the chip set board to the IE- 784915-R-EM1.
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CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE <3> Mounting IE-784915-R-EM1 onto IE-784000-R-EM Connect connectors PJ1 and PJ2 on the IE-784000-R-EM with connectors PJ1 and PJ2 on the IE-784915- R-EM1. Figure 2-3. Connection of IE-784915-R-EM1 and IE-784000-R-EM IE-784915-R-EM1 IE-784000-R-EM <4> Removal of top cover Remove 6 screws on the top surface of the unit and remove the top cover as shown in Figure 2-4.
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<5> Removal of rubber of top cover After removing the top cover, remove the rubber. <6> Insert the IE-784000-R-EM + IE-784915-R-EM1 into the 2nd slot and 3rd slot, put the top cover, and replace the screws. Figure 2-5. Insertion of IE-784000-R-EM in IE-784000-R...
Even if the target system is not connected, the IE-784000-R can still be used. In this case, connect the chip set board that contains the µ PD78P4916, µ PD78F4928, or µ PD78F4928Y (emulation chip) to connectors L1 and L2 of the IE-784915-R-EM1 to start the IE-784000-R. See 2.1 Connection with IE-784000-R for details.
CHAPTER 3 SETTING OF USER CLOCK In the IE-784000-R, a fixed clock (16 MHz) on the IE-784915-R-EM1 is supplied to the emulation device unless the clock setting is changed. Operating the emulation device with an oscillation clock on the target system or an arbitrary clock requires the setting of the clock setting socket (IC15) and selection of an external clock in the configuration dialog on the integrated debugger (ID78K4).
CHAPTER 3 SETTING OF USER CLOCK 3.2 Attaching Crystal Oscillator <1> Prepare the IE-784915-R-EM1. <2> Attach a crystal oscillator (MAX. 16 MHz) to the clock setting socket (IC15) on the IE-784915-R-EM1. Figure 3-1. Mounting Position on IE-784915-R-EM1 CLOCK OUT 8...
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When an external clock is selected by the integrated debugger (ID78K4), the following circuit is configured by which a clock is supplied from the crystal oscillator to the emulation device in the IE-784000-R-EM. Figure 3-2. Clock Supply of IE-784915-R-EM1 4.7 kΩ...
CHAPTER 4 START-UP For the start-up method, see the ID78K/IV Integrated Debugger User’s Manual after the connection with the host machine is completed. If the start-up does not work out, check problems using this manual or the IE-784000-R User’s Manual.
CHAPTER 5 DIFFERENCES FROM TARGET DEVICE Since this IE performs emulation using the emulation CPU and peripheral simulation device, the IE pin characteristics are partly different from the pin characteristics of the target device.
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CHAPTER 5 DIFFERENCES FROM TARGET DEVICE (1) When chip set board is connected to emulation probe Figure 5-1. Equivalent Circuit Diagram of Port Pin Emulation Circuit (1/3) Emulation Target probe device side side AS244 HC125 27Ω 10 KΩ STOP RESET Noise filter TEST/V CKIN...
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CHAPTER 5 DIFFERENCES FROM TARGET DEVICE Figure 5-1. Equivalent Circuit Diagram of Port Pin Emulation Circuit (2/3) Emulation device Target probe side side P0 (7 : 0) P0 (7 : 0) 27Ω P4 (7 : 0) P4 (7 : 0) 27Ω...
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CHAPTER 5 DIFFERENCES FROM TARGET DEVICE (2) When chip set board is connected to IE-784915-R-EM1 Figure 5-2. Equivalent Circuit Diagram of Port Pin Emulation Circuit (1/3) Emulation device side STOP Noise filter CKIN 16 MHz Clock module (IC socket) P0 (7 : 0)
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CHAPTER 5 DIFFERENCES FROM TARGET DEVICE Figure 5-2. Equivalent Circuit Diagram of Port Pin Emulation Circuit (2/3) Emulation device side INTP (2 : 0) PTO0 (2 : 0) PWM (1 : 0) SCK2 SI2/BUSY ANI (11 : 8) REEL0IN REEL1IN...
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Figure 5-2. Equivalent Circuit Diagram of Port Pin Emulation Circuit (3/3) Emulation device side CSYNCIN DFGIN DPGIN CFGIN CFGAMP0 CFGCPIN CTLDLY RECCTL+ RECCTL– CTLIN CTLOUT1 CTLOUT2 VREFC Caution When the chip set board is connected with the IE-784915-R-EM1, power supply V from the target is connected with LV...
APPENDIX A PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Product name IE-784915-R-EM1 10 to 40 °C (however, there should be no condensation.) Operating temperature Humidity 10 to 80% (however, there should be no condensation.) –15 to +45 °C (however, there should be no condensation.) Storage temperature Power supply +3.0 V to +5.5 V (supplied from IE-784000-R)
This chapter explains an outline of the EP-784915GF-R. 1.1 Operating Environment The EP-784915GF-R is a probe set to connect the IE-784915-R-EM1 with the target system. Connection by means of the EP-784915GF-R prepares a debugging environment for the microcontroller and allows you to perform integrated debugging of hardware and software of the target system using the µ...
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CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Figure 1-2. EP-784915GF-R Configuration <1> LCC type EP-784915GF-R Cable Chip set board Target connection part Dummy board (LCC type) <2> QFP EP-784915GF-R Cable Chip set board Screw Target connection part Dummy board (QFP type)
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CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION <1> Cables The cables are used to connect CN1 and CN2 of the EP-784915-R-EM1 with the chip set board. The cables come with earth clips and external sense clips connected. • Earth clips Connect them to GND of the target system. They allow the GND potential of the IE-784000-R to become the same as that of the target system making them resistant to static electricity and noise.
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Two chip set boards are attached to the IE-784915-R-EM1; one is for the µ PD784915 subseries, and other is for the µ PD784928 and 784928Y subseries. The emulation probe can be made compatible with any product in the µ...
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CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Figure 1-4. Dummy Board (1) LCC type • Side to be connected to chip set board • Side to be connected to target system (2) QFP type • Side to be connected to chip set board •...
(1) Turn off the power of the IE-784000-R. (2) Remove the cover of the IE-784000-R. (3) Connect the IE-784915-R-EM1 to the IE-784000-R-EM. (4) Insert the IE-784000-R-EM and IE-784915-R-EM1 in the IE-784000-R. (5) Put the cover on the IE-784000-R. 2.1.2 Connection of IE-784000-R and EP-784915GF-R (1) Connect the EP-784915GF-R to the emulation probe connection DIN connectors (CN1 and CN2 of the IE- 784915-R-EM1) on the IE-784000-R.
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CHAPTER 2 CONNECTION Figure 2-1. Example of Connection of IE-784000-R Main Unit and EP-784915GF-R Fitting screws Emulation probe (CN1) (CN2) IE-784000-R main unit Caution The connection locations vary depending on the I/O emulation board. See the IE-784000-R User’s Manual.
CHAPTER 2 CONNECTION 2.1.3 Connection of EP-784915GF-R and target system The emulation probe and target system are connected in the following order. Cautions 1. Before connecting the EP-784915GF-R with the target system, be sure to connect the earth clips first. Without the earth clips, the IE-784000-R may be destroyed by static electricity, etc.
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CHAPTER 2 CONNECTION Figure 2-2. Example of Connection of EP-784915GF-R and Target System (LCC Type) EP-784915GF-R Chip set board Dummy board (for LCC type) EV-9200GF-100 IE-784000-R Target system <1> Connect the chip set board and dummy board. <2> Connect the EP-784915GF-R and <1>. <3>...
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CHAPTER 2 CONNECTION Figure 2-3. Example of Connection of EP-784915GF-R and Target System (QFP Type) EP-784915GF-R Chip set board Dummy board (for QFP type) NQPACK100RB IE-784000-R Target system <1> Connect the dummy board and target system and then fix them with screws. <2>...
CHAPTER 2 CONNECTION 2.1.4 Connection of external sense clips The EP-784915GF-R is provided with 8 external sense clips that can trace signals of hardware on the target system in real-time. Since the external sense clips are directly connected to the HCT244 input buffer in the IE-784000-R, they are TTL- level inputs.
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CHAPTER 2 CONNECTION When using the external sense clips, connect them in the following order. (1) Turn off the power of the target system and IE-784000-R, in that order. (2) Attach the IC clips (sold separately) to any IC to be traced on the target system. (3) Connect the external sense clips to the IC clips attached.
CHAPTER 2 CONNECTION 2.2 Powering-On/Powering-Off Order After connection of the emulation probe and target system is completed, turn on the power. The powering-on/ powering-off order is as follows. Caution Be sure to observe the powering-on/powering-off order. Failing to observe it may destroy the IE-784000-R.
CHAPTER 2 CONNECTION 2.3 Removing EP-784915GF-R from Target System Remove the EP-784915GF-R from the target system in the following order. (1) LCC type <1> Turn off the power of the target system. <2> Turn off the power of the IE-784000-R. <3>...
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