Viking G-6000P Technical Data Manual page 10

Preaction with electric release
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��re���i�n 34�j
The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058
Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email:
�. ��e ���er �n�� �ri� ���� is s�ill ��nne��e�� ��y n�� be re���e�� fr�� ��e ��l�e b���y. (I� ��y be ne�ess�ry �� pry ��e ��l�e
o�en as the dia�hragm may bond itself to the cover and body over time.)
C. removing / replacing the Check Diaphragm: (Refer �� Figure 11.)
1. ��e ��e�k ��i�p�r�g� (8) ��y be lif�e�� fr�� ��e ��l�e b���y (1).
2. If ne�ess�ry�� repl��e ��e ��e�k ��i�p�r�g� (8).
D. Inspecting the Prime Chamber and Coupling for Leaks: (Refer �� Figure 5.)
If ��esire���� i� is p�ssible �� se� ��e �������� ��l�e �n�� inspe�� f�r le�ks �i�� ��e ���er re���e��.
1. Slowly o�en the �rime valve.
2. With �rime water established, �artially o�en the main water su��ly control valve.
3. �isu�lly inspe�� ��e insi��e �f ��e �������� ��l�e f�r le�ks.
4. Cl�se ��e ���er supply ��n�r�l ��l�e.
E. removing / replacing the Prime Coupling: (Refer �� Figure 11.)
1. O�en the 1/2" union on the �rime line.
2. Using � �ren�� �n ��e fl��s �f ��e ��upling (7)�� re���e ��e ��upling (7) fr�� ��e ��l�e b���y (1).
3. Inspe�� ��e ��upling (7) �n�� ��� O�rings (5 �n�� �). Repl��e if ne�ess�ry.
F. removing / replacing the Prime Chamber Assembly: (Refer �� Figure 11.)
1. ��e pri�e ����ber �sse�bly (4) is n�� �el�� in pl��e by ��� fl�nges �n ��e �u�si��e ��i��e�er �f ��e �sse�bly. Sli��e ��e pri�e
����ber �sse�bly (4) ����r�� ��e pri�e line �n�� re���e fr�� ��e b���y (1).
2. Ins�ect and re�lace if necessary.
3. Inspe�� ��e se�� (2). ��e se�� s��ul�� be �le�n �n�� free �f f�reign ���eri�l. If ��e se�� is �����ge���� ��e �������� ��l�e �us�
be re�laced.
G. re-Assembling the Valve: (Refer �� Figure 11.)
1. ��l��e ��e pri�e ����ber �sse�bly (4) in ��e ��l�e b���y (1). M�ke sure ��e ��� fl�nges �re p�si�i�ne�� in ��e gr���e.
2. ��re��� ��e pri�e ��upling (7) in�� ��e ��l�e b���y (1). M�ke sure ��e en�� �f ��e pri�e ��upling (7) is inser�e�� in�� ��e pri�e
����ber �sse�bly (4).
3. L�y ��e ��e�k ��i�p�r�g� (8) in�� ��e ��l�e b���y (1).
4. ���si�i�n ��e ���er �n�� ��e ��l�e b���y (1)�� �n�� ins��ll �n�� �ig��en ��e ���er s�re�s (1�).
5. Re�ins��ll �ny �ri� ���� ��s re���e��.
6. Place the valve in service by following the ste�s in Section 4.F.
��e �iking M���el �������� ��l�e is ���il�ble ��r�ug� � ne���rk �f ����es�i� �n�� in�ern��i�n�l ��is�ribu��rs. See ��e �iking C�rp. Web
si�e f�r �l�ses� ��is�ribu��r �r ��n���� ��e �iking C�rp�r��i�n.
6" MoDEL G-6000P PrEACTIoN
June 1, 2011


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